Search Results for: pandemic

Plan submitted for London`s first net-zero carbon commercial property

Plan submitted for London`s first net-zero carbon commercial property

CarbonClimate change has accelerated the urgency to address the way people live and work. With the UK’s aim to become carbon neutral by 2050, CIT and Foster + Partners want to help realise this ambition sooner, submitting a planning application for London’s first ever net-zero carbon workplace and commercial hub at Colechurch House, on the banks of the Thames. More →

Covid-19 is levelling the playing field for disabled workers

Covid-19 is levelling the playing field for disabled workers

two people talking to illustrate the growing number of disabled people in self-employmentAs many of us cope with yet another lockdown, optimism is easy to misplace but, for disabled workers, this could result in monumental change for future employment. On the month commencing the 25th anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act and the run-up to International Day of Disabled Persons, could this be the final push for change? As we swing in and out of remote-working, whether you love it or loathe it, one thing is abundantly clear – it can be done. Something that the 2 billion people currently living with disabilities have always known. Life can be accessible anywhere if you put your mind to it. More →

CIPD identify key trends that will influence the future of the HR profession

CIPD identify key trends that will influence the future of the HR profession

A new report from the CIPD, sets out the key trends that will have an impact on the future world of work and how these will shape the profession and the roles and capabilities of people professionals. More →

Six key factors of productivity for organisations disrupted by lockdown

Six key factors of productivity for organisations disrupted by lockdown

workplace productivityWith a new national lockdown, the situation in the UK remains unpredictable and complicated, and renewed pressure to work from home has forced many organisations to reverse their back-to-work plans, according to a new study from Advanced Workplace Associates (AWA). The study has detailed the matrix of pain that employees may be suffering due to this challenging situation – from those who didn’t want to return to the office when restrictions were eased but had to, to those who are unhappy about working from home. In creating unhappy, disengaged employees, these pain points undermine the six key factors of productivity, defined by the AWA as: social cohesion, trust, perceived supervisory support, information sharing, vision and goal clarity, and external communication. More →

The new era of elemental change for the workplace

The new era of elemental change for the workplace

Neil Usher Elemental ChangeIn the latest issue of IN Magazine, Chris Kane talks about his new book Where is My Office? and how this is possibly the best time to publish a book about workplace transformation, in spite of the upheavals of the last year. Another author and world-famous workplace expert to publish on a related theme is Neil Usher. His new book, Elemental Change, is also timely as many organisations look to a post-pandemic era in which they must challenge many of their previous assumptions about their structure and how, where and when they work. More →

Generation BETA is the latest demographic grouping you need to acknowledge, claims report

Generation BETA is the latest demographic grouping you need to acknowledge, claims report

generation betaGlobalWebIndex (GWI), together with LinkedIn’s B2B Institute, has launched “Work in BETA: The Rising B2B Decision Maker”. The new report sets out to examine the ‘changing behaviours and attitudes of “the BETAs” – the first cohort of digital natives (21 to 40 year-olds) to assume positions of seniority in business, at a time of dislocation’. More →

Flexible working boosts applications for senior positions from women

Flexible working boosts applications for senior positions from women

flexible workingA new study by Zurich UK, claims employers who embrace the flexible working revolution post Covid-19 could boost applications for senior positions from women by 20 percent. The data, which is part of a wider study carried out by the government-backed Behavioural Insights Team, claims that applications from women for management roles surged by a fifth after it promoted its own flexible working hours. More →

Chris Kane discusses his new book on workplace transformation

Chris Kane discusses his new book on workplace transformation

The physician can bury his mistakes,—but the architect can only advise his client to plant vines. Frank Lloyd Wright’s eternal epigram is not just true for buildings. It also applies to the authors of books, especially those on the subjects most affected by this year’s pandemic. Speakers and blog writers can quietly inter the things they get wrong, while the book sits unchangeable on a shelf. Maybe behind a houseplant.
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Top priority for HR leaders in 2021: building critical skills

Top priority for HR leaders in 2021: building critical skills

priorityGartner, Inc.’s 2021 HR Priorities Survey of more than 750 HR leaders claims that 68 percent of respondents cited building critical skills and competencies as their number one priority in 2021. The survey, conducted from June through August 2020, claims the other top HR priorities for 2021 are: organisational design and change management (46 percent), current and future leadership bench (44 percent), the future of work (32 percent) and employee experience (28 percent). More →

Unused office space could cost London businesses almost £13 billion

Unused office space could cost London businesses almost £13 billion

Office spaceUnused office space after coronavirus could cost London-based businesses almost £13 billion according to a new report by Space Three Two, a new office timeshare marketplace born out of lockdown. According to a survey of London office workers, employees want to spend an average of 2.7 days back in the office once all Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted. 1 in 10 workers said didn’t want to go back to the office at all. More →

Millions will struggle to access the Government’s new Lifetime Skills Guarantee

Millions will struggle to access the Government’s new Lifetime Skills Guarantee

Lifetime Skills GuaranteeNew analysis published by the Work Foundation and Totaljobs claims that millions of low paid workers will struggle to access the Government’s new Lifetime Skills Guarantee (LSG) when it is launched next year amidst a growing jobs challenge. More →

Built environment sector must think in radical ways and act quickly

Built environment sector must think in radical ways and act quickly

built environment need for actionThe construction sector, the real estate industry and city planners must give high priority to the same goal – to drastically reduce their climate impacts. Powerful, combined efforts across all of the built environment sectors are absolutely crucial for the potential to achieve the UN’s sustainability goals. And what’s more – everything has to happen very quickly. These are the cornerstones to a roadmap presented at the recent Beyond 2020 World Conference. More →