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Moral posturing of charitable organisations can go hand in hand with unethical behaviours

Moral posturing of charitable organisations can go hand in hand with unethical behaviours

The aura of moral goodness coming from within charitable organisations can blind their employees and volunteers, according to new research from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). Lead researcher, Dr Isabel de Bruin found that people in charities’ can glorify their charities’ noble goals, noble values, and noble people. This self-glorification can lead to unethical behaviour, which she terms as the “NGO halo effect”.  More →

Half of workers say they are ready to take advantage of new flexible working laws

Half of workers say they are ready to take advantage of new flexible working laws

more than half (55 percent) of respondents to a poll are planning to make a new request for flexible working when new rules come into UK law this weekendBusinesses are being advised to brace themselves as a new poll claims more than half (55 percent) of respondents are planning to make a new request for flexible working when new rules come into UK law this weekend. The changes introduced by the Flexible Working Bill on April 6 – allowing workers to ask for flexible forms of work from day one of their employment (previously six months)  – look set to lead to a sharp increase in flexible working requests even though 74 percent of employees report already having some degree of flexibility.  More →

US and UK sign agreement on AI safety

US and UK sign agreement on AI safety

In a landmark agreement, the United States and the United Kingdom have pledged to collaborate on testing advanced AI safetyIn a landmark agreement, the United States and the United Kingdom have pledged to collaborate on testing advanced artificial intelligence (AI). This is the first-ever bilateral deal of its kind focused on AI safety. This agreement builds on commitments made at the AI Safety Summit last year, where both countries established AI Safety Institutes. These institutes will work together to develop robust methods for evaluating the safety of AI tools and systems. More →

ULI Europe launches PropTech Innovation Challenge 2024

ULI Europe launches PropTech Innovation Challenge 2024

Following last year’s pilot, Urban Land Institute (ULI) Europe has launched a second edition of the PropTech Innovation Challenge (PIC), the Young Leaders-led initiative to foster innovation in the built environment and is calling for game changing solutions that meet the challenge of how to substantially reduce carbon emissions.  The challenge, which reflects ULI’s mission priorities, and the urgent decarbonisation focus of ULI C Change, is focused specifically on the reduction of Scope 3 emissions for managers and investors and encompasses the indirect but critical emissions that occur throughout the value chain, and which are often overlooked. Indirect emissions arise from activities such as transportation and procurement. More →

A lightbulb moment about mental health and managing change

A lightbulb moment about mental health and managing change

Resilience is often discussed as that aspect of mental health and coping, which is paramount to the ability to spring back during adverse circumstancesAccording to the British Medical Association, the rates of mental illness have been steadily increasing in adults and at an even higher rate for children and young people over the past five years here in the UK. Resilience is often discussed as that aspect of mental health and coping, which is paramount to the ability to spring back during adverse circumstances. More →

Connection launches ONE. ONE Module – infinite possibilities

Connection launches ONE. ONE Module – infinite possibilities

Connection, the British based furniture designer and manufacturer, has added to its existing portfolio of interior architecture products, with the launch of ONE. A unique modular solution, ONE is as the name denotes, one core module that facilitates and supports infinite possibilities. The ONE range comprises of a single core module, supported by a series of simple components to create building blocks, conceptualised to deliver inspiring configurations for inspiring spaces. More →

How to create a truly inclusive office design

How to create a truly inclusive office design

Inclusive office design encompasses creating an environment that provides an attractive and inspiring experience for everyoneAccording to the Ministry of Social Policy in Ukraine, approximately 1/4 of the population belongs to groups with limited mobility, and unfortunately, this number is increasing due to the war. While the world has long been actively implementing the principles of inclusive design, it is particularly relevant in Ukraine now. Inclusive office design encompasses creating an environment that provides an attractive and inspiring experience for everyone. It’s about creating a space where all people, without exception, feel comfortable. Inclusion also contributes to expanding the market, improving reputation, and strengthening the company or brand’s authority through a focus on human-centric design. More →

When you empower your colleagues, you’re delivering excellence for them and your clients

When you empower your colleagues, you’re delivering excellence for them and your clients

The level of engagement within a company’s workforce significantly impacts clients satisfaction and its bottom line. Recent research by Gallup shows that teams with high levels of engagement enjoy a 10 percent uplift in client loyalty and a 23 percent increase in profitability compared to low-engagement teams. Empowering colleagues with learning and development programmes can dramatically improve their engagement with a business. Supporting them in this way is crucial if you want them to deliver excellence. When people are encouraged to own their careers, they care more about the outcomes of their work, which translates into exceptional productivity and happy clients. More →

Republic of Korea to join Horizon Europe programme

Republic of Korea to join Horizon Europe programme

Korea will join the growing group of countries associated to Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programmeKorea will join the growing group of countries associated with Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme. Horizon Europe is the biggest EU research and innovation programme ever with a budget of €95.5 billion for the period 2021-27, complemented by the financial contributions from associated countries. It is open to the world, which means that participants from all over the world can participate in nearly all calls. Entities from associated countries have additional opportunities in collaborative projects and are treated on par with the entities of EU Member States regarding the access to funds. More →

People are simply ignoring bans on AI use at work

People are simply ignoring bans on AI use at work

Employees say they are ignoring AI bans because it makes them more productive and better at their jobsOlder readers may remember a phenomenon called Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) which marked the point at which employers gave up worrying about people using their own phones at work and instead made it look like it was their idea anyway. A similar arc seems to be happening with AI, as people simply ignore their employers’ attempts to manage its use. A new poll from comms firm Definition suggests that over half of employed UK adults (54 percent) use tools like ChatGPT at work, despite 25 percent of businesses banning or significantly limiting its use. We have no other information on the methodology beyond that it was of 1,000 people. More →

Reviving flexible workspaces – a guide to saving failing operations

Reviving flexible workspaces – a guide to saving failing operations

Landlords and operators of flexible workspaces need to ensure that what they offer is meeting customer demands says Calum RussellThe landscape of flexible working has witnessed unprecedented growth, spurred by the evolving needs of businesses in the aftermath of the pandemic. Despite the economic turbulence of 2023, the flexible office market has remained strong in the UK, achieving a record overall occupancy of 83 percent in the same year. As the demand for adaptable and collaborative working environments continues to rise, landlords and operators of flexible workspaces need to ensure that what they offer is meeting customer demands. Given the number of notable operator closures, many landlords are beginning to find themselves at the forefront of decisions about managing and revitalising failing operations. More →

Our false memory of work in 2019 is stopping us from having better conversations

Our false memory of work in 2019 is stopping us from having better conversations

We have taken the editorial decision to ignore the tedious, endless toing and froing between so-called return to office mandates and remote work. As much as we can, anyway.We have taken the editorial decision to ignore the tedious, endless toing and froing between so-called return to office mandates and remote work. As much as we can, anyway. It doesn’t appear to be going anywhere and it is driven by two noisily motivated factions who seem unable or unwilling to shift their position by the smallest amount. It is a very 21st Century conversation. More →