Search Results for: Gen Z

Review of progress on diversity in boardrooms shows that there is much to do

Review of progress on diversity in boardrooms shows that there is much to do

Business leaders have been urged by Sir John Parker to step up their work on ethnic and cultural diversity at the top of business. The call to action comes as the Parker Review Committee, led by Sir John Parker, publishes its first annual update to track the progress made against the recommendations in its Final Report, published in October 2017.  The Final Report urged business leaders to improve the ethnic and cultural diversity of UK Boards to better reflect their employee base and the communities they serve. It set out achievable objectives and timescales to encourage greater diversity.

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BSRIA publishes list of new and upcoming legislation and guidance for buildings

BSRIA publishes list of new and upcoming legislation and guidance for buildings

The Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA) has published a list of the most up to date legislation and guidance that affects the design, construction and management of buildings. While a couple are relevant primarily for domestic buildings, the emphasis is very much on commercial property and will be of interest to a range of professionals. BSRIA members also have access to a legislation service on building and building services legislation and relevant guidance. More →

European research network sets out to discover exactly how the Internet is bad for us

European research network sets out to discover exactly how the Internet is bad for us

A pan-European network to tackle problematic internet usage officially launches today with the publication of its manifesto, setting out the important questions that need to be addressed by the research community. As the internet has become an integral part of modern life and its use has grown, so too has its problematic use become a growing concern across all age groups. It has provided a new environment in which a wide range of problematic behaviours may emerge, such as those relating to gaming, gambling, buying, pornography viewing, social networking, ‘cyber-bullying’ and ‘cyberchondria’, which can have mental and physical health consequences.

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Some regions are better prepared for the rise of automation than others

Some regions are better prepared for the rise of automation than others

Concerted action is needed from national and local politicians, businesses and education providers to improve educational opportunities in all cities, from early years to schools and adult learning. This is according to a major report from the think tank Centre for Cities. It examines how automation and globalisation are transforming the skills needed to thrive in the workplace, and the extent to which people in English cities are gaining these skills. The report claimsthat interpersonal and analytical skills – such as negotiation and critical thinking – are increasingly important for current and future workers, as manual and physical jobs are particularly under threat from automation and globalisation.

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Bloomberg HQ declared the best new building in the UK as well as best office

Bloomberg HQ declared the best new building in the UK as well as best office

The humble office doesn’t always feature prominently in RIBA’s annual Stirling Prize list but last night, Bloomberg’s European headquarters was named the UK’s best new building. The 2018 RIBA Stirling Prize judges were unanimous in their decision to award Bloomberg the 2018 RIBA Stirling Prize describing it as a “once-in-a-generation project”. RIBA President, Ben Derbyshire says it is a “monumental achievement”.  It’s the second award bestowed on the project in the last week. The BCO has already declared the building the UK’s best workplaceMore →

How the media oversold standing desks as a fix for inactivity at work

Sitting is so culturally ingrained at work, at the wheel, in front of the TV and at the movies, it takes a great effort to imagine doing these things standing up, let alone pedalling as you work at a bike desk. So, when the world’s first specific guidelines on sitting and moving at work were published, they generated headlines such as: Abandon your chair for four hours to stay healthy, office workers are told and: Stand up at your desk for two hours a day, new guidelines say. But what many media reports did not mention was the guidelines were based on limited evidence. They were also co-authored by someone with commercial links to standing desks (desks you raise and lower to work at standing or sitting), a link not declared when the guidelines were first published in a journal. Media reports also overplayed the dangers of sitting at work, incorrectly saying it wiped out the benefits of exercise. Our new study reveals the nature of this media coverage and its role in overselling standing desks as a solution to inactivity at work.

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Refurbished industrial buildings provide perfect modern workplaces

Refurbished industrial buildings provide perfect modern workplaces

Refurbished industrial sheds provide the perfect space for the creation of modern workplaces, according to a study by Hawkins\Brown and JLL. In what the authors claim is the first comparative study of its kind, Industrial Rehab: A new space of opportunity takes a look at the global trend for companies in the knowledge economy to seek out large-span buildings because they support creative working, are able to accommodate rapid growth and deliver high quality, good value accommodation.

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Brexit has already caused banks to move head counts away from UK

Brexit has already caused banks to move head counts away from UK

Brexit has already caused banks to move head counts out of UKA new report published by Information Services Group (ISG) claims that UK banks are already moving headcount out of the UK and building new centres of excellence in other EU countries. The reason it suggests is because Brexit is likely to disrupt the UK and Europe applications development and maintenance (ADM) services markets in the coming months, with the impact felt most notably in the banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI), healthcare and life sciences (HCLS) and manufacturing sectors. However, a September report from Reuters found that so far just 630 jobs in the finance sector have been relocated from the UK.  More →

Unskilled and low skilled men most at risk from Brexit

Unskilled and low skilled men most at risk from Brexit

Men with GCSE qualifications or below employed in certain manual occupations are more likely than other groups to work in industries at particular risk from new barriers to trade with the EU after Brexit. Historically, those in this group have struggled to find equally well-paid work elsewhere when job losses have occurred. That is one of the key conclusions from detailed new analysis of trade data carried out by researchers at IFS and funded by the ESRC’s UK in a Changing Europe initiative.

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Developing a resilient mindset to cope with stress

Developing a resilient mindset to cope with stress

Earlier this year, The New York times reported on a company in New Zealand that reduced its employee’s work time to four days a week whilst paying them for five. The idea came to the CEO after he read research that showed that employees generally only spend three hours a day on actual productive work. The change was highly successful, employees were as productive over the four days as they were over the five but the wellbeing of employees improved dramatically.

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Innovation and culture are key ingredients of successful cities

Innovation and culture are key ingredients of successful cities

CBRE has released Our Cities, Knowledge for the future, a report and microsite which explores how British cities might look and feel in twenty years’ time. The research claims to cast new light on the complexity of the future city. The project examines what will make a successful city through a collection of over 80 separate articles with insights on areas such as diversity, culture and sport, the economy, sustainability, governance, health, transport and placemaking. In doing so it identifies innovation, culture, and governance as being crucial to the success of British cities.

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Microsoft unveils new Surface devices, headphones, and software updates

Microsoft unveils new Surface devices, headphones, and software updates

Microsoft expanded its Surface family of devices with Surface Headphones, Surface Laptop 2, Surface Studio 2 and Surface Pro 6, designed to offer more performance and productivity enabling people to achieve more. The devices seamlessly fade into the background, empowering people to work without interruptions to their creative flow, whenever and wherever inspirations strikes.

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