Search Results for: flexible

Single parents in danger of being locked out of work and forced into poverty

Single parents in danger of being locked out of work and forced into poverty

povertyA report published by single parent charity, Gingerbread, and the Institute for Employment Studies highlights how the world of work simply doesn’t work for single parents and warns things are set to get worse before they get better – putting even more single parent families at risk of poverty and creating a two-tier society, with single parents firmly at the bottom. More →

Long working hours increase deaths from heart disease and stroke, says WHO

Long working hours increase deaths from heart disease and stroke, says WHO

long working hoursLong working hours led to 745,000 deaths from stroke and ischemic heart disease in 2016, a 29 per cent increase since 2000, according to the latest estimates by the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organization published in Environment International today. In what the authors claim is the first global analysis of the loss of life and health associated with working long hours, WHO and ILO estimate that, in 2016, 398 000 people died from stroke and 347,000 from heart disease as a result of having worked at least 55 hours a week. Between 2000 and 2016, the number of deaths from heart disease due to long hours increased by 42 percent, and from stroke by 19 percent. More →

People working from home might now be subject to a visit from the Pensions Regulator

People working from home might now be subject to a visit from the Pensions Regulator

working from home and the new pensions lawThe Pensions Regulator might now have the power under current UK pensions legislation, to enter the private homes of employees when it is investigating their employer, if those employees are working from home. The current law has been in force since 2005 and it allows the Regulator to enter some premises at any reasonable time. This power is restricted to use only in relation to some limited statutory investigations. However, though currently limited, these regulatory powers will soon be widened and extended by the Pensions Schemes Act 2021 which is due to come into force in Autumn 2021.

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Organisations are finally getting their heads around what the office is really good at

Organisations are finally getting their heads around what the office is really good at

Modern office design by BDGAs 2020 came to a close, there was a palpable sense of hope that 2021 would bring with it a fresh slate with the horrors of COVID behind us. Alas, that has not happened and it seems we have more of the same, certainly for the next few months and with that the speculation about the ‘future of the office’ will no doubt continue. More →

UK business leaders pave the way for a hybrid working future

UK business leaders pave the way for a hybrid working future

workingNew research by Applaud, claims that UK business HR decision makers are paving the way for a new era of work post-pandemic, with organisations across the country looking to close or downsize their offices and focus instead on hybrid, remote working. More →

Societal change is driving businesses to focus on purpose

Societal change is driving businesses to focus on purpose

focusIncreasing pressure from investors, customers and employees are causing CEOs to focus their businesses on purpose, resilience and long-term sustainability, according to a new report from the Reward & Employee Benefits Association (REBA) and Mercer Marsh Benefits (MMB). The report, ‘People risk – why the need for change is urgent‘ claims a shift in business focus away from short term gains in favour of emphasising long term value creation as one way of managing people risk. More →

Why mobile site surveys have changed so dramatically

Why mobile site surveys have changed so dramatically

Central to any business is the need to communicate effectively.  Whether you’re relocating to new or refurbished premises, or switching providers, it is vital to ensure your communications networks are up to the job in terms of performance and reliability. Not only is this required to support conventional telecoms and OTT services, it is key to smart building and smart infrastructure applications. Connectivity should not be limited to Wi-Fi either. Businesses are increasingly pushing mobile-only strategies and landlines are fast becoming obsolete in the workplace. PwC, for example, removed all landlines from their offices back in 2018 and many other organisations have since followed suit, with smartphones providing a single point of contact for all voice and internet connectivity, as well as being used as resilient IT infrastructure. More →

The future of work will see profound changes in the way firms engage with customers

The future of work will see profound changes in the way firms engage with customers

Businesses are managing a new work dynamic that’s made up of three parts, or three ‘types’ of employee. Some are keen to go back to the office, some want to stay working from home, and some want an entirely flexible arrangement so they can fit work around important personal commitments. More →

European businesses leading the charge towards progressive office models

European businesses leading the charge towards progressive office models


New research conducted by Locatee claims that employee wellbeing is the top priority for CRE managers over the next five years. The research details the opinions of corporate real estate managers (CREMs) from across Europe, outlining the changes they have seen during the pandemic, and how their businesses will adapt for the future. More →

UK businesses improve their work culture to focus on wellbeing and flexibility

UK businesses improve their work culture to focus on wellbeing and flexibility

flexibilitySlack, a messaging app for business, has released new research looking into how UK businesses can change their approach to employee experience as lockdown eases, in order to help uphold culture, create flexibility, and maintain productivity. More →

AMBITUS luminaire by Rainlight Studio for Zumtobel wins ‘Best of the Best’ at prestigious Red Dot Awards

AMBITUS luminaire by Rainlight Studio for Zumtobel wins ‘Best of the Best’ at prestigious Red Dot Awards

Rainlight Studio has been awarded the ‘Best of the Best’ product prize at this year’s Red Dot Awards for AMBITUS, an innovative high performance luminaire designed for Austrian manufacturer Zumtobel, combining state-of-the-art technology within a nuanced form. Yorgo Lykouria, founder and creative director of Rainlight, collaborated with Zumtobel, one of the world’s most well-respected lighting manufacturers, over a ten-year period to create AMBITUS, distinctive because of its compact profile and circular shape to emit maximum light distribution, in a sector dominated by linear forms. More →

Workers do double the work because of disconnected tech

Workers do double the work because of disconnected tech

New research by Templafy claims over a third (37 percent) of UK employees do around double the amount of work because their technology stack lacks useful integrations in its business enablement report. This leaves UK workers spending large amounts of time switching between applications, with over one in four, 27 percent, using six to ten different applications each week. More →