Search Results for: colleagues

Five ways in which your colleagues might be driving you completely nuts

Five ways in which your colleagues might be driving you completely nuts 0

illegitimi-non-carborundum-mug-1It’s always worth reminding ourselves that while a well designed workplace and favourable working conditions are very desirable prerequisites of a good job, what really makes work enjoyable and what really makes a great culture are the people with whom we work. This simple fact is one reason why some people are happy in poorly designed offices full of all the things that supposedly make them unhappy and unwell, while other people can be miserable in airy, daylit, tastefully furnished corporate palaces. Just as Peter Drucker once said that culture eats strategy for breakfast, we also know that it washes it down with a piping hot mug of office design. Culture is defined in large measure by the people around us, it can be they who determine how much we enjoy work. Here are just five ways they can drive us nuts based on recent data.

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By 2030 your colleagues could be old enough to be your great-grandparents

By 2030 your colleagues could be old enough to be your great-grandparentsBy 2030 four-generation or “4G” workplaces – will become increasingly common as people delay retiring, even into their 80s. Although the role of women in the workplace will strengthen, an increasing divide will mean that while highly-skilled, highly-paid professionals will push for a better work-life balance, others will experience job and income insecurity. Technology will continue to evolve, pervading work environments everywhere, with many routine tasks becoming the domain of the smart algorithm. Multi media “virtual” work presences will become the norm, and as businesses seek additional flexibility, they will decrease the size of their core workforces, instead relying on networks of project-based workers. This is all according to the Future of Work, published this week by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). More →

Flexible working mothers often resented by colleagues and worry about career

TightropeWorking women who are offered flexibility to help them balance their jobs and childcare are often resented by their colleagues, according to a new report from  campaign group Opportunity Now. The survey of 25,000 working women aged between 28 and 40 found that two thirds of those surveyed believe they are expected to work longer hours than mothers. Conversely, working mothers are often perceived by their colleagues as less committed according to around half of respondents and there was a general feeling across all those surveyed that flexible working can be detrimental to careers. The report is the latest which highlights the problems many people encounter in working flexibly as a way of achieving a work-life balance.

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Don’t assume your colleagues are making you ill; it might be the office layout

Coughs and sneezes spread diseasesIt’s probably tempting to assume that any sniffles and bugs you’ve acquired at work are the direct result of the wheezing, sneezing, coughing and general poor hygiene of your co-workers. You could be right. But a new study suggests that the building and its interior design may well be having more of an influence than you think. The research published in the journal Ergonomics and available to read in full online here, explored the correlation between seven different models of office design and absenteeism in 2,000 subjects. The results published by researchers from Stockholm University in a report called ‘Office Design’s Impact on Sick Leave Rates’ found there was a clear link between how much time people spent off work and the layout of the offices in which they work.

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One in five US workers will spend Thanksgiving day with colleagues

thanksgiving-charlie-brownWith most American firms closed today for the country’s annual Thanksgiving celebrations, comes the surprising news that a significant number of workers will in fact be spending the day together after all. According to a survey carried out by CareerBuilder, co-workers may play a role in many Thanksgiving celebrations. Nearly one-in-five (19%) employees say they plan to celebrate Thanksgiving with co-workers either in or out of the office. Those working in transportation and utilities are most likely to spend the day together (28%), with Atlanta (35%) showing the highest percentage of colleagues meeting up on the day and Boston (6%) the lowest. Fourteen per cent of workers said they have to work on Thanksgiving anyway, with hospitality staff the most likely to be on the clock (36%).

Office environmentalists experiencing “green rage” over apathetic colleagues

new Green rage afflictionFacilities managers engaged in efforts to convince apathetic colleagues to adopt greener office working practices may relate to the news of a new workplace affliction – “green rage”. Dr Rebecca Whittle of Lancaster University told delegates at the recent annual conference of the Royal Geographical Society in London that there is a lot of silent conflict at work between people trying to do the right thing environmentally, and those who don’t care. She said that a light being left on in an unoccupied office or a recyclable item put in the wrong bin can provoke emotions as strong as guilt, rage or despair. More →

UK workers mistrust more contented home-based colleagues

UK workers mistrust more contented home-working colleagues

The debate which ensued following the Yahoo ban on home working earlier this year was as much as about the level of trust felt towards home workers as it was about the importance of collaboration within the workplace. The fact is that for the majority of home workers, day to day life is easier. No commuting, work where you please, no irritating colleagues and the freedom to nip out to the dentist, doctors or parents meeting without having to book a half day off. As a result, while home workers enjoy the best mental health and wellbeing of four groups in a survey of contact centre workers, office workers, home workers and mobile professional workers, their distance from the office-based working population breeds suspicion between them and everybody else. More →

Majority of workers prefer sick colleagues to stay home

Majority of workers would prefer sick colleagues to stay home

As we reported last week, the UK workforce is suffering from a bad case of presenteeism, but unfortunately for those valiant employees who drag themselves into the office despite being genuinely sick, it seems the majority of their workmates would prefer they didn’t bother. According to the latest research on the issue, this time from Capita Employee Benefits, over three in four (78 per cent) recognise that colleagues who are genuinely sick should stay at home until they get better for the benefit of both themselves and those around them.

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Beware the workplace mouse trap

Beware the workplace mouse trap

Life imitates art part 94. Scientists have discovered that lab mice may be conducting their own experiments on us. A paper published in the journal Current Biology and summarised here, speculates that mice seem to be testing their testers. They do this by deviating from simple expected behaviours such as responding to rewards to work out what might happen. More →

Most firms lack the right tech for hybrid working

Most firms lack the right tech for hybrid working

A new poll from Ricoh Europe claims that the majority of organisations lack the technology to support flexible working, with only 30 percent of European employees saying they have all the technology to collaborate seamlessly when working with other colleagues. More →

Hybrid working era means a boom time for workplace apps

Hybrid working era means a boom time for workplace apps

A new generation of workplace apps, coupled with a choice of settings, help people tailor their days and their experiencesDisseminating information about a building to the people who occupy it has come a long way from a basic, intranet desktop interface with warnings about wet floors or notices about charity fundraising. These days apps promise a much more sophisticated workplace experience, which can be accessed in the palm of your hand. Gartner has a useful definition of workplace apps’ capabilities, stating, “They are used to explore and reserve workspaces, navigate the workplace, find colleagues, plan the best days to attend the workplace, access services and ensure that employees could feel safe in a future post pandemic workplace.” More →

US employee engagement plummets to lowest level in over a decade

US employee engagement plummets to lowest level in over a decade

A report by Gallup claims that employee engagement in the U.S. has sunk to its lowest point in more than a decadeAmerican workplaces are facing a crisis of disengagement. A report by Gallup claims that employee engagement in the U.S. has sunk to its lowest point in more than a decade, marking a concerning trend with significant implications for businesses across the country. The study, which began tracking employee sentiment in 2023, identified a growing disconnect between workers and their employers. Employees reported feeling a lack of clarity in their roles, lower overall satisfaction with their organizations, and a weaker connection to their companies’ missions. They were also less likely to feel valued and supported by their colleagues and superiors. More →