December 5, 2017
UK workers low opinion of colleagues reduces chances of good teamwork
British workers believe that just 68 percent of their colleagues are good at their job, and nearly a quarter of staff (23 percent) would describe their colleagues as ‘lazy’ new research suggests. The more senior position people attain, the lower opinion they have of their colleagues: according to new research by Dropbox on team behaviour within UK businesses, which marks the launch of a new study, conducted in conjunction with philosophers at The School of Life. The research revealed several potential causes for the low opinion British workers have for some of their co-workers, and why they are not contributing to successful teamwork. A third (35 percent) say they have had to cover up a mistake for a colleague and nearly a quarter (22 percent) say they have had their work claimed by others and presented as their own. Seventeen per cent even said their boss had previously done this. Actions such as this undermine trust within teams – and stop credit being given where it is due – which can in the long term erode the ability of a team to function together.