Search Results for: business

AI fosters a happier and more productive workforce, research claims

AI fosters a happier and more productive workforce, research claims

AIBusinesses using artificial intelligence (AI) solutions benefit from a happier and more efficient workforce, claims new research from Fountech Solutions. A survey of more than 750 decision-makers within UK businesses highlights the employee and organisational benefits of deploying artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. More →

Four new companies join WorldGBC’s Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment

Four new companies join WorldGBC’s Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment

Net Zero CarbonWorldGBC has announced four new companies as signatories to its Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment (the Commitment), signalling global industry leadership to decarbonise the built environment and combat climate change. The Commitment now has a total of 132 signatories, with 98 businesses & organisations, 28 cities and six states & regions. The businesses and organisations signed up to the Commitment now account for over 5 million (tCO2e) of portfolio emissions. More →

Learning by observation reduces cognitive bias, research suggests

Learning by observation reduces cognitive bias, research suggests

Research from the Business School (formerly Cass) suggests that observing others’ decision-making can teach people to make better decisions themselves. The study, co-authored by Professor Irene Scopelliti, Professor of Marketing and Behavioural Science, tested the effectiveness of a new debiasing learning strategy and claims the first evidence that watching others make decisions can improve our own decision making. More →

Hybrid working is the new expectation of pressured employees

Hybrid working is the new expectation of pressured employees

The past twelve months have proved to be a watershed year fohybridr workplace digital transformation and the urgent shift to remote working has seen the world experience two years of digital transformation in two months. New research from Microsoft Surface claims to examine the impact of this transformation on the UK workforce, suggesting that employees are happier, but under more pressure working from home – despite almost 9 out of 10 (87 percent) of employees reporting their businesses have adapted to ‘hybrid working’. More →

More than half of UK workers planning to take on a side hustle

More than half of UK workers planning to take on a side hustle

workersOver half (54 percent) of UK workers say they are more open to taking on a side hustle or freelance work since the Covid-19 pandemic, according to new research from Fiverr. Over 2 in 5 (44 percent) agree they are more open to it, due to the flexibility that working from home has given them. More →

New social enterprise aims to bring work back to unemployed people with disabilities

New social enterprise aims to bring work back to unemployed people with disabilities

Two and a half million Brits are expected to be unemployed this year after the fall out of the pandemic. A concern for many has been how disabled people will fare with the aftermath. The unemployment rate for people with disabilities is more than twice those who are able bodied. More →

We must seize the chance to go full circle on sustainable office design

We must seize the chance to go full circle on sustainable office design

The circular economy is the ‘holy grail’. Few people would deny the ambition of keeping resources in use for as long as possible, extracting the maximum value from them, then recovering and regenerating products and materials at the end of each service life. Is this achievable within the furniture and furnishings sector? Many manufacturers and suppliers can justifiably boast impressive ‘green’ credentials, such as manufacturing techniques, the use of innovative and sustainable materials as well as recyclability of products. The production and supply of new furnishings doesn’t address, however, the short and longer term issues relating to sustainability. ‘Cradle to cradle’ is a great concept – but who is responsible? More →

Investment in digital technology set to deliver £232bn boost to UK economy by 2040

Investment in digital technology set to deliver £232bn boost to UK economy by 2040

economyInvestment in digital technology is set to increase UK GDP by £232bn (6.9 percent) in 2040, according to a new study by Virgin Media Business and the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR). The research, which examines how more digital ways of working can support the UK’s economic recovery from Covid-19, claims investment in technology could boost the economy by £74bn in 2025. More →

Mental health related workplace absenteeism costs soared to £14bn in 2020

Mental health related workplace absenteeism costs soared to £14bn in 2020

mental healthThe impact of the nation’s deteriorating mental health from Covid-19 lockdowns and other restrictions cost UK businesses £14bn last year, according to a study by Westfield Health. The cost of absenteeism from work due to mental health reasons increased last year by £1.3bn from 2019’s totals as work from home, travel restrictions, furlough and pay cuts changed the workplace for millions of people across the UK. More →

The future workplace will only thrive with social and customer experience at its heart

The future workplace will only thrive with social and customer experience at its heart

future workplace has a lot to learn from hospitalityOne important concept the pandemic has taught us is that irrespective of where we work and whatever form the future workplace takes, our brand must remain strong. With much of our workforce now working from home, how do we bridge the gap between corporate and home life? As head offices re-form into social hangout hubs, and dining tables become makeshift desks, one message is loud and clear – connection with and delight in a brand is everything. From our internal talent and culture, and supply partnerships, to external customer persona, we must strengthen our culture both inside and out. More →

Firms split furniture budgets between home and office

Firms split furniture budgets between home and office

home officeAs lockdown looks set to be extended until mid-March and many business professionals continue to work remotely, a new study by lighting supplier Ultra LEDs claims that only now are workers investing in their home office as they plan for the future. More →

LGBT+ workers experience higher levels of conflict at work

LGBT+ workers experience higher levels of conflict at work

LGBT+The CIPD has launched a new research report ‘Inclusion at work: Perspectives on LGBT+ working lives’ to highlight how LGBT+ workers tend to have a more negative experience of work. More →