Search Results for: performance

BIFM launches new guide to construction and design processes

BIFM launches new guide to construction and design processes 0

BIMThe British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) has launched its new ‘Operational Readiness Guide: A guide to ensuring long term effectiveness in the design and construction process’. The guide aims to ‘equip facilities management professionals with the skills, knowledge and guidance to effectively engage at each stage of the design and construction process to deliver greater value to the end user organisations that occupy the buildings.’ Its launch coincides with the first day that centrally procured public sector projects in the UK will require the implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) at Level 2. The authors claims that in order for FMs ‘to deliver long term effectiveness and relevance for the end user facilities management professionals need to be engaged from the start and learnings and insights from operators applied to close the gap between building design and performance’.

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Isn’t it time that UK businesses thought more like the Scandinavians?

Isn’t it time that UK businesses thought more like the Scandinavians? 0

SunriseThe clocks went forward on 27th March meaning darker mornings and lighter evenings – at least for a time.  But the standard working day doesn’t reflect such changes, with commuters setting out in darkness to make a fixed 9am start. The changing of the clocks raises interesting questions about the UK work model. Why does UK business persist with the 9-5? We know that commuting in and out can be stressful and detrimental to productivity – not to mention expensive. So why do we continue to do it? Why is the UK’s workforce all boarding the same trains to arrive at the office at the same time? Today, the very notion of the 9am start to the working day should seem archaic. Sweden – often a forerunner of best practice when it comes to wellbeing – recently introduced a 6-hour working day in a bid to reduce sick leave and make staff happier.  To date, there has been no hard analysis of results, but anecdotal evidence suggests a healthier, more engaged workforce.

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A growing need to create an office that attracts rather than repels staff

A growing need to create an office that attracts rather than repels staff 0

Old compass on white background with soft shadow

So where do you start when identifying the attributes that make an office an ‘attractor’ for staff? There are numerous articles extolling the virtues of everything from pool tables, to hammocks, creative “playgrounds” and all manner of enticing and unique workplace design considerations. However, I believe that there are more intangible and subjective issues at stake such as building aesthetics, prestige and values alignment. Very few businesses benefit from working in low-key, nondescript locations. The only likely motivation for occupying such a space would be cost-driven. Likewise, nobody wants to work in a building that is run-down, outdated and clearly past its best-by date. It is preferable for most office workers to work in a building that is new, interesting, prestigious or an acknowledged landmark. It becomes something they can be proud of and would be happy to share with family, friends and colleagues.

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Staff value engagement and culture but many feel let down by employers

Staff value engagement and culture but many feel let down by employers 0

JLL engagementReal estate consultancy JLL has issued a survey to explore the results of its January 2016 report into workplace engagement. The new study reveals – perhaps unsurprisingly – that there is a mismatch between employee’s positive attitudes towards the issues of engagement and culture and their negative experience of them in their current roles. So, while 87 percent of respondents agree that engagement and culture are key drivers of organisational performance, 42 percent don’t believe that their employer effectively capitalises on the workplace to enhance employee engagement, 46 percent do not think that their workplace is used as a key competitive differentiator to attract and retain talent and 41 percent do not agree that their workplace is used as a tool to generate a positive company culture. The study highlights the issues associated with lack of engagement and suggests a number of solutions to help employers engage with staff.

Organisations and senior staff have contradictory ideas on motivation

Organisations and senior staff have contradictory ideas on motivation 0

Motivated senior staffOnly 40 percent of executives say their organisation helps them unlock their potential, according to a new global survey of senior executives. Pay and benefits are just one of many factors motivating these executives; with the most commonly cited motivation “making a difference,” chosen by 55 percent of respondents, followed by “personal growth and development,” “leading and organising others” and “monetary compensation,” each chosen by 45 percent of those surveyed. The wide range of motivations among leaders is underscored by the fact that no single factor was chosen by much more than half of the respondents. The survey by Egon Zehnder, “What Makes You Thrive?” discovered that many executives are leaving their potential at the office door, with 31 percent saying their organisation didn’t help unlock their potential and 27 percent not sure. 72 percent of those surveyed said they would welcome more help from their organisation to pinpoint and pursue personal motivations and goals.

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Foreign team leaders bring out the best in multicultural teams

Foreign team leaders bring out the best in multicultural teams 0

multicultural teamsForeign team leaders are better equipped to lead multicultural teams – and can directly increase team performance, according to new research from Katja Raithel of the RSM Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. The report surveyed 66 multicultural teams and found that those led by foreign managers put in more effort and were better at completing their work on time.The teams also reported to be better at problem solving and were seen to be more effective in general.The results also showed that it does not matter how long a foreign national has been in the job – they will be more effective regardless of tenure. However, when looking at local leaders, Raithel found that the experience of leading a culturally diverse team could serve as an international experience in itself – and that the longer a local leader held their position in a multicultural team, the better the team would perform.

