Search Results for: mental

UKGBC launches new guidance to empower the built environment to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain

UKGBC launches new guidance to empower the built environment to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain

The UK Green Building Council has launched new guidance which it claims will empower the built environment sector to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain as a key element in its developments.The UK Green Building Council has launched new guidance which it claims will empower the built environment sector to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain as a key element in its developments. Biodiversity Net Gain policy requirements will come into effect in November and will mandate that all new developments must design and deliver solutions that support nature. More →

Around a quarter of jobs will shift over the next five years, WEF report claims

Around a quarter of jobs will shift over the next five years, WEF report claims

Almost a quarter of jobs are expected to switch in the next five years according to a new report from the World Economic ForumAlmost a quarter of jobs are expected to switch in the next five years according to a new report from the World Economic Forum. Its Future of Jobs Report for 2023 suggests that employers anticipate 69 million new jobs to be created and 83 million eliminated among the 673 million jobs corresponding to the dataset, a net decrease of 14 million jobs, or 2 percent of current employment. The data is an extrapolation of data from 803 employers employing around 11 million people. More →

Half of sales people don’t like to admit what they do for a living

Half of sales people don’t like to admit what they do for a living

Despite the essential presence of sales professionals in most organisations, the stereotype is such that many don’t like to disclose their occupation. A new poll conducted by Gong claims that the majority (54 percent) of enterprise sales professionals don’t want to admit they work in sales. Reasons as to why many sales representatives don’t like to expose what they do for work, is driven by  the feeling that others assume that they only care about sales commission (40 percent). More →

Biophilic office design has a clear business case, report claims

Biophilic office design has a clear business case, report claims

A new report, Reap What You Sow: Valuing Workplaces that Grow Good Ideas from PLP Labs sets out to explain the process of measuring and monetising the wellbeing and environmental value of biophilic office design.A new report, Reap What You Sow: Valuing Workplaces that Grow Good Ideas from PLP Labs sets out to explain the process of measuring and monetising the wellbeing and environmental value of biophilic office design. The report argues that in corporate real estate, the environment impacts the bottom line. PLP’s study – run in collaboration with academics from Loughborough University, the University of Reading, and Benholm claims to enable real estate clients to fairly evaluate the worth of investing in nature alongside other project costs. More →

Wellbeing and sustainability are defining characteristics of London’s BCO Awards winning offices

Wellbeing and sustainability are defining characteristics of London’s BCO Awards winning offices

London’s most outstanding workplaces have been recognised with British Council for Offices Awards going to seven office buildings across the capital. Held at the London Hilton on Park Lane, the BCO’s annual London Awards Lunch recognised projects that demonstrate best practice in office design, fit-out, operation and sustainability, setting the standard for excellence across the sector. More →

More than half of UK workers find their office design uninspiring

More than half of UK workers find their office design uninspiring

British workers are finding their offices and places of work to be severely lacking in inspiration and innovation, according to a new poll from office design and fit-out firm Claremont.British workers are finding their offices and places of work to be severely lacking in inspiration and innovation, according to a new poll from office design and fit-out firm Claremont. The survey of more than 1,000 office workers across a range of sectors set out to identify the impact of an office on a workforce’s behaviour and how staff need to feel in order to be happy, healthy and productive.  More →

Hybrid working can reduce carbon emissions massively, claims report

Hybrid working can reduce carbon emissions massively, claims report

Hybrid working can facilitate major carbon savings and has the potential for significant impact on the climate crisis, according to a new study by IWG and Arup.Hybrid working can facilitate major carbon savings and has the potential for significant impact on the climate crisis, according to a new study by IWG and Arup. The study measured the environmental impact of hybrid working on six cities across the US and UK with a deep dive on two major carbon contributors – London and LA. Others examined were New York City, Atlanta, Manchester and Glasgow. All six cities showed the potential for huge carbon savings through the widespread adoption of hybrid working, which has rapidly expanded amongst white collar workers, who are now using the available technology to work where is most convenient and they are most productive. More →

We shouldn’t be deterred by the wonky start to the circular economy

We shouldn’t be deterred by the wonky start to the circular economy

The development of the circular economy is not quite so simple as we would like, but we have to persist, writes Becky GordonWe’re all familiar with the circular economy in some shape or form. We know the principles of recycling materials back into the original product to create a perfectly circular model of sustainability. But in practice, as architects and designers are finding, the development of the circular economy not quite so simple. Circular design is possible now, but we have to start with circles that are slightly wonkier than we might like. More →

It’s best to get the unpleasant tasks done in one go, new research claims

It’s best to get the unpleasant tasks done in one go, new research claims

A recently published study shows that on days when you face high work demands, you may want to just push through and do unpleasant tasks one after anotherMost jobs involve tasks we don’t like. But should we complete these unpleasant tasks in one fell swoop or split them up into bite-sized portions and spread them out over time? According to new research from Trinity Business School, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management and the University of Wuppertal, it is actually a good idea to do the tasks you don’t like in one go. More →

Women experience more stress than men when working hours are fragmented, claims new research

Women experience more stress than men when working hours are fragmented, claims new research

Women experience more stress than men when their employment hours are split into different sections during the day, such as with flexitime and working from homeWomen experience more stress than men when their employment hours are split into different sections during the day, such as with flexitime and working from home, new research claims. Zhuofei Lu, of the University of Manchester, analysed survey data recorded during the pandemic in 2020-2021 on 620 British men and women, 40 percent of whom had children. More →

IN14 lands and it’s the best issue we’ve ever done. We would say that. So you decide

IN14 lands and it’s the best issue we’ve ever done. We would say that. So you decide

The digital edition of issue 14 of IN Magazine is now available to read free, here. Print copies are in the post. We think it’s the best issue we’ve done so far, but please don’t take our word for it. It’s visually stunning, as always. It offers you the usual eclectic mix of content, covering everything from technology to urban design, management issues, property, office design, the environment, wellbeing and transport as well as all the usual interviews, news, events and commentary. All back issues of IN are available here. More →

IF AI can replace what you do without anybody noticing, the problem isn’t with the technology

IF AI can replace what you do without anybody noticing, the problem isn’t with the technology

AI is ready to muscle in on our ability to create and consume vast quantities of content. So we need to look at things in a new wayPerhaps the least surprising news from the current AI media frenzy is that Buzzfeed has already been using the tech to publish a lot of its stories. There’s an obvious response to this and it’s not about how amazing the AI is. If an artificial intelligence can write vast quantities of formulaic clickbait stories on your website without anybody noticing, then the problem is with your original approach to ‘content’ and how it’s consumed. More →