Search Results for: education

Cyber security fears as employees and ex staff able to access sensitive company data

Cyber security fears as employees and ex staff able to access sensitive company data

Cyber security fears as office workers given unfettered access to sensitive company dataHuge numbers of employees have or have had access to mission critical company systems which should be reserved only for staff that require it, claims a new study by CyberArk. Specifically, it found that almost half (48 percent) of employees have or have had access to sensitive financial documents; 46 percent to confidential HR information; nearly a third (29 percent) have or have had direct access to company bank account and over a third (37 percent) access to research and development plans or blueprints for new products/services. Credential theft remains the most common and effective route to a successful cyber-attack.

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Unhappy workers engage in non-work related activities to get through the day

Unhappy workers engage in non-work related activities to get through the day

Over two thirds (69 percent) of full-time employees in the UK are currently unhappy at work, with the majority (88 percent) admitting to regularly doing non-work related activities to ‘make the day go faster’, new research claims.  Of the 2,101 respondents surveyed, 61 percent stated that the largest distraction at work is gossiping to other co-workers, followed by almost half (45 percent) spending time procrastinating on Facebook and using personal email (44 percent).

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Accelerating rate of digital tech and smart buildings to transform the built environment

Accelerating rate of digital tech and smart buildings to transform the built environment

Accelerating rate of technological change will have big impact on built environmentTechnology is in the process of transforming almost every aspect of society, with change happening at an “accelerating rate,” and this is being made possible due of simultaneous rapid advances in several key areas of technology. This is according to a new White Paper on ‘Megatrends: Smart Building Technology’ from BSRIA (registration required) that predicts this will have a huge impact on construction and building services; from the way buildings are constructed to how they are managed and interact with occupants. More →

Half of employees prefer to discuss health issues with colleagues than loved ones

Half of employees prefer to discuss health issues with colleagues than loved ones

Half of employees prefer to discuss health issues with colleagues than loved onesAlmost half (49 percent) of UK employees admit they speak to colleagues about health concerns before sharing it with a partner or loved one, claims new research by Bupa Health Clinics. Stress, sleep, anxiety and weight problems are among the main concerns being discussed by employees at work, before confiding in those closest to home.  The new report found that 46 percent of employees prefer to talk about health with a colleague over a loved one. Many do so with good intentions with more than a third finding it easier to talk to a colleague as they are less likely to worry.

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Government policy is making life increasingly difficult for freelancers

Government policy is making life increasingly difficult for freelancers

Freelancers expect government policy to drive their businesses and the economy into decline over the next year, a report from IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) claims. This quarter, amid widespread speculation about Budget announcements that would harm the self-employed, freelancers’ confidence in their annual business performance dropped nine points, sliding into negative territory. Their confidence in the wider economy – which was already in deep negative territory – fell another two points to near-record lows.

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Not enough support given to employees suffering from mental ill health in the workplace

Not enough support given to employees suffering from mental ill health in the workplace

Majority of staff say employers remain apathetic regarding mental health at workWell over half of workers do not think enough support is given to employees suffering from mental ill health in the workplace, as according to research released today by Personal Group a startling 39 percent of respondents said their workplace does not offer any mental health support for employees. And of all employees surveyed 66 percent felt their employer does not offer enough support for employee mental health. This corporate apathy felt by employees arrives at a time when awareness of mental health issues in the UK is on the rise. 80 percent of respondents said they had noticed an overall increase in awareness of mental health generally in the UK, however a staggering 62 percent said they noticed no change in the levels of awareness in the workplace.

