Search Results for: business

Workers and employers differ on progress towards workplace equality

Workers and employers differ on progress towards workplace equality

A gap exists between the way leaders and employees view progress toward equality in their organisations, according to new research from Accenture. Closing the gap will yield benefits for companies and their employees. The report, “Getting to Equal 2020: The Hidden Value of Culture Makers,” which includes research across 28 countries, claims that organisations are at an inflection point. Today’s UK workforce cares increasingly about workplace culture and believes it is critical to helping them thrive in the workplace (reported by 80 percent of women and 66 percent of men), and a majority of leaders (62 percent) believe an inclusive workplace culture is vital to the success of their business. More →

Flexible offices are not just an issue for the next generation

Flexible offices are not just an issue for the next generation

flexible officesFor as long as I have been in the industry, workspace has focused on the “next” generation whether that has been the overly-discussed millennials or Gen-Z.  As it has grown, the market for flexible offices has inevitably followed the same path, but in doing so its providers could have taken their eyes off the ball by lacking focus on the most cash-rich and flexible generation of all – Generation X. More →

Office politics major source of work related stress

Office politics major source of work related stress

Perkbox commissioned a new study of 1,815 employed people to present a examination into the changing landscape of work-related stress in 2020. The study compared results to 2018 data in order to identify how sources of work-related stress and the solutions offered by employers are changing. The study claims that 79 percent of adults in employment commonly experience work-related stress. More →

Does an employee representative on the board mean reduced CEO pay?

Does an employee representative on the board mean reduced CEO pay?

Having an employee representative on the director’s board has absolutely no impact on reducing the pay level of the company’s CEO, according to research from Vlerick Business School. This research claims that contrary to the belief that employee representation on the board reduces high profit margins and greater controls the remuneration of CEOs, giving more ownership and finances to a company’s employees. More →

Half of strategic decision making in organisations fails

Half of strategic decision making in organisations fails

More than half of all strategic decisions made by directors turn out to be wrong according to new research, conducted by PHD student Joep Steffes at Nyenrode Business University. This is due to time constraints, not having all of the information, and bias which often causes directors to make important decisions that are not based on reason but ‘gut’. These decisions, which could be deciding not to enter a new market or to pursue a merger, require more thought than your average decision – a director can’t simply rely on automatic actions, speed, and intuition. More →

Tech firms drive explosion in Oxford office costs

Tech firms drive explosion in Oxford office costs

Office rent in Oxfordshire has shot up an eye-watering 24.3 percent in a year, with Bidwells’ latest research suggesting the need to fast-track new office and laboratory space to fulfil the explosion in demand from growing technology companies. Bidwells recorded more than 1.1 million sq ft of office and laboratory space being sought in Oxfordshire – another all-time high – with just 569,500 sq ft of space available, less than was on offer at the end of 2018. More →

A great company culture is the basis for successful flexible working

A great company culture is the basis for successful flexible working

company cultureCompany culture is more integral to remote platforms than it is to traditional bricks-and-mortar enterprises. In a disjointed setting, culture is what holds a team together, and marries it to the company’s values. Not only is this a boon to getting work done, it’s a formula for business success. Consider the main challenges to many people working in concert from different locations: accessing information, clearly communicating, making decisions that reflect an organization’s mission. When we optimize these actions, we’re more productive and better able to serve customers and meet objectives. More →

People like coworking spaces, but face a number of challenges

People like coworking spaces, but face a number of challenges

coworking spacesEmployees enjoy working in a coworking space, claims a recent Clutch report — 77 percent of coworking employees are satisfied with their shared office space. Just because people are happy in a coworking environment does not mean they don’t experience challenges working in one though. Clutch surveyed 500 coworking employees across the U.S. to learn exactly what challenges they face in their coworking space. More →

Majority of Brits struggle to make ends meet

Majority of Brits struggle to make ends meet

According to the latest survey from CV-Library, the majority of Brits admit that they struggle to make ends meet, but over half are still too scared to ask their employer for a pay rise. The study, which surveyed 2,000 British professionals, claims that 18-24 year-olds are the most likely to struggle financially; with 67.7 percent of respondents in this age group finding it hard to make ends meet. This is closely followed by 66.7 percent of 35-44 year-olds and 60.9 percent of 25-35 year-olds.

What’s more, the survey also suggests that 61.3 percent of Brits feel confident about securing a higher paid role elsewhere. Men were most confident about this (64.4 percent of men vs 57 percent of women), as were 25-34 year olds (65.5 percent) and 18-24 year olds (63.8 percent).

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Expectations at work are changing

Expectations at work are changing

New research from Aon, claims that 94 percent of employers believe their employees’ expectations of work experience are changing. In Aon’s Benefits and Trends Survey 2020, employers say their employees expect flexible working hours, the ability to work from home, better awareness and handling of mental health, better approaches to diversity and inclusion and better parental policies. A surprise in this year’s report is the strength of opinion on environmental and sustainability policies, coming in at the seventh most important expectation in its first year in the survey. Fifty-four percent of employers believe that employees want clarity and positivity on this subject.

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People management may be the biggest barrier to overseas growth

People management may be the biggest barrier to overseas growth

Nearly all organisations (93 percent) say that growing and managing their employee base in new countries limits their international expansion to some degree, with more than one in ten (12 percent) stating that it limits their expansion completely. This is according to the HR Challenges of International Expansion report (registration) by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), commissioned by ADP. More →

To many major firms, work is becoming just a game

To many major firms, work is becoming just a game

Corporate gamification is a growing trend in the business world. This trend uses all of the techniques that make video games so entertaining and engaging to improve day-to-day business functions. From incorporating point awards to leveling up, gamification hacks the most effective qualities of gaming to deliver educational programs and training courses. Because of the success of these methods, gamification has been growing in popularity and is a good policy for businesses to adopt. More →