Search Results for: learning

Supplier codes of conduct can be ineffective in practice

Supplier codes of conduct can be ineffective in practice

A new white paper claims that while supplier codes of conduct are important, they are ineffective if their requirements are not met with actions to bring about transparency. To be effective, codes of conduct should support an authentic determination to embed company values and to foster strong business relationships that encourage honest communication and transparency that include monitoring the effectiveness. More →

Covid-19 will transform the way technology is used in offices

Covid-19 will transform the way technology is used in offices

technologyA new paper from the British Council for Offices outlines how technology is being used in offices to combat Covid-19. While offices may be shut in the UK until 2nd December at the earliest, the paper outlines how the sector is adapting and embracing a range of new technology to ensure that offices can comply with hygiene and social distancing measures. More →

Younger workers suffer most from remote working, new study claims

Younger workers suffer most from remote working, new study claims

workersStaff need on average three days a week (2.91) in the office to achieve maximum productivity, according to a new study by ISG. In results from the UK-wide “The Power of Place” study examining the future of the workplace, employees believed that spending on average three days a week in the office would be optimal for productivity. When asked how many days they thought would be needed to optimise their wellbeing, workers cited on average over half a day less, 2.34 days per week, in the office. More →

HR professionals must seek a new connection with the IT team

HR professionals must seek a new connection with the IT team

HR and ITIt has now been more than eight months since the government first advised people to work from home if possible, due to COVID-19. The shift to remote working happened suddenly in March and quickly became part of everyday life; in April 2020 alone, 47 percent of people in employment did some work at home, compared to just 16 percent in the whole of 2019. IT teams were extremely successful in getting staff up-and-running with the right technology, but there was little time for organisations to fully train users before driving adoption, or personalise the approach based on individual need. This places a new onus on HR teams. More →

Hybrid working model is the preferred choice of workers now

Hybrid working model is the preferred choice of workers now

HybridA survey issued by architecture, design, and planning firm Gensler suggests that rumours of the demise of the office may be greatly exaggerated. However, over two-thirds of UK workers don’t want to go back to their old working lives either, preferring a hybrid working model, spending between 1 and 4 days in the office each week. More →

Generation BETA is the latest demographic grouping you need to acknowledge, claims report

Generation BETA is the latest demographic grouping you need to acknowledge, claims report

generation betaGlobalWebIndex (GWI), together with LinkedIn’s B2B Institute, has launched “Work in BETA: The Rising B2B Decision Maker”. The new report sets out to examine the ‘changing behaviours and attitudes of “the BETAs” – the first cohort of digital natives (21 to 40 year-olds) to assume positions of seniority in business, at a time of dislocation’. More →

Missing that spark? The new hybrid working world

Missing that spark? The new hybrid working world

hybridA new survey by Actus, has uncovered a number of prevailing concerns for employees. These centre around lack of opportunities to collaborate, connect and learn as informal face-to-face interactions are restricted due to Covid-19 enforced hybrid working. More →

Most students don’t expect a ‘clear career path’ after graduation

Most students don’t expect a ‘clear career path’ after graduation

career pathThe majority of students don’t expect they will be able to find a clear career path after graduating and almost one in 10 believes their prospects are ‘bleak’, a new survey claims. A poll of 1723 poll students conducted by UNiDAYS and insurance company Urban Jungle in October 2020 claims that just 37 percent of students believe they will find a career easily after leaving university. More →

Millions will struggle to access the Government’s new Lifetime Skills Guarantee

Millions will struggle to access the Government’s new Lifetime Skills Guarantee

Lifetime Skills GuaranteeNew analysis published by the Work Foundation and Totaljobs claims that millions of low paid workers will struggle to access the Government’s new Lifetime Skills Guarantee (LSG) when it is launched next year amidst a growing jobs challenge. More →

Now is the time for employers to think differently about who they hire

Now is the time for employers to think differently about who they hire

EmployersAs COVID-19 has forced businesses to change where and how they work this year, the learning disability charity Mencap is now calling on employers to think differently about WHO they employ. The pandemic has highlighted the invaluable contribution people with a learning disability and/ or autism can make as hardworking and valued employees. More →

Third of home workers feel disconnected, Leesman data shows

Third of home workers feel disconnected, Leesman data shows

flexible workingInsights from Leesman’s ongoing home working study of more than 145,000 workers has revealed that a significant number of employees feel disconnected to their colleagues and organisation, while others struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Over a third of home workers (35 percent) feel disconnected to their organisation when working from home and a further 31 percent feel disconnected to their colleagues, Leesman data has revealed. More →

Furlough schemes are leaving isolated staff down in the dumps

Furlough schemes are leaving isolated staff down in the dumps

furlough isolationSince March, Glint has been creating a dataset which now consists of 7 million survey responses from employees around the world and across a broad range of industries. Our aim is to take the pulse of the global workforce to see how it’s faring with our ongoing global health crisis and to understand its effects on work. The recent August report shows that pandemic-related layoffs and furloughs have hit employees hard. 56 percent of respondents report feeling less happy at work after seeing co-workers furloughed or laid off. Half of respondents say their organisation’s layoffs or furlough plans have had a negative impact on their workload (50 percent) and their sense of belonging or community at work (47 percent). More →