Search Results for: employees

Flexibility and reskilling top priorities for UK employers in 2021

Flexibility and reskilling top priorities for UK employers in 2021

flexibilityThe COVID-19 pandemic is driving a fundamental shift in the way companies operate, accelerating the need for an adaptable and agile workforce to drive business success. According to Mercer’s 2021 Global Talent Trends study, the financial impact and work-life disruption caused by the pandemic is causing UK employers to focus on redefining flexibility and skills development to ensure their business and employees become more resilient and agile in the face of disruption.

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Working from home causes people to drift into a ‘cycle of fatigue’

Working from home causes people to drift into a ‘cycle of fatigue’

working from home and fatigueWorking from home is exacerbating an ‘always on’ culture. Data from a study of UK employees, conducted by virtual team building company Wildgoose claims that over half of respondents are struggling to keep their workloads within working hours. More →

Majority of the workforce will need new skill sets to do their jobs successfully

Majority of the workforce will need new skill sets to do their jobs successfully

skill setsHR leaders are finding it increasingly difficult to quickly find and develop talent with the most in demand skills, yet 58 percent of the workforce needs new skill sets to get their jobs done, according to Gartner, Inc. More →

Remote working affects both ends of the career ladder

Remote working affects both ends of the career ladder

remote workingWorking together in person has far-ranging benefits on everything from mental health to economic growth according to a new report by Landsec and written by IC&CO and Honeycomb Analytics. The report, In Person: why coming together for work matters, includes interviews with business leaders and analysis of recent data to delve into topics including the ability for leaders to lead and the younger generation’s capacity to learn whilst remote working. More →

Line managers are the unsung heroes of white-collar work

Line managers are the unsung heroes of white-collar work

line managersHow good your line manager is makes the difference between an employee coping or struggling in lockdown. But too often line managers’ heroic efforts are not noticed by their employers, claims new report, titled Working under Covid-19 Lockdown: Transitions and Tensions. More →

More than two-thirds of FM leaders resistant to technology progress

More than two-thirds of FM leaders resistant to technology progress

technologyOutdated attitudes towards technology amongst senior facilities management business leaders are at risk of jeopardising future business survival, claims new research by Sigma Dynamics. The Connected Enterprise report claims that 71 percent of C-suite executives, directors and senior managers are sceptical about the benefits of implementing new business technology. More →

Microsoft unveils new employee experience and wellbeing platform

Microsoft unveils new employee experience and wellbeing platform

Companies are in danger of losing top talent due to lack of flexible workingMicrosoft has announced Microsoft Viva, which it claims is the first employee experience platform to bring tools for employee engagement, learning, wellbeing and knowledge discovery, directly into people’s workflow. Viva is designed to help employees ‘learn, grow and thrive’ in the new era of working life, and is designed to work alongside existing solutions such as Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams. More →

When business leaders open up about mental health, we all benefit

When business leaders open up about mental health, we all benefit

The Covid-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented effect on the way in which we work and has brought in to focus the challenges around mental health and wellbeing.  The recognition that we are in the midst of the biggest mental health crisis since the Second World War brings the challenge in to stark focus. Time to Talk Day (today) aims to get the nation talking more openly about mental health, and there could not be a better time for it. Research from Wondrous published this week found that one in six people (17 percent) who have switched to remote working during the pandemic have seen their mental health suffer, rising to 20 percent among women and younger workers. I suspect that the inherent stigma that still surrounds mental health is masking the true percentage of people being affected. More →

Working from home wellbeing outcomes vary enormously across groups

Working from home wellbeing outcomes vary enormously across groups

working from homeWith working from home set to continue for millions of UK workers, research by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) claims that there are key health and wellbeing disparities between different groups of people who made the move to home working as a result of Covid-19. More →

Amazon unveils latest plans for new US headquarters campus

Amazon unveils latest plans for new US headquarters campus

Amazon has submitted plans for its new $2.5 billion headquarters campus, known as HQ2, in Arlington County. Virginia. The NBBJ designed proposal for the PenPlace campus includes a 350 ft glass tower,  three 22-story towers offering 2.8 million sq. ft of office space, a 250-seat outdoor amphitheatre, public green space, and several other buildings. The centre piece tower, officially dubbed The Helix, is a plant covered structure to emphasize the firm’s commitment to the environment and biophilic design.  More →

COVID-19 is having an unequal impact on the mental health of workers

COVID-19 is having an unequal impact on the mental health of workers

black dog mental healthWhen the COVID-19 crisis hit the UK in March 2020, many commented that the virus didn’t discriminate and that its impact would be felt equally by everyone. However, as highlighted in Nuffield Health’s recent whitepaper, the mental health impact of the virus – rising from financial worries, anxiety around health and the direct impact of COVID-19 – has hit some groups harder than others. More →

GoSpace AI teams up with JLL to deliver a revolutionary occupancy management solution

GoSpace AI teams up with JLL to deliver a revolutionary occupancy management solution

GoSpace AI and JLL, a services firm specialising in real estate and investment management, are joining forces to transform how occupancy is supported in the post-pandemic, hybrid workplace. More →