Search Results for: sustainability

Workspace Show in London opens its doors for first time this year

Workspace Show in London opens its doors for first time this year

Workspace Show is an exciting addition to the global design events calendar, launching on 21 January this year, with the inaugural edition taking place from 4-5 November 2021 at London’s Business Design Centre, at the heart of the UK’s commercial interiors community. With a theme of ‘re-designing tomorrow’s commercial interiors together’ the show aims to unite architects, designers, developers, contractors, facilities managers, procurement managers and more in one place to explore and share the latest industry thinking from product launches to a comprehensive talks program to networking opportunities aplenty. More →

Giving CEOs financial incentives seems to damage long-term profitability

Giving CEOs financial incentives seems to damage long-term profitability

IncentivesThe greater stress companies put on financial incentives and financial performance in bonus systems for CEOs, the more negative the impact is on the firm’s financial performance, claims new research from Vlerick Business School. These findings come from a research study into the top 600 European firms and their CEOs remuneration. More →

The FM industry is held back by short-term thinking, research claims

The FM industry is held back by short-term thinking, research claims

FMResearch published by VINCI Facilities claims that there is a lack of long-term strategic thinking amongst FM service providers and their customers that is limiting an opportunity to yield substantial business and social benefits. More →

UKGBC sets out route to net zero buildings

UKGBC sets out route to net zero buildings

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has announced the start of a new project to plot a route to net zero carbon for the UK’s built environment sector, by developing a Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap. Hot on the heels of the Government’s new target to cut emissions by 68 percent by 2030, against 1990 levels, this project will identify how the built environment supports that objective and set a science-based trajectory to achieving net zero for the whole sector by 2050. The roadmap will cover all building types and infrastructure, all built environment stakeholders and sub-sectors and address carbon across the whole building lifecycle. More →

IWFM announces new framework for delivering social value

IWFM announces new framework for delivering social value

social valueThe Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) has partnered with the Social Value Portal and National Social Value Taskforce to develop a new measurement framework for social value, designed specifically for the workplace and facilities management profession. More →

Workers demand green office technology from their employers

Workers demand green office technology from their employers

technologyAlmost half (46 percent) of workers expect their employers to provide them with green technology equipment, such as laptops, printers and other devices, according to new research from Epson. More →

Supplier codes of conduct can be ineffective in practice

Supplier codes of conduct can be ineffective in practice

A new white paper claims that while supplier codes of conduct are important, they are ineffective if their requirements are not met with actions to bring about transparency. To be effective, codes of conduct should support an authentic determination to embed company values and to foster strong business relationships that encourage honest communication and transparency that include monitoring the effectiveness. More →

Plan submitted for London`s first net-zero carbon commercial property

Plan submitted for London`s first net-zero carbon commercial property

CarbonClimate change has accelerated the urgency to address the way people live and work. With the UK’s aim to become carbon neutral by 2050, CIT and Foster + Partners want to help realise this ambition sooner, submitting a planning application for London’s first ever net-zero carbon workplace and commercial hub at Colechurch House, on the banks of the Thames. More →

CIPD identify key trends that will influence the future of the HR profession

CIPD identify key trends that will influence the future of the HR profession

A new report from the CIPD, sets out the key trends that will have an impact on the future world of work and how these will shape the profession and the roles and capabilities of people professionals. More →

Built environment sector must think in radical ways and act quickly

Built environment sector must think in radical ways and act quickly

built environment need for actionThe construction sector, the real estate industry and city planners must give high priority to the same goal – to drastically reduce their climate impacts. Powerful, combined efforts across all of the built environment sectors are absolutely crucial for the potential to achieve the UN’s sustainability goals. And what’s more – everything has to happen very quickly. These are the cornerstones to a roadmap presented at the recent Beyond 2020 World Conference. More →

Green commercial properties prove their worth

Green commercial properties prove their worth

green Nearly half of respondents in a global survey reported stronger occupier and investor demand for commercial properties with green building certificates. This translates into higher rents according to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, RICS, sustainability findings within its global commercial property monitor for the third quarter. More →

UK office design should look to Europe for inspiration

UK office design should look to Europe for inspiration

The word ‘office’, based on the Latin term officium, wasn’t originally used to describing a building, or a space: instead it was used primarily as a term for a position: a role that was occupied by a person. So it seems only right with this etymology to take inspiration from Europe. And when considering office design, use that inspiration to build workspaces that reflect the needs of the people working within them. More →