Search Results for: workforce

Avoiding the minefield of WhatsApp communications

Avoiding the minefield of WhatsApp communications

Whether to keep colleagues updated or to share a new idea, WhatsApp groups are increasingly becoming a go-to communication tool in the workplace.  There are benefits to having such informal communication channels – they can be less hierarchical and improve cohesion within the team, as well as being a fast and easy way to communicate and share images. On the flip side, the lack of formality means that there are risks associated with them.   More →

Most business leaders think that major firms will continue to globalise

Most business leaders think that major firms will continue to globalise

In what might be interpreted as a sign of increasing globalisation, a new study from Intertrust amongst the firm’s corporate clients suggests that almost three quarters (72 percent) of business leaders expect to see more companies setting up overseas operations between now and 2024 compared to just 5 percent who believe it will fall. The conclusion is based on a survey of 100 companies ranging from start-ups to mature multinationals about their expansion plans. Over half (56 percent) of respondents said they plan to expand into up to three markets in the next two years with a further 14 percent aiming to break into four to six new countries. More →

Over half of firms believe their staff are ready to work with AI

Over half of firms believe their staff are ready to work with AI

Working with AIMore than half (57 percent) of UK companies are confident their staff are prepared for an artificial intelligence (AI) enabled workspace according to a new report from Genesys. This is broadly in line with the attitudes of workers themselves, according to another report from the company which claims that 46 percent of people say they are ready to work with the technology. The latest  survey claims that over half of employers (55 percent) think their employees are anxious that their jobs will be eliminated by AI. However, employers believe this fear is unfounded with only 11 percent saying AI will actually put jobs at risk. In fact, 51 percent of UK based companies don’t anticipate any major staffing changes as a result of AI, despite recent headlines that portraying it as a threat to jobs. More →

Third of workers at small businesses are not happy with their jobs

Third of workers at small businesses are not happy with their jobs

unhappy workersOver a third of employees (39 percent) at small-to-medium sized (SMB) businesses in the UK are unhappy with their jobs and 36 percent believe their employer does too little to retain them, according to new research from People First, the HR solutions provider. Exploring the attitudes of 250 bosses and 250 employees across the UK, the research found a major difference in outlook as more than eight-in-ten (86 percent) SMB bosses believe they have happy workforces. When asked to rate out of ten the scale of engagement among employees at their companies, 77 percent of these bosses said it was between eight and ten, with ten being the most content and engaged. More →

Age discrimination now begins for tech workers at 29

Age discrimination now begins for tech workers at 29

A new study from tech recruiter CWJobs claims to identify what it calls the ‘staggering level’ of ageism that IT and tech workers face at work. From seemingly innocuous comments to being overlooked for promotion in favour of younger colleagues, a worrying number of the UK’s tech-sector employees are facing daily hurdles to prove they’re not yet a career ‘dinosaur’. Well over a third (41 percent) of IT and tech-sector workers said they have observed age discrimination in the workplace, compared to 27 percent average across other UK industries.  It’s no surprise then that 61 percent of workers in the sector answered ‘yes’ when asked if, in the tech industry employees experience prejudice when considered to be older, the highest of any UK sector. More →

Firms turning to “corporate wellness” programmes as a solution for stress

Firms turning to “corporate wellness” programmes as a solution for stress

corporate wellness and stressA new report by workforce performance firm CR Worldwide (CR), drawing on data from 287,000 employees at over 120 large enterprises, claims that as the incidence and awareness of the issue of stress grows, firms have responded with a 22 percent year-on-year increase in UK spending on perceived solutions such as corporate getaways with companies now spending an average of £3,100 per person per trip. The proportion of activity or nature-based business trips involved in such wellness programmes has more than doubled to 56 percent in 2019 compared to the previous year. With human-animal interactions believed to have therapeutic effects on mental health, UK firms are also increasingly offering ‘nature tourism’, from orangutan treks in Borneo to working with endangered rhinos in Rwanda and shark diving. Husky sledging is now among the top 5 Christmas corporate travel activities for UK firms. More →

Gartner report sets out top 5 priorities for HR leaders in 2020

Gartner report sets out top 5 priorities for HR leaders in 2020

HR leadersAs 2020 approaches, HR leaders are focused on five key measures to continue driving business outcomes, according to a report from Gartner. The priorities include: building critical skills and competencies, strengthening the current and future leadership bench, incorporating organisational design and change management, driving digital business transformation, and enhancing employee experience. More →

Firms know of a link between worker experience and success, but cannot find it

Firms know of a link between worker experience and success, but cannot find it

worker experienceAgainst a backdrop of Brexit, political turmoil and a global talent war, retaining the best staff to deliver a competitive advantage has become a crucial priority for many UK business leaders – however few know how to create and deliver the best worker experience, according to new research from Kincentric. More →

Migration adds billions to European economies, report claims

Migration adds billions to European economies, report claims

diversity in hiring can help firms address the skills gapA new study claims that the income from taxation and the benefits of welcoming an educated workforce in EU member states adds up to tens of billions of pounds. According to an analysis by Movinga, the UK gains the most in overall earnings over 10 years with around £20.5 billion, followed by Germany with £16 billion, and France with £10.5 billion. The report claims that the overall earnings and savings from highly skilled migration to the UK over a ten year period in the STEM, Education and Healthcare sectors could cover the annual expenditure of the UK Parliament 37 times over. The overall earnings and savings from highly skilled migration to the UK over a ten year period in the Healthcare sector alone is equivalent to the cost of 37,000 secondary care (emergency) hospital beds per year. More →

A quarter of workers would accept a significant pay cut to work in an eco-friendly role

A quarter of workers would accept a significant pay cut to work in an eco-friendly role

workers willing to take pay cutRising interest in climate change among the UK population has now reached such a level that our desire to take action is impacting our careers – with over a quarter of workers (26 percent) willing to take a salary cut in order to move to an environmentally conscious company or an NGO (non-governmental organisation), according to a new survey from TotalJobs. An additional 28 percent said they would consider quitting their job to work with for an organisation they considered to be more environmentally friendly than their current one, a figure that jumps to 50 percent when applied to millennial workers, aged between 23 and 38. More →

Half of self-employed people do not know what IR35 is

Half of self-employed people do not know what IR35 is

New research from FreeAgent conducted with 2000 self employed people in the UK, claims that more than half (57 percent) don’t know what IR35 is. The sets of tax legislation encompassed by IR35, designed to combat tax avoidance by workers and the firms hiring them, is unknown to over half of the people most affected by it – the self employed. The legislation, which has been heavily criticised by tax experts and the business community as being poorly conceived, badly implemented by HMRC and causing unnecessary costs and hardships for genuine small businesses, has not been well communicated to self employed people, the research reveals. Tax experts have predicted that IR35 could reduce a worker’s net income by up to 25 percent and Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sajid Javid, recently announced the Conservative Party’s plan to review IR35 as part of its manifesto. More →

Manifesto calls for action on disability inclusion as pay gap for disabled people widens

Manifesto calls for action on disability inclusion as pay gap for disabled people widens

two people talking to illustrate the issue of disability inclusionA leading non-profit disability and business organisation is calling on the future Government to commit to a series of actions to support businesses to deliver on disability inclusion. Business Disability Forum published its ‘Manifesto for Inclusive Change’ today (3 December) to mark the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The manifesto calls for action in seven areas to ensure that the role businesses play in disabled people’s lives is enhanced, not inhibited, by government policy. To read Business Disability Forum’s ‘Manifesto for Inclusive Change’ go to . Follow the debate at #DisabilitySmart. More →