Search Results for: benefits

Offices iQ launches flexible corporate space solution Enterprise iQ

Offices iQ launches flexible corporate space solution Enterprise iQ

Offices iQ, the broker of flexible office and coworking space, has announced the launch of Enterprise iQ, a global end-to-end service that includes ongoing customer support. With flexible working spaces set to grow by up to 30 percent annually for the next five years across Europe, Enterprise iQ will service the growing number of corporate companies looking for flexible office space. More →

There is still time to avoid the regrexit of Brexit

There is still time to avoid the regrexit of Brexit

Still time to avoid BrexitSeveral months ago when we invited Jonty Bloom, one of the media’s most respected journalists to come and speak to our guest audience, we knew it would be informed, relevant and fascinating. What we didn’t know was that the day before (4th September 2019) Boris Johnson would deliver a stunningly inelegant performance at his inaugural Prime Minister’s Question time, the day after losing his first vote in parliament to prevent a further delay in delivering Brexit. More →

Are coworking spaces really all the same?

Are coworking spaces really all the same?

If you’ve ever shopped around for a coworking space, you’ve undoubtedly heard every shared workspace operator brag that its offices aren’t just a place to work – they’re all about community and culture. As Fast Company’s Ruth Reader put it, we’re just a “bunch of co-work startups saying the same things about how different [we] are.”  She’s not entirely wrong, but (with all due respect) I think she’s missed the point about coworking.

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Workplace experience to be main theme of CoreNet Global

Workplace experience to be main theme of CoreNet Global

Corenet Global to explore human workplace experience Optimising the human workplace experience to achieve greater productivity and creativity will be explored in depth at the CoreNet Global Summit in Amsterdam this September. Over a dozen diverse sessions will examine multidisciplinary approaches to achieving gains in health, productivity and creativity alongside both academic and commercial research showing measurable benefits. More →

UK workers ready to embrace automation

UK workers ready to embrace automation

UK workers are optimistic about the opportunities technology will create in the future as over 90 percent believe it is changing their workplace and everyday lives for the better. Professionals in the UK stand ready to embrace automation, as findings from over 14,500 respondents in the Hays What Workers Want 2019 Report (registration) suggest that they are interested in using the latest digital technology both in everyday life (70 percent) and even more so in the workplace (80 percent). More →

Governments should respond to needs of older workers

Governments should respond to needs of older workers

Illustration of older workers in an officeWhile firms are already being asked to do more to support their older workers by organisations like The Centre for Ageing Better, a new OECD report is arguing that it is an issue that Governments are not addressing as well as they might. It claims that the rapidly ageing population of countries around the world means that governments should promote more and better job opportunities for older workers to protect living standards and the sustainability of public finances.

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Three quarters of people want to work for a firm with a good reputation

Three quarters of people want to work for a firm with a good reputation

Ethical behaviourOver three quarters of people (76 percent) want to work for firms with a good reputation, according to the latest business reputation survey “Everyone’s Business” by the CBI, in collaboration with Porter Novelli and Opinium. Encouragingly, the reputation of business has improved since the last wave of the tracker in September 2018. Last year a series of events and scandals in the business community had a chilling effect on business reputation, but 2019 has seen this ‘reputational chill’ start to thaw, with a 4-point rise in those thinking business reputation is good (60 percent). More →

Back to workplace basics, the joy and pain of work, squeezing people in and some other stuff

Back to workplace basics, the joy and pain of work, squeezing people in and some other stuff

A coworking workplace in Chengdu by WeWorkLet’s get the inevitable WeWork story out of the way first. A supposed news item in Crain’s New York Business has claimed that WeWork is ‘squeezing’ people into half the space recommended in the BCO’s Specification Guide; “roughly the size of two standard doors laying side by side”. You can see the editorial cogs at work here, combining a story about WeWork with one about how people are crammed into the workplace like cattle these days.

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Artificial Intelligence will positively impact accountancy, according to accountants themselves

Artificial Intelligence will positively impact accountancy, according to accountants themselves

Artificial intelligence in the workplaceFor many, the thought of adopting artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace is a daunting prospect. But it seems that the majority of chartered accountants believe it will, in fact, have a positive effect on the industry. According to research conducted by CABA, the charity supporting the wellbeing of chartered accountants and their families, 52 percent believe this to be the case, with 16 percent either unsure or predicating no impact at all. The same research also found that, more generally, the biggest bugbear for chartered accountants was the amount of work expected to be completed in the time available (41 percent). So, it’s encouraging that nearly 1 in 4 (25 percent) agree that AI will let humans add value elsewhere as robots take on more menial jobs. In addition, 17 percent stated that the adoption of AI/automation will increase productivity, with 11 percent also agreeing that it will reduce errors and improve attention to detail. More →

Two thirds of people with fixed hours want flexible working

Two thirds of people with fixed hours want flexible working

Flexible working and coworking spaceTwo thirds (65 percent) of office workers that don’t currently have options for flexible working claim that they would be more motivated and productive in their jobs if given the option to choose their working hours, according to a new poll from coworking company, The Brew by rent24.  The poll also claims that only 18 percent of workers at small and medium-sized businesses already have flexible working arrangements, falling to just 14 percent for 18-34-year olds.

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Freelancers and the self-employed need holidays too

Freelancers and the self-employed need holidays too

Taking time off improves the work performance of freelancers, a new study from IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) claims. The research suggests that almost two-thirds of freelancers believe taking holiday improves their work performance in some way. Asked what advantages came with taking more time off, 63 percent said it improved aspects of their work including productivity, energy, creativity and confidence in their work. More →

London demand for tech skills threatens new North-South divide

London demand for tech skills threatens new North-South divide

A new analysis of the UK’s jobs market by Accenture claims that despite growing opportunities in other cities, London has increasingly greater demand for talent in emerging technologies than ten other UK cities combined. According to the report,  there are currently 422,000 UK-based professionals with skills in emerging technologies such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, extended reality and quantum computing.

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