Search Results for: people

Most people convinced they can do their job in four day week

Most people convinced they can do their job in four day week

An image of clocks to illustrate the idea of the four day weekA new report from job site Indeed explores what work means to people in the UK today. The Meaning of Work report analyses trends from the last five years, generated by more than 40 million monthly visitors to the firm’s website alongside the results of a YouGov survey of over 2,000 full-time employees. The report’s headline finding is that around three-quarters of people (74 per cent) already believe they could do their full time job to the same standard over the course of a four day week. More →

One in eight people are unhappy at work

One in eight people are unhappy at work

The UK workforce is increasingly held back by mental health problems such as stress, depression and anxiety. According to a study of 23,000 full and part time workers by Robert Half UK, more than one in eight (13 percent) UK employees are unhappy at work, accounting for more than 4.3 million people. The UK has the highest rate of unhappiness in the workplace among the countries surveyed, including Canada, Australia, Germany and 4 percent higher than in the US. The research claims that one in three (31 percent) UK respondents admitted to finding their work stressful, while one in 10 (12 percent) employees report being dissatisfied with their work–life balance. More →

People declare themselves fit to work for longer

People declare themselves fit to work for longer

People now retiring laterNew research from AIG claims that workers expect to be physically capable of doing their jobs until past their 68th birthday, beyond the age they can start claiming the State Pension even when it is extended to 67 by 2028.  Almost a third (31 percent) believe they could work into their 70s and beyond with one in 14 confident they could keep going into their 80s.  More →

Young people increasingly sceptical about work and institutions

Young people increasingly sceptical about work and institutions

Younger people across the world are increasingly disillusioned with traditional institutions, sceptical of business’ motives and pessimistic about economic and social progress, according to the 2019 Deloitte Millennial Survey. The survey claims that despite global economic growth, expansion and opportunity, younger generations are wary about the world and their place in it. But they remain hopeful and lean on their values as both consumers and employees. More →

People and employers have different perceptions of tech

People and employers have different perceptions of tech

Employers and employees are at odds over how technology will impact productivity and worker satisfaction, according to a 2019 Talent Trends report Get ahead of the rising expectations of talent (registration) published by Randstad Sourceright. Based on a survey of global human capital leaders, board level executives and working professionals, the report claims that 81 percent of employers are excited about the opportunities artificial intelligence (AI) will present, while working professionals are more sceptical about the tech. Nearly half (44 percent) are concerned about losing their jobs. More →

People three times more likely to discuss physical than mental health

People three times more likely to discuss physical than mental health

People are three times more likely to discuss common physical ailments over mental health issues at work according to a new study published to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19 May). The OnePoll survey of 2,000 employed adults reveals that, on average, 42 percent of employees feel comfortable discussing prevalent physical conditions, compared to just 14 percent who feel they can talk about common psychological issues. More →

People find connected devices creepy and intrusive

People find connected devices creepy and intrusive

Amazon Alexa Dot, one of a new generation of connected devicesA survey conducted in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, France and the United Kingdom by IPSOS Mori on behalf of the Internet Society and Consumers International found that around two thirds (65 percent) of people are concerned with the way connected devices collect data. More than half (55 percent) do not trust their connected devices to protect their privacy and a similar proportion (53 percent) do not trust connected devices to handle their information responsibly.

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People would take a pay cut in exchange for flexible working

People would take a pay cut in exchange for flexible working

Almost half of UK workers would take a 20 percent pay cut if it meant they could spend more time at home with their families, according to new research from  Over 2,000 workers were asked if they were happy with their work-life balance and almost two thirds (64 percent) stated they were not and would like some form of flexible working to help them. More →

Hiring the best people is bad for creativity

Hiring the best people is bad for creativity

A child's hand shows creativity covered in many paint colours and a smiling faceWhile in graduate school in mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I took a logic course from David Griffeath. The class was fun. Griffeath brought a playfulness and openness to problems related to creativity and other issues. Much to my delight, about a decade later, I ran into him at a conference on traffic models. During a presentation on computational models of traffic jams, his hand went up. I wondered what Griffeath – a mathematical logician – would have to say about traffic jams. He did not disappoint. Without even a hint of excitement in his voice, he said: ‘If you are modelling a traffic jam, you should just keep track of the non-cars.’

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People with epilepsy twice as likely as average to be unemployed

People with epilepsy twice as likely as average to be unemployed

EpilepsyIn the UK approximately 1 in 100 people (600,000) have a diagnosis of epilepsy, yet despite anti-discrimination legislation, people with epilepsy in the UK are more than twice as likely as those without the condition to be unemployed. That is the main conclusion of a report from IES which included a literature review, interviews with for experts in employment support, clinical practice and applied research, interviews with six employers of different sizes across a range of industries and two focus groups of individuals with varied symptoms and employment histories. More →

Governments must do more to prepare people for the future of work

Governments must do more to prepare people for the future of work

Governments need to overhaul their approach to employment and jobs to reduce further social and economic tensions, according to a new report from the OECD which explores the future of work. Without rapid action, many people, particularly the low skilled, will be left behind in the fast-changing world of work. The OECD Employment Outlook 2019 is part of the OECD’s Future of Work initiative and the “I am the Future of Work” campaign, which aims to make the future of work better for all, helping to transform learning and social protection systems and reduce inequalities between people and across regions.

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Greater action still needed on workplace adjustments for disabled people

Greater action still needed on workplace adjustments for disabled people

Findings from a new and extensive survey on workplace adjustments will be announced today (25 April) at the Business Disability Forum’s annual conference in London. Based on the views of over 1,200 respondents, The Great Big Workplace Adjustments Survey provides a detailed and up-to-date picture of what is and isn’t working when it comes to making and managing adjustments; how effective  workplace adjustments are, and how far everyone who needs adjustments has them in place. More →