Search Results for: employee

From ego to eco – a universal approach to  workplace transformation

From ego to eco – a universal approach to workplace transformation

Going from ‘ego to eco’ extends beyond the narrow confines of the workplace and our personal and professional lives, additionally it is not just confined to ecology and the environmentYou might quite rightly be thinking about the relevance of such a ‘hippy, dippy’ soundbite on the hard-hitting world of work and the workplace, especially in this climate of uncertainty with a myriad of challenges facing business, the workforce and commercial real estate globally. I first heard the phrase ‘going from ego to eco’ at a series of presentations cum incubator events EverythingOmni ran with participants of all ages/backgrounds/career levels representing 18 countries on the Uncertainty of Work.

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Scottish government to trial public sector four day week

Scottish government to trial public sector four day week

After twelve months, if the trial proves successful, the four day week scheme could be extended to include a wider range of central government bodies, councils and quangosThe Scottish government is to trial a four day working week for many civil servants. The experiment is set to last for a year and a number of departments and public sector bodies have been invited to take part. After twelve months, if the trial proves successful, the four day week scheme could be extended to include a wider range of central government bodies, councils and quangos. More →

Why Wellworking decided to become the latest B Corporation

Why Wellworking decided to become the latest B Corporation

A Wellworking core principles is to work towards a sustainable and socially responsible future. B Corp Certification has provided us with a framework with which to approach thisPutting people and the planet above profits may not appear at first glance to be a recipe for financial success for a company like Wellworking, but becoming a Certified B Corporation company is proving good for business and something that the furniture industry can play a big role in. You may have seen the B Corp logo on a shop door or the back of a van and wondered what exactly it means. Well if I could sum that up after a certification process that has been rigorous, challenging and above all, rewarding, I would say that it’s about putting people and the planet first. More →

Advancing accessibility and reaping the rewards of disability inclusion

Advancing accessibility and reaping the rewards of disability inclusion

two people talking to illustrate the growing number of disabled people in self-employment disability inclusionIn business, companies have a responsibility to balance profit-driven strategies with wider social commitments. As well as being the right thing to do, a focus on the latter can invariably drive economic value. Companies that prioritise diversity, for instance, earn 2.5 times higher cash flow, while inclusive teams are 35 percent more productive. As a result, diversity in the workforce is now widely accepted to be both a moral necessity and a commercial opportunity, with more and more corporates incorporating DE&I policies into their operational frameworks. Despite this progress, the disability community is still largely excluded from these discussions around inclusion.  More →

The challenge for office acoustics is to make people feel at home

The challenge for office acoustics is to make people feel at home

The need for quiet work remains wherever we work, and so our approach to office acoustics should shift in particular waysA number of apparent truisms about work and workplaces entered mainstream consciousness in the wake of the pandemic, and the shift to more flexible and hybrid working cultures. One of them is that people are better off carrying out focussed, quiet work at home, and creative and collaborative work in the office. And that this might suggest our approach to office acoustics would shift in particular ways. More →

Firms look to consolidate office space in response to persistence of hybrid working

Firms look to consolidate office space in response to persistence of hybrid working

Many firms are taking the opportunity to consolidate office space presented to them by the persistence of hybrid workingWorkers able to work remotely are still only coming into an office for an average of 1.75 days a week, a study of 119 workplaces in 22 countries by workplace consultancy AWA claims. The responses, collated in April-May 2023 and representing organisations employing close to 155,000 people, saw a slight increase on AWA’s study a year ago, indicating that office attendance has reached a more or less steady state and that hybrid working is still a favoured solution. More →

People and firms often have very different views on the value of meaningful work

People and firms often have very different views on the value of meaningful work

new study from IBM claims that while employees rank meaningful work as something they care about deeply, executives say it’s the least important factor to their teamsA new study from IBM claims that while employees rank meaningful work as something they care about deeply, executives say it’s the least important factor to their teams. The study, Augmented work for an automated, AI-driven world surveyed 3,000 global C-Suite executives across 20 industries and 28 countries. It also suggests that executives in the UK estimate that 41 percent of their workforce will need to reskill as a result of implementing AI and automation over the next three years. More →

Majority of firms lack the data to make ‘return to office’ decisions

Majority of firms lack the data to make ‘return to office’ decisions

80 percent of the same executives confess that they would have approached the so-called return-to-office differently, if they had access to accurate data.A new survey from Envoy, which polled over 1,100 company executives and workplace managers across five leading industries, explores how these two groups of leaders use data to make smarter, more informed decisions about their workplaces.  It suggests that the world’s leading companies are struggling to confidently report what’s happening in their workplaces. The problem is the lack of accurate, easy-to-use data. 52 percent of executives admit not being able to make a critical workplace decision because they lacked the necessary data to assess operational and real estate needs. Furthermore, 80 percent of the same executives confess that they would have approached the so-called return-to-office differently, if they had access to accurate data. More →

Zoom opens new London ‘Engagement Hub’

Zoom opens new London ‘Engagement Hub’

Zoom has opened a new London ‘Engagement Hub’ which the firm claims will  spearhead the shift from traditional office spaces to ‘experiential working hubs’. With the demand for hybrid working  and remote capabilities giving rise to unconventional ways of operating, Zoom says it has designed its new office to support the changing nature of the employee experience, marking a new era of modern work. More →

Connection and collaboration motivate people to work from an office

Connection and collaboration motivate people to work from an office

The key driver for employees wanting to go into the office is the need for socialisation and collaborationThe key driver for employees wanting to go into the office is the need for socialisation and collaboration, according to the latest quarterly Workplace Index from Eptura. The report claims that this is an acknowledgement of the desire to be part of a community and the potential isolation of working at home. More →

Sedus office cube solutions: a symbiosis of proximity and distance

Sedus office cube solutions: a symbiosis of proximity and distance

The office cube solution is one way of insulating people from interruptions and unwelcome noise. As an enclosed cubicle and thanks to its acoustically effective components, se:cube from Sedus can minimise acoustic and visual disruption.Open space concepts, flexibility and new working styles will continue to be defining characteristics of the office of the future. They offer a number of advantages by eroding entrenched structures and supporting collaboration and communication. When people work in close proximity, with flexible meetings and spontaneous exchanges, they are able to determine the shape of each working day. Employees are increasingly deciding for themselves where and how they can best manage their tasks. Concentrated individual work shifts seamlessly into collaborative work and teamwork precedes periods of retreat or relaxation. For certain tasks, focus, silence and a sense of distance from the outside environment are essential. The office cube solution is one way of insulating people from interruptions and unwelcome noise. As an enclosed cubicle and thanks to its acoustically effective components, se:cube from Sedus can minimise acoustic and visual disruption. More →

People who drive networking in businesses often end up burnt out and abusive

People who drive networking in businesses often end up burnt out and abusive

People who adopt a role as a 'networking broker', connecting other colleagues and teams who might otherwise not know each other, often end up burnt out and more abusive towards their co-workers.People who adopt a role as a ‘network broker’, connecting other colleagues and teams who might otherwise not know each other, often end up burnt out and more abusive towards their co-workers. That is the key finding of a new study from ESSEC Business School published in The Journal of Organizational Science.  These networking go-betweens often receive career advantages such as faster promotions, unique information access, or a creativity boost. They play a critical role in the functioning of the organisational. However, there can be hidden psychological and social ramifications associated with this important role as they’re also more likely to suffer the consequences of being so socially adept. More →