May 1, 2019
Tech workers would quit jobs for better work-life balance
The tech sector is facing high departure rates as employees’ complain of work impinging on their home life, coupled with a lack of learning & development opportunities. It’s been estimated that vacancies already outweigh skilled talent in the UK tech industry, where there are an estimated 600,000 vacancies. Yet nearly two-thirds (62 percent) of tech workers say they would quit their job to achieve a better work-life balance. The research from CWJobs of over 1,000 IT workers also discovered that this is even more important to Gen Z (aged 16-24), where seven in 10 (72 percent) would leave a company if this was compromised.
April 23, 2019
The flexible solution to workplace loneliness
by Guzman de Yarza Blache • Comment, Flexible working, Wellbeing, Workplace design
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