Search Results for: information

Wearable tech that allows people to manage their own COVID-19 risk

Wearable tech that allows people to manage their own COVID-19 risk

Prolojik remains at the forefront of harnessing the ubiquitous nature of lighting controls to contribute to the measurement and control of the COVID virus. Building on one of its latest innovations, Proxima allows organisations from commercial workplaces to schools and universities to empower people to manage their own risk and exposure to the COVID virus,  through wearable technology in the form of a wristband or lanyard  that connects wirelessly to Prolojik’s Proxima sensor network. More →

Businesses favour the commercial brain over the creative one, study claims

Businesses favour the commercial brain over the creative one, study claims

BusinessesBusinesses in the UK are disproportionately made up of logical and rational thinkers, over intuitive and expressive ones, claims a new study. The study from Genius You, involved more than 2000 individuals across 10 different sectors and highlights a trend that could be impacting creativity and innovation in the UK. More →

BCO invites NextGen members to design the post-pandemic workplace

BCO invites NextGen members to design the post-pandemic workplace

The BCO has launched a competition for its ‘NextGen’ members, who will be asked to design an office fit for 2025. Entrants will be asked to consider key global issues, from the pandemic, tackling the impending climate crisis, to ongoing issues around equality and inclusivity. More →

Singapore, Helsinki and Zurich are top of the world`s smart cities

Singapore, Helsinki and Zurich are top of the world`s smart cities

Singapore, Helsinki and Zurich have taken the top three places positions in the 2020 IMD-SUTD Smart City Index Report, a collaboration between IMD and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). The 2020 Index ranked 109 cities, 7 more than in last year’s inaugural edition, by using both economic and technological data, taken together with citizens’ perceptions of how “smart” their cities were. It is published under the aegis of the IMD Smart City Observatory (SCO). More →

Almost a third of UK workers have cancelled annual leave in 2020

Almost a third of UK workers have cancelled annual leave in 2020

Annual leaveA report by HR software and employment law advice service BrightHR claims that 28 percent of UK workers have cancelled annual leave in 2020. The report, which uses data from over 300,000 BrightHR users, also claims that, predictably, the two highest months for cancelled leave were while the UK was in full lockdown. April had the highest number of leave cancellations, with 31,762 users withdrawing holiday requests. It was followed by May, which saw 25,083 users cancel their leave. More →

Redundancies set to double the peak reached in the 2008 recession

Redundancies set to double the peak reached in the 2008 recession

RedundanciesNew analysis of official data released to the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) claims that between May and July 2020, employers notified government of nearly 380,000 potential redundancies. This is more than double the peak reached in the Great Recession, when 180,000 staff were notified as being at risk between January and March 2009. More →

The mental health consequences of COVID grow increasingly clear

The mental health consequences of COVID grow increasingly clear

Mental healthThe number of self-employed people saying they have “poor” or “very poor” mental health has increased from 6 percent to 26 percent since the beginning of the pandemic (a 300 percent rise), claims new research by IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed). The number saying they had “good” or “excellent” mental health has also dropped significantly since the beginning of the pandemic – from two-thirds (68 percent) to just over a third (39 percent). This was most severe among women (a drop of 54 percent) and young freelancers aged 16-34 (a drop of 49 percent). More →

Progression is hard, but promotion is rewarding

Progression is hard, but promotion is rewarding

PromotionHighly talented workers join prestigious firms, claims new research by the University of Cologne, Bielefeld, Braunschweig and the California State University, East Bay. The study, conducted by Professor Oliver Gurtler, suggests that it is harder to advance in a competitive firm, but the promotion is higher valued by the labour market. More →

Frontline and front of mind; communicating with employees away from HQ 

Frontline and front of mind; communicating with employees away from HQ 

It has been a rough year for business. Many organisations have had to evolve their operating models overnight, go to great lengths to keep their people safe and build entirely new ways of working to ensure they can stay afloat. A lot have had to fast forward five years into the future in a few months – and that’s no mean feat.  More →

Artificial Intelligence is critical to organisations, but many unprepared

Artificial Intelligence is critical to organisations, but many unprepared

Artifical IntelligenceA new report from information technology company Wipro Limited claims that enterprises of the future will be built on a foundation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Automation. According to the ‘State of Intelligent Enterprises’ report, these technologies are central to solving business problems and driving innovation. Most businesses consider AI to be critical to improve operational efficiency, reduce employee time on manual tasks, and enhance the employee and customer experience. More →

The London showroom of KI goes virtual

The London showroom of KI goes virtual

KI’s Central London HQ & showroom has been refreshed with the newest product displays and work settings, which for the first time can be viewed online via a virtual showroom tour. Whilst the space is open and receiving visitors, this new interactive, self-guided tour is particularly helpful in the current climate of restricted travel and social distancing concerns. With a few clicks on the KI Europe website, you can visit the office and showroom anytime and anywhere – you can even walk around the showroom using a VR headset. Whether you are refreshing your memory of a recent visit or viewing the space for the first time, this is a great way to preview KI furniture in situ. More →

New strategy tackles the post-COVID climate emergency

New strategy tackles the post-COVID climate emergency

COVIDSupported by its Green Building Councils and their members, the WorldGBC (World Green Building Council) network has launched Sustainable Buildings for Everyone, Everywhere — a new strategy to accelerate and mainstream the transformation of built environments around the world. Based on climate science and the Global Goals of Sustainable Development (SDGs), the strategy tackles global warming, health and wellbeing and resource impacts to deliver quality infrastructure — a critical need for our planet, communities and economies in the context of the COVID pandemic.
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