Search Results for: health

Climate change action highlighted by coalition ahead of Cities, Regions and Built Environment Day at COP26

Climate change action highlighted by coalition ahead of Cities, Regions and Built Environment Day at COP26

climate change actionFollowing the sobering message from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, a coalition led by C40, the Global Alliance for Building and Construction (GlobalABC), The Resilience Shift, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) announce #BuildingToCOP26 — a partnership to promote radical collaboration for climate change action ahead of the Cities, Regions and Built Environment Day at COP26. More →

Stronger profit margins and job opportunities as demand for facilities management increases

Stronger profit margins and job opportunities as demand for facilities management increases

facilities managementWorkloads, profit margins and employment opportunities are set to continue to grow for the year ahead due to increasing demand for facilities management services, according to the latest RICS UK Facilities Management Market Survey. More →

The focus on indoor air quality is a welcome outcome of the pandemic

The focus on indoor air quality is a welcome outcome of the pandemic

indoor air quality in officesHow has COVID-19 affected your office management practices? And what adaptations are you expecting to keep, as other parts of the building experience go back to normal? One area of adaptation that is prime to be kept long-term is greater effort spent monitoring property health and wellness metrics. While occupancy and cleaning frequency are both important to keep track of, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is also critical for landlords to keep an eye on. More →

Toxicity in the workplace experienced by seventy percent of UK employees

Toxicity in the workplace experienced by seventy percent of UK employees

ToxicityCulture in UK workplaces has come under scrutiny after a recent study claims that seven in ten (70 percent) Brits shared they’ve experienced toxicity in a working environment at some stage of their career. More →

Brits feel stressed eight days a month, study claims

Brits feel stressed eight days a month, study claims

stressedA new study, commissioned by CIPHR, claims that most British adults (79 percent) feel stressed at least once a month, with the average being eight days a month. More →

I’m a Luddite. You should be one too

I’m a Luddite. You should be one too

The leader of the Luddite movementI’m a Luddite. This is not a hesitant confession, but a proud proclamation. I’m also a social scientist who studies how new technologies affect politics, economics and society. For me, Luddism is not a naïve feeling, but a considered position. And once you know what Luddism actually stands for, I’m willing to bet you will be one too — or at least much more sympathetic to the Luddite cause than you think. More →

Working from home: how far we’ve come and where we might be headed

Working from home: how far we’ve come and where we might be headed

working from home furnitureWe’ve all learnt a great deal about working from home over the past eighteen months. We’ve seen how for some, it can be incredibly beneficial to employees, enabling them to better balance their work and personal lives and can also benefit the company, enabling business as usual during the Covid-19 pandemic, even improving efficiency. It’s also prompted some important conversations about mental health that simply hadn’t been had, normalising the challenges that we all face, especially during lockdowns. More →

Working from home could help older workers stay in work longer

Working from home could help older workers stay in work longer

working from home setupOlder workers might choose to delay their retirement if offered the option of continuing to do their jobs working from home after the pandemic, according to new research from the UK’s Office for National Statistics. The ONS study found those in their 50s and 60s who worked from home during the coronavirus crisis said they were planning to retire later than those who were still travelling to their workplace. More →

Hybrid is most popular working set-up, but most would rather be full-time in workplace

Hybrid is most popular working set-up, but most would rather be full-time in workplace

hybrid‘Hybrid’ is the ideal working environment among Brits today, but twice as many workers would like to be 100 percent office-based than work permanently from home, according to the latest research from LifeSearch. More →

Right to disconnect should be enshrined in law, says report

Right to disconnect should be enshrined in law, says report

right to disconnectAn overtime “epidemic” driven by the rise in home working during the pandemic must be curtailed with new right to disconnect laws, according to a report from think-tank Autonomy. The authors claim that unpaid labour is a growing problem in the UK, exacerbated by home working during the pandemic. They say employees are frequently contacted by their employers after the working day has finished officially to complete tasks, which impacts their mental health. The report proposes draft legislation to implement a ‘right to disconnect’ based on French law, which ensures respect for employee rest periods and allows them to ignore work calls and emails outside of working hours. More →

Green Building Council responds to IPCC climate change report

Green Building Council responds to IPCC climate change report

green buildingThe UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has responded to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report, referring to it as a massive wake-up call. At the end of last year, the organisation set out plans for a roadmap to net zero for the built environment, which contributes around 40 percent of the UK’s entire carbon footprint. The roadmap is dues to be unveiled at the UN’s COP26 conference in Glasgow later this year. More →

The reason we can’t stomach so many opinions on the future of work

The reason we can’t stomach so many opinions on the future of work

There’s a scene in the 1986 horror movie The Fly in which Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum) persuades the reporter Veronica Quaife (Geena Davis) to try two steaks, one of which Brundle has just sent between two teleportation pods in an effort to work out why they can’t process organic matter, including the organic matter belonging to a very unfortunate baboon. More →