Search Results for: communications

Toxicity in the workplace experienced by seventy percent of UK employees

Toxicity in the workplace experienced by seventy percent of UK employees

ToxicityCulture in UK workplaces has come under scrutiny after a recent study claims that seven in ten (70 percent) Brits shared they’ve experienced toxicity in a working environment at some stage of their career. More →

Right to disconnect should be enshrined in law, says report

Right to disconnect should be enshrined in law, says report

right to disconnectAn overtime “epidemic” driven by the rise in home working during the pandemic must be curtailed with new right to disconnect laws, according to a report from think-tank Autonomy. The authors claim that unpaid labour is a growing problem in the UK, exacerbated by home working during the pandemic. They say employees are frequently contacted by their employers after the working day has finished officially to complete tasks, which impacts their mental health. The report proposes draft legislation to implement a ‘right to disconnect’ based on French law, which ensures respect for employee rest periods and allows them to ignore work calls and emails outside of working hours. More →

We need to take a long term view on workplace sustainability 

We need to take a long term view on workplace sustainability 

workplace sustainabilityOne of the more welcome outcomes from the pandemic has been a reinvigorated and better conversation about the environment in general and workplace sustainability in particular. There were some immediate quick wins in the Spring of 2020. Cleaner air became evident in atmospheric readings and satellite images. People literally took to the streets as traffic all but vanished. Planes were grounded. We could hear birdsong. Wild animals populated some streets. It was as if Nature itself breathed a sigh of relief.   More →

Firms continue to underestimate employee turnover threat, study claims

Firms continue to underestimate employee turnover threat, study claims

employee turnoverA new study from communications agency Zeno Group claims that businesses continue to underestimate the chances of an increase in employee turnover as a result of changing attitudes towards work. According to the survey, while companies often focus on addressing their disengaged or disgruntled groups, the study finds that 58 percent of satisfied employees in the UK now report being open to new opportunities, with many actively searching. In addition, those surveyed report their employers do not recognize this reality, with just 20 percent of respondents saying their employers think many workers are looking for new roles elsewhere. More →

Hybrid working poses challenges of culture, morale and training

Hybrid working poses challenges of culture, morale and training

hybrid workingAs increasing numbers of companies offer post-pandemic hybrid working for employees, the challenges it poses to maintaining culture, morale, effective training and staff loyalty have been disclosed in a new survey of senior executives. More →

UK organisations risk losing talent if lacking in empathetic leadership

UK organisations risk losing talent if lacking in empathetic leadership

empatheticNew research commissioned by Workplace from Facebook claims there is a growing demand from UK employees for more empathetic leaders since the pandemic. More →

The pivotal role of remote working in the journey to jab the nation

The pivotal role of remote working in the journey to jab the nation

At 6.31 a.m. on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, the UK became the first country in the world to administer the COVID-19 vaccine. Just over five months earlier, I had been deployed to the NHS England and NHS Improvement COVID-19 vaccination programme to help drive the highly complex design and planning needed to bring the nation to this point. My role involved leading the set up and embedding of the Estates, Equipment, Consumables and Logistics workstream. The purpose of this was to establish and combine the new and existing infrastructure required in England to manage the distribution, regulation and administration of multiple vaccines so that all systems would be ready to vaccinate on the ‘go-live’ date. More →

Why mobile site surveys have changed so dramatically

Why mobile site surveys have changed so dramatically

Central to any business is the need to communicate effectively.  Whether you’re relocating to new or refurbished premises, or switching providers, it is vital to ensure your communications networks are up to the job in terms of performance and reliability. Not only is this required to support conventional telecoms and OTT services, it is key to smart building and smart infrastructure applications. Connectivity should not be limited to Wi-Fi either. Businesses are increasingly pushing mobile-only strategies and landlines are fast becoming obsolete in the workplace. PwC, for example, removed all landlines from their offices back in 2018 and many other organisations have since followed suit, with smartphones providing a single point of contact for all voice and internet connectivity, as well as being used as resilient IT infrastructure. More →

Email fatigue is causing rising dissatisfaction with remote work

Email fatigue is causing rising dissatisfaction with remote work

Superhuman, have released the results of a new survey that examines how the pandemic and shift to remote work are impacting employee satisfaction with their jobs. More →

The era of work personalisation is upon us

The era of work personalisation is upon us

work personalisationYou may have heard it said  that any idea repeated often enough develops some form of legitimacy. We’ve had plenty of reason to reflect on whether this notion is true or nor over the past year, especially as all-encompassing pronouncements about the future of work have proliferated and intensified. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that around 80 percent of people only read headlines. This can be a particular issue when you see a headline like The Death of the Office Desk is Upon Us above an article that suggests the death of the personal desk is upon us, when the reality is rather more about the personalisation of work. More →

Discover the Yorkshire-made product that helps boost workplace productivity

Discover the Yorkshire-made product that helps boost workplace productivity

With workplaces up and down the country now following new rules and regulations – and with online meetings also the order of the day – colleagues everywhere may be feeling demotivated. More →

Frontline workers overlooked in employee engagement strategies

Frontline workers overlooked in employee engagement strategies

employeeNew research from Opinion Matters, commissioned by SocialChorus, claims there is a stark disparity between desk-based/wired and frontline workers when it comes to Digital Employee Experience (DEX) with a fifth of HR and Internal Communications (IC) respondents admitting to focusing on employees in the office, and just 12 percent prioritising deskless workers. More →