People work better with robots when they see them as teammates

People work better with robots when they see them as teammates

robotsWe might not be able to control our emotions towards robots metallic but fear not. We perform all the better as a team for it. No longer the realm of the privileged US military, robotic technology is edging into households and workplaces at a keen pace. At work, robots prop up teams across a diverse range of industries, often taking on the more dangerous or otherwise challenging tasks. More →

Workplace trust is hard earned but essential

Workplace trust is hard earned but essential

Trust is essential in the workplaceTrust is a tough trait to control and manage. Often, people are reluctant to put their full trust in someone simply because they like to be in control of their actions. Other times, people spend months and years building up a rapport with someone only to find themselves exploited at the last minute, which completely breaks down whatever relationship they might have had.

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Organisations must meet needs of young parents or risk failure

Organisations must meet needs of young parents or risk failure

Organisations face a problem that could impact their very survival. Parents want to be supported by their employers during the transition to becoming working parents, but organisations are currently ill-equipped to deal with parental leave, or to keep people engaged throughout it. In a world of relentless change, companies failing to react to and meet the expectations of this part of their workforce risk disaster. More →

Working hours and the truth about the demands we meet

Working hours and the truth about the demands we meet

As reported recently, Labourā€™s John McDonnell says that his party would introduce a 32-hour working week. Very French. Whatā€™s more, he states that this should not impact on peopleā€™s wages because ā€˜People should work to live, not live to workā€™. Donā€™t disagree there. However, for a vast number of workers this isnā€™t viable; especially in the knowledge economy. Admittedly, there will be people in factories, call centres, etc who will be relieved at the prospect of fewer working hours and more hours with loved ones. More →

The art of arranging the world so we do not have to experience it

The art of arranging the world so we do not have to experience it

If youā€™re a man, each morning as you leave the house you probably perform the bleary-eyed pocket patting ritual that, after a shower, shave and a cup of tea is your sole reassurance that you are in any way prepared for the day ahead. The thinking is that if youā€™re clean, caffeinated, your flies are up and youā€™ve got your keys, wallet and phone, you can take pretty much anything the world can throw at you. More →

Breaking free of the linearity of modern work

Breaking free of the linearity of modern work

We are working hard, but not smart.Ā Research released by the TUC in April shows that UK workers are putting in the longest hours in the EU, but this isnā€™t translating into improved productivity. In fact, the research shows employees in Denmark put in over four hours less than UK workers ā€“ whilst productivity in Denmark is 23.5 percent higher than the UK. More →

Agile workplaces need to strike the right balance

Agile workplaces need to strike the right balance

Meeting rooms in agile workspacesMeeting rooms are a lot like buses. You wait ages for one and then three become available all at once. Sometimes none turn up at all. Research by Kinnarps, which we do as part our Next Office consultancy, has found something that might not come as a great surprise. Employees are deeply frustrated with the lack of meeting room availability, often even in agile workplaces, especially locked-down project rooms. More →

Ergonomics regs are still relevant in the age of agile work

Ergonomics regs are still relevant in the age of agile work

Ergonomics in play at Diageo Singapore with Flokk chairsRecently Mark Eltringham of Insight argued that ergonomics regulations have become something of an anachronism in recent years. When I first became involved in the workplace ergonomics industry in late 1992, the new Display Screen Equipment ā€™computer userā€™ guidance was about to be given the force of law through the introduction of the DSE Regulations. These regulations were updated again in 2002 but, since then, no changes have been made. More →

The office of the future should be circular

The office of the future should be circular

The WWF Living Planet Centre gives a taste of the office of the futureMinimising the impact of business on the wider environment is no longer a ā€˜nice to haveā€™ but a business imperative. Pressure is coming from all stakeholders including employees, investors, customers and clients, government and the media. According to the Leadership in Corporate Sustainability ā€“ European Report 2018, three quarters of European business leaders believe that ignoring sustainability will affect their companyā€™s ability to create long-term value. More →

Striking the balance between the office and remote work

Striking the balance between the office and remote work

remote workOnce upon a time the concept of ā€˜remote workingā€™ beyond outsourced contractors was almost unheard of. Employers viewed remote work as an opportunity for workers to be less productive, out of contact and generally more inefficient. As an employer myself, I would have agreed with these misconceptions early on in my career. However, after many years of hiring staff that either work part- or even full-time remotely, I can confidently say the myths are unfounded; even I am now more prone to remote working. More →

Flexible working in the age of longevity

Flexible working in the age of longevity

Global life expectancy is growing at its fastest rate since the 1960s. Today, a 20-year-old has a 50 per cent chance of living to 100. Even if you are 60, you have an evens chance of reaching 90. A long life can be a gift, but of course it also has implications for how we live our lives and in particular how we plan to work and fund those extra years. Clearly there is a role for employers in creating work environments and flexible working cultures that recognise and maximise the potential of the 100-year life. More →

Having data about people and their behaviour does not create a science

Having data about people and their behaviour does not create a science

dataTwo questions: is it good or bad that professional athletes earn 400 times what nurses do, and is string theory a dead end? Each question goes to the heart of its discipline. Yet while you probably answered the first, youā€™d hold an opinion on the prospects of string theory only if youā€™ve studied physics. More →