Search Results for: leadership

AI revolution means 120 million people need to reskill

AI revolution means 120 million people need to reskill

The AI revolution means a large number of people need to reskill soonAs many as 120 million workers in the world’s 12 largest economies may need to be retrained or reskilled over the next three years as a result of the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, according to a new IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) study. It also suggests that only 41 percent of CEOs surveyed say that they have the people, skills and resources required to execute their business strategies.

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Half of people have quit job due to poor work relationship with boss

Half of people have quit job due to poor work relationship with boss

Work relationshipNew research published by Totaljobs claims that nearly half (49 percent) of workers claims that they have quit a job due to the work relationship with their boss going sour and fewer than one in five (18 percent) feel they can trust their boss. Only a third (34 percent) of workers said they felt confident they could approach their manager about a work-related issue, dropping to just 1 in 5 (20 percent) when raising a personal problem. More →

Shifting cultural expectations in the workplace

Shifting cultural expectations in the workplace

workplace cultureThere has been much talk of digital, agile and organisational transformation for businesses for many years now. While the intricacies of each are separate discussions, one thing is clear – the world of work and the workplace are changing and as businesses we need to adapt.

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Office design has a role to play in reflecting neurological differences

Office design has a role to play in reflecting neurological differences

office design and neurodiversityIn recent years, we have seen a growing civil rights movement focused on change in the workplace and in terms of office design, revolving around differences in brain function. Advocates for neurodiversity say that it’s just as critical to business success as gender or racial diversity in the labour force. More →

Humans are main weakness in fight against data theft

Humans are main weakness in fight against data theft

cybersecurityOnly four in 10 (42 percent) businesses focus on compliance training as part of their cybersecurity protocol to ensure sensitive data is kept secure, claims a new report from ESET and The Myers-Briggs Company. The paper reports that most worryingly, 63 percent rely predominantly on passwords. According to the Cyberchology paper that investigates the link between personality types and vulnerabilities to cybercrime, cybersecurity should be on every boardroom’s agenda. More →

Insecure leaders prefer to take advice from machines than people

Insecure leaders prefer to take advice from machines than people

Leaders and machines

Leaders who are in danger of losing their position are more likely to take advice from a data algorithm than another human, research from BI Norwegian Business School claims. Psychologist Ingvild Müller Seljeseth conducted studies where participants were assigned to either stable or unstable leadership positions, which they would lose if they made a wrong decision. When asked to estimate the number of peas in a jar, leaders in a stable position were far more inclined to accept advice from previous participants than leaders in an unstable position. More →

Chris Moriarty seizing the opportunity in the Workplace Innovator podcast

Chris Moriarty seizing the opportunity in the Workplace Innovator podcast

The latest Workplace Innovator podcast features Chris Moriarty, Director of Insight and Engagement at the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management. He is responsible for the research, policy, marketing, sales and engagement functions at IWFM where he focuses on creating thought leadership and tools to support workplace and facilities management professions as well as putting in place the strategies to better engage with the wider community. More →

Work is no more insecure than it was twenty years ago, claims report

Work is no more insecure than it was twenty years ago, claims report

Queuing for workEmployment insecurity affects many people but, overall, work in the UK is as secure as it was 20 years ago, with limited evidence of growing casualisation, new research from the CIPD claims. The report Megatrends: Is work really becoming more insecure? finds that at 20 percent, the share of non-permanent employment in the UK – which includes the self-employed and temporary workers (including temporary zero hours contract workers) – has not increased since 1998.

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Political chat dominates watercooler moments

Political chat dominates watercooler moments

Political chat gets heatedUK workers are becoming increasingly saturated with political chat with just under half (46 percent) claiming they’ve noticed a significant increase in discussions had by colleagues since the EU Referendum. Despite once being considered the ultimate professional faux pas, new research from claims that political chat has now entered our workplaces in a big way with 3 in 5 comfortable discussing political matters. More →

Employers missing opportunity to unlock emotional intelligence

Employers missing opportunity to unlock emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ) is an increasingly popular buzz phrase in business and understanding its impact in the workplace is becoming crucial to employers in getting the most out of their staff. A new survey from Lee Hecht Harrison Penna claims the importance placed by people managers both on finding EQ in staff, and demonstrating it themselves. The study claims the changing mind-set of managers, who see EQ as key to the career development and professional success of their employees. More →

Employers admit company culture causes stress at work

Employers admit company culture causes stress at work

Illustration of man with stressEmployers admit they need to do more to increase workplace resilience despite increased awareness of the impact of mental health issues in the workplace, claims a report from MetLife UK. Research for the report Mental Health and Stress: Building Employee Resilience in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, claims nearly six out of ten employers admit they have to increase the focus on helping their staff to build resilience and 66 percent say organisational resilience has to be driven by the company’s leadership. But nearly a third of employers admit their company’s culture creates stress at work and employees questioned for the study say employers are not honest during recruitment about the demands on staff and the impact in stress. More →

New government has unprecedented chance to transform buildings

New government has unprecedented chance to transform buildings

Deloiite London offices is an example of a new generation of buildings with a focus on the environment

The new UK government led by Boris Johnson has an unprecedented opportunity to dramatically shift policy on the built environment and deliver higher standards of safety, sustainability and social justice, according to the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA). It urged the new administration to back up rhetoric around climate change with robust legislation; to enshrine the recommendations of the Hackitt Review to improve fire safety in buildings; and tackle the scourge of late payment that is undermining thousands of SME and driving many into insolvency. More →