Search Results for: values

What’s a landlord to do when the office is a destination, not a routine?

What’s a landlord to do when the office is a destination, not a routine?

Office for Estee LauderEvery week a new survey is published or a statement from a CEO hits the press related to corporate occupier’s desire to adopt a form of hybrid working for the long-term post Covid 19. And as a result, the desire to occupy less space in their central office hub. Landlords are asking- What do we do now to attract and keep great occupiers, and fill our buildings? I have an idea that is of its time. A time when the world has started to cooperate, collaborate, and work towards a common purpose. When work, life, values, and priorities are shifting. Employers are seeking to look after their people in a holistic way in and out of the office. More →

What are the limits of an employer’s duty of care to employees?

What are the limits of an employer’s duty of care to employees?

Earlier this month the ONS (Office for National Statistics) released a rather dismal map of the UK charting our population’s soaring levels of loneliness. Perhaps surprisingly, it is young people and those living in urban areas reporting the highest levels of aloneness. It really does go to show that the ‘social’ in social media doesn’t mean very much, and that you can indeed be surrounded by others and still feel lonely. So what does this new study mean for employers, if anything? More →

Women in tech more likely to have career progression impacted by pandemic

Women in tech more likely to have career progression impacted by pandemic

womenA survey by Talent Works claims that the pandemic has negatively impacted the career progression for more women (33 percent) than men (21 percent). The research, which surveyed UK developers, also claims that 23 percent of women have seen their potential to earn negatively affected compared to 11 percent of men, with under 35s (21 percent) also having more pay cuts than over 35s (11 percent). More →

We can design kindness into working life just as easily as unkindness

We can design kindness into working life just as easily as unkindness

kindnessIf I were to suggest that organisations were designing their processes, policies and relationships with unkindness at the core, you would probably reject it as an illogical proposition, it just doesn’t make business sense. It goes against the grain and against the values that are plastered on the walls of so many organisations. But as counterintuitive as it may seem, in my opinion, many organisations have done just that, designed unkindness into the things they do, albeit inadvertently. But if they can do that, they can also design kindness in too. More →

Job security and flexibility now more valuable than salary

Job security and flexibility now more valuable than salary

job securityAround a half (51 percent) of employees believe job security and flexibility (40 percent) are more important than salary (32 percent) when considering whether to remain at their current employer, according to a new report by UK law firm, Winckworth Sherwood. More →

A shift from competition to community has never been more important

A shift from competition to community has never been more important

Now, more than ever, both at home and at work, we need to be surrounded by people we can rely upon and trust as we ride the waves of uncertainty. Over the past year, we have learnt that priorities and targets can be shifted in the blink of an eye which has increased the importance of flexibility, support networks and relying on each other. This is just as relevant in business, including who we choose as strategic partners and how we contract with those partners. More →

The link between wellbeing and green design is driving material innovation

The link between wellbeing and green design is driving material innovation

wellbeing and green building designOne of the most interesting developments in the way we talk about the design of buildings in recent years is how the issue of wellbeing has found an overlap with environmental concerns. We know instinctively that these are natural partners. What is good for the environment almost always has a direct beneficial effect on people’s physical and mental health, as well as their productivity. More →

Workplace digital divide is forcing employers to rethink the way they communicate

Workplace digital divide is forcing employers to rethink the way they communicate

employersIn March 2020, the COVID-19 global pandemic forced countless employers around the globe to send their non-essential employees home. Few organisations had a contingency plan for such a scenario, meaning the overwhelming majority of employers had to rethink their operations and communication functions on the fly. More →

New social enterprise aims to bring work back to unemployed people with disabilities

New social enterprise aims to bring work back to unemployed people with disabilities

Two and a half million Brits are expected to be unemployed this year after the fall out of the pandemic. A concern for many has been how disabled people will fare with the aftermath. The unemployment rate for people with disabilities is more than twice those who are able bodied. More →

We must seize the chance to go full circle on sustainable office design

We must seize the chance to go full circle on sustainable office design

The circular economy is the ‘holy grail’. Few people would deny the ambition of keeping resources in use for as long as possible, extracting the maximum value from them, then recovering and regenerating products and materials at the end of each service life. Is this achievable within the furniture and furnishings sector? Many manufacturers and suppliers can justifiably boast impressive ‘green’ credentials, such as manufacturing techniques, the use of innovative and sustainable materials as well as recyclability of products. The production and supply of new furnishings doesn’t address, however, the short and longer term issues relating to sustainability. ‘Cradle to cradle’ is a great concept – but who is responsible? More →

The future workplace will only thrive with social and customer experience at its heart

The future workplace will only thrive with social and customer experience at its heart

future workplace has a lot to learn from hospitalityOne important concept the pandemic has taught us is that irrespective of where we work and whatever form the future workplace takes, our brand must remain strong. With much of our workforce now working from home, how do we bridge the gap between corporate and home life? As head offices re-form into social hangout hubs, and dining tables become makeshift desks, one message is loud and clear – connection with and delight in a brand is everything. From our internal talent and culture, and supply partnerships, to external customer persona, we must strengthen our culture both inside and out. More →

LGBT+ workers experience higher levels of conflict at work

LGBT+ workers experience higher levels of conflict at work

LGBT+The CIPD has launched a new research report ‘Inclusion at work: Perspectives on LGBT+ working lives’ to highlight how LGBT+ workers tend to have a more negative experience of work. More →