Search Results for: health

Pandemic has improved employee engagement levels say employers

Pandemic has improved employee engagement levels say employers

employee engagementEmployee engagement levels may have actually improved during the COVID-19 pandemic, claims a recent survey undertaken by intermediary Howden Employee Benefits & Wellbeing. More →

Staff in small companies need less employer support than those in larger firms

Staff in small companies need less employer support than those in larger firms

supportAccording to a recent Kaspersky survey, people who work in companies with fewer than 50 employees, on average, need less employer support when working remotely, compared to staff in larger businesses. Emotional or psychological support is an exception. More →

2021 presents the tech sector with once in a generation opportunities

2021 presents the tech sector with once in a generation opportunities

The COVID-19 pandemic left businesses in an unprecedented position of having to rapidly adapt workplace practices and implement new processes at a moment’s notice. Of course, those companies that were already accustomed to home office set-ups and flexible hours were in a much better place to adapt to these changing circumstances. However, not all businesses were prepared for the sudden change to work routines. More →

Lockdown forces one-in-three working parents to lie to bosses about home schooling

Lockdown forces one-in-three working parents to lie to bosses about home schooling

home schoolingNew research by MHR International, shows one-in-three working parents (33 percent) have lied to their boss about how they are coping with the balance between home schooling and work during the current lockdown. More →

The UK’s digital divide is closing considerably slower than official targets

The UK’s digital divide is closing considerably slower than official targets

digital divideNew data analysis by web design and development agency Rouge Media, claims the digital divide in the UK is closing considerably slower than official targets. In the Government’s 2014 “Digital Inclusion Strategy”, the target was set to reduce the number of people offline by 25 percent every 2 years. And by the end of 2020, everyone who can be digitally capable, will be. More →

Workspace Show in London opens its doors for first time this year

Workspace Show in London opens its doors for first time this year

Workspace Show is an exciting addition to the global design events calendar, launching on 21 January this year, with the inaugural edition taking place from 4-5 November 2021 at London’s Business Design Centre, at the heart of the UK’s commercial interiors community. With a theme of ‘re-designing tomorrow’s commercial interiors together’ the show aims to unite architects, designers, developers, contractors, facilities managers, procurement managers and more in one place to explore and share the latest industry thinking from product launches to a comprehensive talks program to networking opportunities aplenty. More →

Burnt out workers need to regain some balance

Burnt out workers need to regain some balance

The pandemic and months of Zoom calls and remote work have begun to wear on us, so much so that in a recent survey from Blind – the anonymous workplace community app – 68 percent of respondents said that they are experiencing more feelings of  being burnt out now, than they were before the pandemic began. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 29 percent of the respondents said their relationship with their direct boss was now worse than it had been before they began working remotely. And it’s not just top-down relationships at work that have deteriorated. More →

Workers feel overworked as a result of the pandemic

Workers feel overworked as a result of the pandemic

Hardworking professionals are feeling the effects of longer working days and unpaid overtime, according to new research by law firm, Wright Hassall.  The study claims that on average workers are performing nine or more hours of overtime in a given week, which totals more than one working day, compared to just three or more hours before the start of the pandemic. The research also claims that more than half (52 percent) are actually doing so without being paid for this. More →

Your organisation really needs to stop talking about a second pandemic

Your organisation really needs to stop talking about a second pandemic

don't speak of a pandemic that may not happenIt was in the summer of 2020 that conversations about a second pandemic of mental health issues first started. As we began to see and feel our mental health suffering due to the ongoing impact of COVID19, this idea gained momentum and interest within business sectors. This concept has also been leapt upon by health and wellbeing consultants everywhere as they whip up a storm discussing the inevitable wave of mental health issues threatening to engulf our employees in the future. More →

You will hear a lot more about purpose, communication and rituals at work this year

You will hear a lot more about purpose, communication and rituals at work this year

purpose, communication and ritualsLast year, many organisations were forced overnight to adjust to new ways of working. Digital transformation accelerated, and collaborative activities were recreated virtually. But while teams have adapted functionally to maintain productivity, organisational leaders need to pay special attention to the “intangible” cultural aspects and their overall purpose. More →

Businesses warned of a looming crisis of trust from employees in 2021

Businesses warned of a looming crisis of trust from employees in 2021

employeesOrganisations face a crisis of trust this year if they continue to make workplace decisions in the dark, according to employee experience platform, Leesman. A study across 145,000+ global employees claims a series of acute factors impacting an employees’ ability to work remotely. More →

Money troubles are more damaging to wellbeing of the self-employed

Money troubles are more damaging to wellbeing of the self-employed

wellbeingFinancial distress is more damaging to the wellbeing of the self-employed than those in employment, claims new research from Trinity Business School. According to the research, authored by Dr Martha O’Hagan-Luff at Trinity Business School, alongside fellow Trinity academics, financial problems are more strongly associated with lower levels of wellbeing for those that are self-employed. More →