Search Results for: decision making

One in four HR teams have no boardroom involvement

One in four HR teams have no boardroom involvement

Many HR departments feel they are being left out of strategic boardroom decisions across the UK, according to research published by Reed HR.  Around one in four HR professionals surveyed  said that their companies did not involve them in key strategic business decisions. In addition, four in five agreed that changing demands for employee benefits has impacted the responsibilities of the HR professional. And, of the 200 HR professionals taking part in the survey, only 10 per cent agreed that technology was having the biggest impact on the industry despite fears about AI replacing jobs. The majority (72 percent) of those asked said Brexit was making an impact on the sector with a quarter (24 percent) saying it was having the most influence. More →

People are too quick to click on emails

People are too quick to click on emails

Modern working culture makes it impossible for employees to always make the right decision about what to do with emails, claims a new report from cybersecurity company Tessian and the University of Central Lancashire. The report Why Do People Make Mistakes? presents findings from a new survey of 1,000 UK employees, who were asked about their working environment and practices. Additionally, the report includes insights from cyber-psychologists Dr Helen Jones, University of Central Lancashire and Professor John Towse, Lancaster University, which further explains how certain factors in the workplace can cause people to make poor decisions. More →

Coworking disrupts office design

Coworking disrupts office design 0

In his book How Buildings Learn, the author Stewart Brand outlines the process whereby buildings evolve over time to meet the changing needs of their occupants. He describes each building as consisting of six layers, each of which functions on a different timescale. These range from the site itself which has a life cycle measured in centuries, through to the building (decades), interior fit out (years), technology (months), to stuff (days). The effectiveness of a design will depend on how well it resolves the tensions that exist between these layers of the building, and this is one of the benefits of coworking that isn’t discussed enough.

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More disabled people opt for self-employment

More disabled people opt for self-employment

two people talking to illustrate the growing number of disabled people in self-employmentMore disabled people than ever before are choosing self-employment, but are being let down by poor support from government, according to new research from IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) and the Community trade union. The study, Making self-employment work for disabled people, claims that 611,000 UK disabled people now work for themselves in their main job. The report also found that although they overwhelmingly see self-employment as a positive way of working, they do not get the support they need from government. More →

In defence of open plan office design

In defence of open plan office design

The Johnson Wax building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright was an early example of open plan office designNoisy, distracting, toxic and disastrous. These are just a few words that have been used to describe open plan office layouts. Though the open office layout model was originally conceived to promote collaboration, innovation and stronger workplace relationship, if recent press is to be believed, it’s had the opposite effect at many companies. More →

C-suite reskills to face challenge of disruption

C-suite reskills to face challenge of disruption

c-suiteAn emerging super-group of employees and consumers in the UK is adding intense pressure to already challenged C-suite leaders who are navigating tough economic, technological and geo-political environments – further threatening company growth, a new Accenture (NYSE: ACN) study finds. With nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of these powerful stakeholders believing they have the potential to destroy company value in the long term, the C-suite understands the need to respond. More →

The far reaching impact of empathy in the workplace

The far reaching impact of empathy in the workplace

The average career length is 50 years, and according to Gallup’s State of The Global Workplace report, during this time only 1 in 10 people are actively engaged. This illustrates that within the current landscape there is a need for companies to actively pursue strategies to better engage their employees. Embedding empathy in working culture is one way of achieving actively-engaged workers but it also has the added benefit of increasing productivity and business growth. This was revealed by a piece in the Harvard Business Review, which highlighted the top ten most empathetic companies outperformed the bottom ten by at least 50 percent in productivity, earnings and growth. More →

Commuters receive little help from employers to alleviate their stress

Commuters receive little help from employers to alleviate their stress

Commuters receive little help from employers to alleviate their stressOver a third of respondents (36 percent) to a new survey report they are commuting for more than 90 minutes a day; yet despite a high demand for employer provisions to help alleviate the stress of the commute such as flexible or remote working and season ticket loans, 43 percent of employees stated that these were not currently offered by their employer. The Commuter Survey from Office Space in Town also claims that among the top commuting complaints were: lengthy journeys (32 percent); overcrowding (27 percent) and delays and frequent cancellations (26.01 percent). With the survey also revealing 75 percent take the commute into account when making their employment decisions, there is a lot that employers could be doing to minimise the negative impact on employee attraction and retention.

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Hiring the best people is bad for creativity

Hiring the best people is bad for creativity

A child's hand shows creativity covered in many paint colours and a smiling faceWhile in graduate school in mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I took a logic course from David Griffeath. The class was fun. Griffeath brought a playfulness and openness to problems related to creativity and other issues. Much to my delight, about a decade later, I ran into him at a conference on traffic models. During a presentation on computational models of traffic jams, his hand went up. I wondered what Griffeath – a mathematical logician – would have to say about traffic jams. He did not disappoint. Without even a hint of excitement in his voice, he said: ‘If you are modelling a traffic jam, you should just keep track of the non-cars.’

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Retention of EU workers no more difficult for many UK employers

Retention of EU workers no more difficult for many UK employers

More than half of UK companies say the referendum result hasn’t affected their ability to retain EU staff so far, according to  research from REED. Despite this positive news, the poll of nearly 500 UK senior professionals for its research revealed that a third singled out getting access to EU workers as the biggest issue for their organisation around Brexit. However, there is also strong support for getting access to the EU market (44 per cent) with 70 per cent of those asked wanting a close relationship with the EU when and if the UK leaves the EU. More →

Role of AI and automation in recruitment poses a challenge for HR

Role of AI and automation in recruitment poses a challenge for HR

Last week, news emerged that an automated system at Amazon had started firing low performing workers, highlighting the new role of AI and automation in traditional HR practices. Now a new report from the CIPD claims that the use of such systems will have a widespread but mixed impact on jobs. According to the study, the introduction of these new technologies at work will see job opportunities grow, by enhancing roles, employee skills and their pay. However, lack of thought and planning on how people and technology work together is reducing productivity improvements and increasing the risk of people being left behind.

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Plans approved for “the biggest regeneration scheme in the UK”

Plans approved for “the biggest regeneration scheme in the UK”

Boots Island regeneration scheme illustrationOutline plans to regenerate the 40-acre former Boots Island site in Nottingham have been approved by Nottingham City Council planning committee. Conygar Investment Company PLC intends to transform the site, which has lain derelict for many years, into grade A office space, “creative market space”, homes a five-star hotel, retail units, a “linear’ park” and community space and student accommodation. More →