Search Results for: information

A safe and secure workplace as we emerge from the pandemic? Here’s how

A safe and secure workplace as we emerge from the pandemic? Here’s how

a safe and secure workplaceAs rush hour traffic returns to pre-pandemic levels and bosses call time on working from home, Stockport-based and photo ID card specialists Digital ID share a handful of expert tips to help formulate your plan, ease re-entry anxiety and safely manage employees and visitors on their return to a safe and secure workplace. More →

Shift to hybrid working highlights the value of weak ties

Shift to hybrid working highlights the value of weak ties

hybrid workingSomething we can expect to hear a lot about in the near future is the power of weak ties. It’s a well-established idea in sociology, anthropology, and social network analysis theory. But it’s about to be invigorated as a way of thinking about workplaces in the wake of two major peer-reviewed studies into the effects of remote work and hybrid working on people and the way they work with each other. According to the most widely cited paper on the subject of relationships, Mark Granovetter’s The Power of Weak Ties, The relationships between people can be categorised as strong, weak or absent. The latter is self-explanatory. Strong ties exist between people who are related, friend or who interact on a day to day basis. More →

London ranks 78th in the top destinations to work remotely

London ranks 78th in the top destinations to work remotely

destinationsRemote, has released a first-of-its-kind Best Destinations for Remote Work report that showcases the top 100 global destinations for remote workers, along with unique insights into location-specific incentives. The report is paired with an interactive tool and database with information on hundreds of cities across the world for users to create personalised rankings on where to work remotely based on their individual preferences. More →

Majority of UK GPs report uptick in patients seeking help for work related stress

Majority of UK GPs report uptick in patients seeking help for work related stress

work related stressResearch from Perkbox, claims that 92 percent of UK GPs report an increase in people seeking medical advice for work related stress and anxiety since the pandemic began. What’s more, 68 percent of GPs surveyed agree they have seen a hike in patients seeking support for this over the past three months compared to the start of the pandemic, and 80 percent are preparing for levels to increase further, suggesting the worst is yet to come if action isn’t taken. More →

Hybrid working opens door to greater risk of data breaches

Hybrid working opens door to greater risk of data breaches

hybrid working data breachesMore than eight in 10 (83 percent) UK businesses say hybrid working increases the risk of a data breach, yet over a fifth (22 percent) remain unprepared if it happens, ­­with speed of response the top concern. According to new research published within TransUnion’s Data Breach Support for Businesses ebook (registration), business leaders expect 43 percent of their workforce to be hybrid working in the coming year, splitting their time between the office and remote working. Yet this change to working practices means a far greater potential for devices and data to end up in the wrong hands. More →

Remote working led to drop in high quality output, Microsoft study concludes

Remote working led to drop in high quality output, Microsoft study concludes

remote workingA new study of 61,000 Microsoft employees claims that the sudden shift to remote working had a profound effect on their work behaviours and output. Overall, remote workers spent less time in meetings, had fewer real time conversations and worked in more siloed ways. Crucially it found that there was a reduction in the strengths of ties between people and fewer networking opportunities. While not suggesting that office based work and remote work are necessarily better than the other, the study concludes that the drop in loose connections and chances of networking with other teams could have a negative impact on higher quality work outputs and working culture. More →

Three quarters of firms planning to change work culture

Three quarters of firms planning to change work culture

cultureSocio-economic fault lines exposed by COVID-19 are creating an unforgiving marketplace, with companies under scrutiny from governments and the public and little room to avoid disputes and investigations into business practices and behavior, according to a new report from FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN). More →

PLAY offers new perspective on circular economy and progressive design

PLAY offers new perspective on circular economy and progressive design

Since 2018, Tarkett and Stockholm-based Note Design Studio have developed their collaboration, with the longstanding commitment that there should be no compromise when it comes to design and sustainability. This progressive journey now introduces the latest edition of the PLAY magazine. More →

iOFFICE + SpaceIQ announces strategic investment by Autodesk

iOFFICE + SpaceIQ announces strategic investment by Autodesk

iOFFICE + SpaceIQ announce a strategic investment by Autodesk, a technology firm spanning architecture, engineering, construction, product design, manufacturing, and media and entertainment. The investment, which follows the recent combination of iOFFICE + SpaceIQ, will provide integrated solutions that give businesses unequaled ability to analyse and optimise all aspects of their real estate and mission-critical assets. Terms of the investment were not disclosed. More →

Metrics can help businesses define their impact on the environment

Metrics can help businesses define their impact on the environment

impact on the environmentToday, companies cannot shy away from their responsibilities towards the environment. With Extinction Rebellion keeping the climate crisis firmly on the news agenda, and COP26 in November gathering more international attention than ever, how businesses approach and champion sustainability is under significant scrutiny. At a local level, organisations are being set targets by the UK government to commit to 100 percent renewable energy sources by 2050, and failing to meet these objectives could have substantial repercussions. More →

The focus on indoor air quality is a welcome outcome of the pandemic

The focus on indoor air quality is a welcome outcome of the pandemic

indoor air quality in officesHow has COVID-19 affected your office management practices? And what adaptations are you expecting to keep, as other parts of the building experience go back to normal? One area of adaptation that is prime to be kept long-term is greater effort spent monitoring property health and wellness metrics. While occupancy and cleaning frequency are both important to keep track of, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is also critical for landlords to keep an eye on. More →

Working culture for half of employees has deteriorated during the pandemic

Working culture for half of employees has deteriorated during the pandemic

working cultureNearly half (42 percent) of employees think the working culture of their organisation has deteriorated during the pandemic. That’s according to research by StaffCircle, which surveyed employees and HR leaders to determine the impact of the pandemic on company culture, engagement and communication. The survey identified the three Cs of COVID – culture, communication and churn – as the key challenges for businesses, with 42 percent of HR leaders saying that churn has increased since the ease of restrictions, and 30 percent of employees more likely to leave jobs post-pandemic. More →