Search Results for: workers

Majority of UK workers would choose an employer based on health and wellbeing support

Majority of UK workers would choose an employer based on health and wellbeing support

workersA survey of hybrid-office and home-based UK workers gives insight for employers into some of today’s biggest needs for office workers to carry out their roles. 73 percent of UK workers believe that the provision of ergonomic work conditions, as well as support for their health, will play a bigger role when choosing a company to work for. More →

Creating a supportive environment for vital deskless workers

Creating a supportive environment for vital deskless workers

deskless The Josh Bersin Company a research and advisory company focused on HR and workforce trends and issues, has released its latest report based on insights from its ongoing Big Reset executive working groups. The report, The Big Reset Playbook: Deskless Workers, focuses on the recommended practices needed to create optimal work experiences for “deskless” employees in retail, healthcare, manufacturing, hospitality, transportation, and other sectors. More →

Millions of workers feel rushed back to the office before being ready

Millions of workers feel rushed back to the office before being ready

With more than 13.5 million workers having returned to their place of work for at least one day a week, more than four million say that they do not feel entirely safe doing so, claims new research by Direct Line Life Insurance. Some 5.5 million workers would work from home permanently if given the option and 3.6 million feel as though they are being rushed back in by their employer. More →

Three quarters of UK businesses think that remote workers pose a greater threat than office workers

Three quarters of UK businesses think that remote workers pose a greater threat than office workers

workersIn a survey of UK cyber security, IT and business professionals commissioned by WatchGuard Technologies, 75 percent of respondents believe that remote workers pose a greater IT security risk to their business than office workers.

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Managers can be blind to some of the stresses of home workers

Managers can be blind to some of the stresses of home workers

Are managers blind to the needs of home workers?Managers in the increasingly digital, knowledge-fuelled and hybrid working environment may not be able to see the “invisible” strains on workers juggling home life and their workloads, a report by Advanced Workplace Associates (AWA) claims. The challenge of managing mental workload is rapidly becoming critical and employers need to be more aware of factors that could impact the effect on home workers and do more to understand and mitigate the factors, AWA says in the report (registration). More →

Young workers most concerned remote work will impact career success

Young workers most concerned remote work will impact career success

youngYoung professionals and students have far greater concerns about the rise of remote work than their senior counterparts, according to a new report from Universum. The annual Most Attractive Employers report, which surveyed over 18,000 people in the UK, suggests in the wake of the pandemic and Brexit, a remote-working ‘leadership gap’ could contribute to future skills shortages as junior and senior professionals have vastly different views on being out of the office. More →

Remote workers to enjoy increased tax relief, Irish government announces

Remote workers to enjoy increased tax relief, Irish government announces

remote workers

Remote workers in Ireland will now enjoy increased tax relief on the cost of heating, electricity and broadband, following the government’s latest budget announcement. Those working from home will see income tax deductions of 30 percent of the cost of certain expenses, which the Minister for Finance claims will help to offset some of the expected increases in energy costs. More →

Time for businesses to step up and deliver flexibility and wellbeing for workers

Time for businesses to step up and deliver flexibility and wellbeing for workers

wellbeing and flexibility matterAt this time of year, with events such as Happiness at Work Week and Mental Health Awareness Day, mental health and wellbeing have been brought into sharp focus. Businesses are starting to look forward with a small degree of optimism. This optimism is not necessarily derived from the current state of their business or even their sector, but rather from being able to make proactive plans rather than in reactive mode which has been the default setting for the past 18 months.  This is a challenge, but one which can be met with a degree of excitement and anticipation as the business has a chance to make an impact both within its business surroundings, but also for the people who work within the business. More →

Workers feel more trusted and motivated thanks to hybrid working

Workers feel more trusted and motivated thanks to hybrid working

workersNew research from Kadence (formerly Chargifi) claims that after a year of flexible working, almost two-thirds of US and UK office workers (62 percent) now feel more trusted to do their job effectively. Of those workers, half also feel more motivated to do a better quality job (51 percent) and go the extra mile (48 percent) thanks to their new working arrangements. More →

Hybrid workers retain concerns of discrimination, career and always on culture

Hybrid workers retain concerns of discrimination, career and always on culture

hybridPoly has released a new report outlining the evolution of the workplace and changing employee attitudes to the 9-5. The Poly Evolution of the Workplace report provides analysis on the findings of a survey of 7,261 hybrid workers from the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Poland and the United Arab Emirates. It examines how attitudes and behaviours have evolved – looking at everything from working patterns and culture, to frustration and noise, right down to what we wear. More →

‘Great Resignation’ means companies must adapt to needs of workers

‘Great Resignation’ means companies must adapt to needs of workers

Great resignationWorkers are leaving jobs like never before, and it’s causing a shortage of talent that has companies around the globe reeling, according to a survey conducted by Citrix Systems. Based on a poll of 1,000 US based knowledge workers, 40 percent have left at least one job in the past year or are considering doing so. The report from the firm sets out the factors behind the so-called Great Resignation and what firms may have to do in response. More →

Almost half of UK workers would hide health issues from employer

Almost half of UK workers would hide health issues from employer

healthAlmost half of UK employees would not talk to their employer if they were experiencing a health issue, having a detrimental impact on business performance and culture, according to new research from Benenden Health. More →