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Increase in commercial office take up across Europe expected to continue

Increase in commercial office take up across Europe expected to continue 0

Dublin-IFSC-Commercial-PropertyThe commercial property occupier markets across Europe recorded healthy improvements in activity during 2015, with the total take-up in the major office markets rising by 10 percent, according to Knight Frank’s latest European Quarterly Report. Although there was a drop in take-up in Europe’s two largest markets, London and Paris, this was made up by the strong performance of German, Iberian and Central and Eastern Europe markets. Commercial property rents rose by around 3.5 percent over the course of 2015, largely due to growth in markets such as Dublin, London, Madrid and Stockholm. Rental growth is expected to spread to a wider range of cities in 2016 with Paris, for example, expected to see prime office rents rise following more than two years of stability. A total of €64.5 billion was invested in European commercial property in Q4 2015, taking volumes for the full year to €238.5 billion. This represents a 25 percent increase on 2014.

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The difference between ‘recyclable’ and ‘recycled’ is management not material

The difference between ‘recyclable’ and ‘recycled’ is management not material

recycled coffee cupThe Times (paywall) has uncovered some pretty remarkable statistics about the way the British consume coffee. It appears that we now buy some 2.5 billion paper cups of coffee each year, primarily from the main High Street chains. That’s about 7 million cups a day. The good news for the environmentally conscious public would appear to be that all the chains ensure that each cup is fully recyclable and so prominently displays its green cred where the consumer can’t miss it. The problem is that just 1 in 400 of the cups are actually recycled with the rest going to landfill. The firms involved may include recycling bins in-store, but that accounts for just a fraction of the disposal of the cups. As The Times points out, the companies understand that consumers are more impressed by the claim that a product is 100 percent recyclable than 0.25 percent recycled. They are swayed by the material and ignorant of the management.

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The nine workplace trends every organisation must learn to address

The nine workplace trends every organisation must learn to address 0

Workplace trendsThe latest company to set out its vision of workplace trends is food services provider Sodexo. The company’s 2016 Workplace Trends Report suggests there are nine key areas that managers should address, each linked by the common theme of striking the right balance between the organisation’s commercial objectives and the needs of its stakeholders. The report is a detailed meta-analysis based on primary research, client feedback and research from academics, trade associations and FM providers. The report covers the most talked about themes in workplace design and management including wellness, work-life balance, diversity, green building and workforce engagement. The authors acknowledge the challenge firms face in striking the balance between these complex and conflicting demands and call for an ‘holistic’ approach to resolve them (which may suggest they have as much of an idea about the right answers as anybody else).

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Open plan offices linked to low engagement and workplace satisfaction levels

Open plan offices linked to low engagement and workplace satisfaction levels 0

Open plan officeAs we’ve pointed out before, while open plan working can bring cultural benefits such as improved communication and collaboration; the continuing popularity of the open plan office is largely down to cost. The reason the UK has more than twice as many open plan workers as the global average is primarily due to high real estate costs. Now a new report from Steelcase suggests that space and cost-saving strategies such as open plan offices and hot-desking could be impacting workplace satisfaction and engagement. UK employees are falling below the global average for almost all workplace satisfaction metrics, reporting a lack of control over their work environment (59 percent), difficulties concentrating (43 percent) and an inability to work without being interrupted (50 percent). These three factors were found to be central to fostering an engaged and satisfied workforce. Only 29 percent of UK workers are engaged, compared to 34 percent globally.

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Why WELL rather than green is the new black in building design

Why WELL rather than green is the new black in building design 0

Building design WELLBusinesses that seek to occupy premium or grade A office accommodation are traditionally seduced by the next big thing. What was once a bespoke architectural design, then became an icon, a taller building, one made of glass and finally the inevitable iconic, tall, glass tower. Now it seems a good number of those businesses have moved on to green buildings as a must have upgrade to the skyscrapers of glass and steel. Green, it appears, is the new black. But is that really the next big thing or is being green merely the last big thing? Even worse, does going green in terms of building design actually deliver the types of benefits that an occupier or landlord was anticipating, beyond the significance of branding and an alignment with grade A quality office space? The green building narrative is a particularly powerful one and the growth of LEED and BREEAM rated buildings over the last decade is proof of that power.

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Want a Google workplace? + The boundless office + Belief in corporate wellness

Want a Google workplace? + The boundless office + Belief in corporate wellness 0

Insight_twitter_logo_2In this week’s Insight Newsletter; Kelvin Bromley says the office is reinventing itself; Dr Caroline M. Burns argues that the Google office doesn’t work for everyone and Leeson Medhurst warns that providing too much choice at work can lead to confusion. Mark Eltringham finds wellness programme succeed based on perceptions not actions and  Matias Rodsevich explores how performance indicators can help meet business goals. A new BCO report reveals commercial property costs are higher than widely thought; why Gen X is the hardest working generation; the Workplace Foundation says the UK is on the verge of a flexible working tipping point and London legal firms move towards open plan working.  Download the latest issue of Work&Place and access an Insight Briefing produced in partnership with Connection, which looks at agile working in the public sector. Visit our new events page, follow us on Twitter and join our LinkedIn Group to discuss these and other stories.