Search Results for: opportunities

Workplace culture is not something to be changed with hashtags

Workplace culture is not something to be changed with hashtags

workplace cultureThe state of the nation’s mental health and subsequent pressure on organisations to do ‘something’ has resulted in a PR opportunity for those who see it and take it. While mental health is high on the agenda of workplace culture improvements, several organisations, including Barclays, Eon and Unilever to name a few, have signed an open letter to The Times pledging to prioritise mental health as employees return to work, after research showed that more than a third of workers were struggling. More →

Oslo tops list of cities with the best work-life balance

Oslo tops list of cities with the best work-life balance

work-life balanceCloud-based access control company Kisi has released their 2020 work-life balance city index, highlighting how major cities from the 2019 edition have since been impacted by the global pandemic. While every city in the index suffered economic, social and structural consequences, the results of this year’s edition claim that having a safety net in place for workers made a large difference in how a city navigated the crisis. More →

Future of work has arrived sooner than expected, WEF report claims

Future of work has arrived sooner than expected, WEF report claims

future of workThe Future of Jobs 2020 report from the World Economic Forum claims that COVID-19 has caused the labour market to change faster than expected. The research suggests that what was recently considered the future of work has now arrived. By 2025, automation and a new division of labour between humans and machines will disrupt 85 million jobs globally in medium and large businesses across 15 industries and 26 economies. More →

Future of the workplace: Sustainability, climate change and COVID-19

Future of the workplace: Sustainability, climate change and COVID-19

SustainabilityEnvironmental and sustainability professional, Dr Leyla Acaroglu, and next generation employee experience platform and intranet provider, Unily, have launched the Future of Workplace Sustainability Report, which explores how sustainability, climate change and COVID-19 are shaping the future of the workplace. More →

From the archive: Preparing ourselves for the coming era of the boundless office

From the archive: Preparing ourselves for the coming era of the boundless office 0

Originally published in Feb 2016. Ever since people first started working in modern offices just over a century ago, we’ve grown accustomed to the idea of a constantly evolving workplace. Trends in office design have tracked those in management thinking, social attitudes, technology, demographics, architecture, the economy and legislation. Yet for most of that elongated century, there were some underlying principles that remained pretty constant. More →

Half of Brits would resign if forced to return to the office during the pandemic

Half of Brits would resign if forced to return to the office during the pandemic

pandemicWith current government advice encouraging all those who can work from home to do so, it’s no surprise that Britain’s businesses and employees are navigating a new normal. New research from Owl Labs, sheds light on Britain’s attitudes to work during, and after, a Global Pandemic. More →

Many people are demoralised, disconnected and worried. We need to talk about that.

Many people are demoralised, disconnected and worried. We need to talk about that.

Since March, Glint has been creating a dataset which now consists of 7 million survey responses from employees around the world and across a broad range of industries. Our aim is to take the pulse of the global workforce to see how it’s faring with our ongoing global health crisis and to understand its effects on work. More →

Uncompetitive companies pose threat to future prosperity

Uncompetitive companies pose threat to future prosperity

uncompetitive companiesA new model of competitiveness devised by academics at Goldsmiths, University of London in partnership with Microsoft scores almost half (46 percent) of UK firms in the lowest quadrant, posing a threat to Britain’s prosperity as organisations rally from the impact of COVID-19, and prepare for Brexit as UK-EU negotiations reach their conclusion that such uncompetitive companies pose a serious threat to the country’s future prosperity . More →

Four in ten UK workers feel their mental health is worse than a year ago

Four in ten UK workers feel their mental health is worse than a year ago

mental healthA new study by independent job board, CV-Library claims four in 10 (42.9 percent) professionals feel their mental health is worse than it was a year ago. What’s more, female workers appear to be suffering more than their male counterparts (46.9 percent of women vs. 39.9 percent of men). More →

Mental health widely seen as a barrier to career progression

Mental health widely seen as a barrier to career progression

mental healthNew research from recruitment agency Hays claims that nearly a quarter (24 percent) of those who have or have experienced a mental health condition feel they do not have equal access to the same career progression opportunities as other colleagues. Similarly, 12 percent of those who have had or experienced mental ill health said they felt this had led to their chances of being selected for a job being lowered. More →

Career priorities transformed by COVID-19 as workers seek more ethical jobs

Career priorities transformed by COVID-19 as workers seek more ethical jobs

Covid-19 has shifted UK worker career priorities with professionals turning towards more socially-conscious employers including the Environment Agency and Oxfam, according to a survey of more than 23,000 people, by Universum. More →

New support for employees experiencing domestic abuse

New support for employees experiencing domestic abuse

Following a surge in calls from individuals to domestic abuse helplines during lockdown, the CIPD and EHRC have published new guidance for employers, setting out how to recognise and support staff experiencing domestic abuse. A CIPD survey of UK employees claims that just under a quarter (24 percent) are aware of their employer having a policy or support in place on domestic abuse. More →