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Economy could achieve significant economic boost by addressing skills gaps in younger people

Economy could achieve significant economic boost by addressing skills gaps in younger people

The UK could boost GDP by around £40 billion a year in the long run if it reduces the number of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) to match Germany, the best performing EU country. Despite making improvements in recent years, the UK only ranks 19th out of 35 countries across the OECD on a PwC index based on a range of indicators of youth employment, education and training. But this is slightly better than the UK’s ranking of 21st across the OECD on a similar PwC index for older workers released earlier this year. Across England NEET rates vary significantly, reflecting the disparity in educational attainment and job opportunities across the country. In 2017, the West Midlands had the highest NEET rate for 19-24 year olds at 16.7 percent, followed by the North East by 16.3 percent. Meanwhile the South East and South West have the lowest rates, both at 11.5 percent (see table below). More →

2019 will be the year of the data-driven digital ecosystem, claims Dell

2019 will be the year of the data-driven digital ecosystem, claims Dell

Dell Technologies have shared their predictions for 2019. Its central forecast is that this will be the year of the data-driven digital ecosystem, bringing us one step closer to 2030, which Dell describes as the next era of human-machine partnerships and a society where we will be immersed in smart living, intelligent work, and a frictionless economy. This includes: The spark of the next gold rush in tech investments, spurred by the greater value to be derived from data; 5G paving the way for micro-hubs to line our streets, and the opportunity for real-time insights; Multi-cloud environments driving automation, AI and ML processing into high gear; Making room in the workforce for Gen Z; and stronger, smarter and greener supply chains

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Large numbers of ethnic minorities in UK prevented from meeting career goals

Large numbers of ethnic minorities in UK prevented from meeting career goals

Large numbers of ethnic minorities in UK held back from meeting career goals

More than half (55 percent) of ethnic minority workers have been advised to be ‘more realistic’ about their career aspirations, according to The Equality Group, which commissioned a nationally representative study that delves into UK ethnic minority citizens, their career aspirations, and the inequalities that still challenge the nation’s BAME community in the world of work It found that while 59 percent of the ethnic minority workforce aspire to be on the board, just 2 percent make it and with 46 percent of ethnic minorities being advised to commence a career NOT relevant to their skills or interests it’s hardly surprising that half do not have any ethnic minority leadership role models.  The research is launched amidst industry data that shows only 84 of the 1,048 directors in the FTSE100, originate from an ethnic minority. More →

Generation Z are more motivated by job satisfaction than money

Generation Z are more motivated by job satisfaction than money

Generation Z more motivated by job satisfaction than moneyGeneration Z, the latest generation to enter the workforce, are more likely to be motivated by job satisfaction and working for social good than by money, a new report claims According to new research from Huawei, in partnership with Chris Brauer, Director of Innovation at Goldsmiths, University of London, based on responses from 2,000 18-25-year olds’ across the UK, also reveals that a new tribe of working professionals among Gen Z is emerging, the ‘New Working Order’. More →

Meaningful work an important driver of health and wellbeing for men

Meaningful work an important driver of health and wellbeing for men

Men’s care brand Harry’s has published the findings from their first US Masculinity Report in partnership with University College London psychologist John Barry, co-founder of the male psychology section of the British Psychological Society. The report surveyed 5,000 men aged 18-95 across the US, weighted for race, income, education, sexual orientation and other factors. Respondents were asked about their wellbeing, happiness, confidence, emotional stability, motivation, optimism, and sense of being in control. They were then asked how satisfied they are with their careers, relationships, money, work-life balance, physicality, and mental health. The reports key finding was the strong correlation between wellbeing and meaningful work.

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Career opportunities with SMEs are growing, but graduates not convinced

Career opportunities with SMEs are growing, but graduates not convinced

Career opportunities with SMEs are growing but graduates need convincingSmall and mid-sized businesses have hired three times more people than larger businesses over the past five years and could overtake large companies by 2030, according to new analysis of the latest ONS data commissioned by Santander Business Banking. However, separate research commissioned by the bank has found that significant numbers of young people are failing to recognise the significant job opportunities that SMEs offer. Just a third (35 percent) of Generation Z and Millennials leaving full time education say they wish to work for an SME, while an even smaller proportion, just one in six (18 percent), want to work for a start-up or micro business.  More →