Search Results for: government

Employees are twice as motivated and productive if they’re resilient

Employees are twice as motivated and productive if they’re resilient

ResilientAon plc, has released new research that highlights the impact on employee motivation and productivity if they are resilient. The data, gained across five European countries, including the UK, claims that employees are nearly twice as likely to be motivated and therefore productive, if they are resilient. More →

Massive increase in numbers of self-employed people on universal credit

Massive increase in numbers of self-employed people on universal credit

self-employedA new report from IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) suggests that there has been a massive increase in the number of self-employed people on Universal Credit since 2019. More →

Workplace culture is not something to be changed with hashtags

Workplace culture is not something to be changed with hashtags

workplace cultureThe state of the nation’s mental health and subsequent pressure on organisations to do ‘something’ has resulted in a PR opportunity for those who see it and take it. While mental health is high on the agenda of workplace culture improvements, several organisations, including Barclays, Eon and Unilever to name a few, have signed an open letter to The Times pledging to prioritise mental health as employees return to work, after research showed that more than a third of workers were struggling. More →

Everybody needs to be prepared for a new digital workplace

Everybody needs to be prepared for a new digital workplace

digital workplaceGraduates today are largely considered to be the ‘net generation’. Growing up whilst social media accelerated, their years in higher education have been synonymous with digital literacy, even before COVID-19 turned their studies entirely virtual. This monumental move into a digital workplace also echoed throughout the job market. As offices closed in Spring and millions were furloughed across hospitality, retail and travel, demand spiked by 36 percent for roles advertised in the digital tech sector. More →

Future of work has arrived sooner than expected, WEF report claims

Future of work has arrived sooner than expected, WEF report claims

future of workThe Future of Jobs 2020 report from the World Economic Forum claims that COVID-19 has caused the labour market to change faster than expected. The research suggests that what was recently considered the future of work has now arrived. By 2025, automation and a new division of labour between humans and machines will disrupt 85 million jobs globally in medium and large businesses across 15 industries and 26 economies. More →

Commercial rental prices fall in the UK as pandemic continues to bite

Commercial rental prices fall in the UK as pandemic continues to bite


Commercial real estate rental prices are continuing to drop in all the UK’s main business centres according to the latest quarterly figures by national office agent Office rental prices and those for coworking spaces at the UK’s major cities are all feeling the long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic with predictions that they will slump even further as a result of the new lockdown measures announced by the government. More →

Radical reskilling needed to ensure future of economy

Radical reskilling needed to ensure future of economy

reskillingResearch carried out by the CBI prior to the pandemic suggests there is an urgent need for the UK to embark on a radical programme of reskilling that goes further and faster than current plans. According to the CBI, the UK faces a stark choice: invest more in lifetime learning and upskilling of millions of employees, or stick to business as usual, and risk sustained higher rates of unemployment and skills shortages. More →

The changing office landscape: what tenants want from their workspace

The changing office landscape: what tenants want from their workspace

TenantsA new report, released by workplace design consultancy, Peldon Rose, takes a look at the changing needs of office users as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. “The Office of the Future” report, commissioned in conjunction with workplace strategy and employee engagement specialists, WKspace, examines the impact on the pandemic has had on the changing needs of tenants. More →

One in five working parents treated unfairly since COVID onset

One in five working parents treated unfairly since COVID onset

Working parentsWork-life balance charity Working Families has released a new report “Flexistability: Building Back Better for the UK’s Working Families”. The report claims that one in five, or 2.6 million working parents in the UK feel they have been treated less fairly at work because of their childcare responsibilities since the onset of COVID-19. More →

Frontline leaders blocked from strategic decision making

Frontline leaders blocked from strategic decision making

strategicNew research commissioned by Workplace from Facebook claims frontline managers are being shut out from making strategic decisions, due to a prevailing disconnect with leaders in HQ. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic highlighting the importance of the frontline and its leaders, managers in this environment have not been empowered to make decisions. More →

HR Directors worry about delivering a consistent employee experience

HR Directors worry about delivering a consistent employee experience

employee experienceNew research by Applaud, claims that 45 percent of HR Directors (HRDs) think the biggest challenge of delivering a good employee experience in the next six months will be making sure that all employees are receiving a consistent experience, regardless of whether they’re remote or office based. More →

Younger people most affected by disconnect of remote work

Younger people most affected by disconnect of remote work

remote work and the officeOver a third of younger office workers forced to work from home feel remote, unfocused and less committed to their employers, posing a real threat to businesses in the medium and long term, new research from Oktra claims. Of 1,500 people surveyed, who used to work in an office full time but have been working at home for the last six months, the experience has changed the way that 71 percent of them feel about their employer; 85 percent have struggled with the experience of remote work. More →