Search Results for: meeting

Organisations shift attitudes on meeting costs of home office setup

Organisations shift attitudes on meeting costs of home office setup

home officeEighty-two percent of US based employers now believe the organisation should absorb the cost of a home office setup for employees that work from home full-time. This is a dramatic increase over those who did so before COVID-19. These and other findings from The Future of Home Office Cost Sharing survey from Global Workplace Analytics and Design Public Group, will lead to profound changes in how companies procure and distribute technology and furniture, budget for workplaces, attract and retain talent, and manage safety risk, according to the report’s authors. More →

Employees want to see a redesign for better hybrid meetings

Employees want to see a redesign for better hybrid meetings

hybridA new global study by Barco ClickShare claims that employees worldwide are desperate to get back to the office and are looking for their employers to invest in a technology-driven hybrid working environment post-COVID-19. The study, which surveyed 1,750 employees around the world through global research panel provider Dynata – claims that only 15 percent of employees want to continue to work from home full-time after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. More →

People returning to the office fear shared spaces while looking forward to meeting colleagues

People returning to the office fear shared spaces while looking forward to meeting colleagues

returning to the officeMindspace has published the results of a new survey of over 1,000 members across the firm’s sites in the UK, the US, Europe and Israel, revealing the anxieties, intentions and changing habits of many employees in the Western world as they begin returning to the office for the first time since they went into lockdown earlier in the year. Unsurprisingly many of the issues focus on sharing space with other people, especially in building amenities and shared spaces as well as on public transport. At the same time, the things people have missed most about office life are also about the spaces and times they share with other people. More →

Zoom fatigue and the new era of online meetings

Zoom fatigue and the new era of online meetings

When it comes to that annual announcement the publishers of dictionaries like to make about their Word of the Year, 2020 will have only one candidate. But if there were a shortlist, you can bet that Zoom would be on it. The uptake of Zoom and other apps to help people connect during the lockdown has been remarkable. Numbers emerge each week of the scale of growth, but they’re instantly out of date and probably meaningless anyway. We could make up something like there having been a 2,300% increase since March 23rd, and it might as well be true. More →

Fewer meetings and fractured days – how people are adjusting to working from home

Fewer meetings and fractured days – how people are adjusting to working from home

Over half of UK employees are working different hours than they used to, with many spreading work out over a longer period as they adapt to working from home. Those are two of the findings from a new report from Asana, which looks at how British, American, Japanese, Australian and German employees have adapted to remote working. The UK findings are based on 1,016 respondents working full-time and, due to the pandemic, remotely. More →

The square and the tower: why meetings and meeting spaces are more important than ever before

The square and the tower: why meetings and meeting spaces are more important than ever before

In his 2018 book The Square and the Tower, the historian Niall Ferguson argues that over a period of hundreds of years the world has been shaped primarily by two distinct organisational forces: networks and hierarchies. These are the square and the tower of the book’s title. Their interplay has been at the heart of major world events and the lessons that arise apply to what we now mistakenly assume to be a uniquely networked era. More →

Three quarters of people believe online meetings are a waste of time

Three quarters of people believe online meetings are a waste of time

A new study from CV-Library claims that three quarters (76 percent) of British workers think online meetings are a waste of their time with one in three admitting that they excuse themselves from online meetings that they get bored of.

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Pointless meetings are part of the routine say workers

Pointless meetings are part of the routine say workers

pointless meetingsThree-quarters of UK workers see pointless meetings as “normal” and 6 in 10 have attended a meeting that had no productive outcomes, a new survey claims. The research involved more than 4,000 full-time workers in the US, UK, France and Germany, including more 1,000 in the UK. The data suggests that the US undertakes the most zero-outcome meetings, with 8 in 10 respondents saying they have attended a useless meeting in their current job. More →

Car of 2050 will be a hub for meetings on the go

Car of 2050 will be a hub for meetings on the go

car of 2050By 2050, cars will be completely driverless, electric and kitted out for hosting business meetings on the go, a report has claimed. Instead of a driving seat, there will be seats facing inwards and a screen for delivering presentations and making conference calls. The predictions in Auto Trader’s Car of the Future report are based on the forecasts of futurologist Tom Cheesewright and a survey of more than 2000 drivers to identify features that would be popular with consumers. More →

Bad meetings lead to problems away from the meeting itself

Bad meetings lead to problems away from the meeting itself

A new report from Dr Steven Rogelberg of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and the author of The Surprising Science of Meetings, examines how meetings are conducted and the effect of both good and bad meetings on participants, and to expand on ideas from the academic’s previous research, including meeting leadership, inclusivity, and something called meeting recovery syndrome. More →

Firms not meeting the needs of a growing flexible workforce

Firms not meeting the needs of a growing flexible workforce

flexible workforceA new report claims that US based businesses are not addressing the needs of an increasingly “deskless workforce” which thinks flexible working is a right that should be valued more than other benefits. The Future is Flexible: A New Workforce Paradigm Evolving From the Gig Economy (registration) from Quinyx compiles publicly available data alongside a survey of more than 4,000 employed Americans over the age of 18. It claims that, behind wages, flexibility is one of the most important factors of happiness at work for this growing flexible workforce, higher than health benefits, culture, and employee discounts. More →

People cannot focus for length of most meetings

People cannot focus for length of most meetings

An overwhelming majority (83 percent) of UK office employees are unable to concentrate in meetings for over 45 minutes, yet research from Sharp reveals that the average meeting lasts 49 minutes. This finding was supported by 55 percent of those surveyed, who claimed that work meetings are too long. This dissatisfaction appears to be caused by the difficulty in sustaining concentration in long meetings, with only 36 percent of UK employees indicating they are able to concentrate for a full 30 minutes. More →