Search Results for: office

By Bailey and Insidesource merge to form global furniture dealership

By Bailey and Insidesource merge to form global furniture dealership

UK furniture dealer By Bailey has joined forces with US-based dealer Insidesource to create a first of its kind, global furniture dealership. The merger grew out of the need to offer high level service to international clients, especially those with a significant presence in North America and the UK. The boutique By Bailey studio was opened in 2015 by industry veteran – Mark Bailey, after he saw a niche in the market to provide high-end solutions for private offices and meeting rooms.

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Cyber security fears as employees and ex staff able to access sensitive company data

Cyber security fears as employees and ex staff able to access sensitive company data

Cyber security fears as office workers given unfettered access to sensitive company dataHuge numbers of employees have or have had access to mission critical company systems which should be reserved only for staff that require it, claims a new study by CyberArk. Specifically, it found that almost half (48 percent) of employees have or have had access to sensitive financial documents; 46 percent to confidential HR information; nearly a third (29 percent) have or have had direct access to company bank account and over a third (37 percent) access to research and development plans or blueprints for new products/services. Credential theft remains the most common and effective route to a successful cyber-attack.

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Meatspace, cyberspace, the uncertainty of expertise and some other stuff

Meatspace, cyberspace, the uncertainty of expertise and some other stuff

The sign that somebody knows their stuff about a subject is often that whatever they say about it is full of questions, equivocations and caveats. They’ll often start out by saying things are complicated in mitigation of their opinion on a particular topic. They’ll say there are no silver bullets. It’s almost always neophytes, chancers and the conflicted that offer certainty. To prove my point here is David D’Souza of the CIPD making a point about the tendency to look for pat, narrow solutions to complex, broad challenges. Not only does he have something interesting to say, you know that he has the depth and breadth of knowledge to expand on each of the points he makes with yet more sophistication. It’s fractal thinking.

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Don’t be a turkey, get on the commercial property gravy train

Don’t be a turkey, get on the commercial property gravy train

Last week, the RICS Commercial Property conference tackled the biggest issues impacting the built environment sector, arming delegates with fragments of the formula for future success. The morning CEO Question Time panel put a trio of CEOs in the spotlight. In addition to airing concerns about the current political climate, rapidly shifting societal attitudes, diversity and inclusion, the ageing population coupled with the ongoing housing shortage, climate change and the complexities involved in exploring new business models to drive and diversify revenue, they all zoomed in on the accelerated pace of change we’re witnessing, crowning it the key challenge for today’s C-suite.

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More than half of employees have experienced some form of workplace bullying

More than half of employees have experienced some form of workplace bullying

More than half (52 percent) of employees in global organisations have encountered workplace bullying and felt psychologically unsafe at work, according to a new study conducted by City & Guilds Group. The report also claims that only one in ten firms proactively take steps to support staff mental health, and found a major discrepancy in how senior management and employees view psychological safety in the workplace. Almost all of respondents surveyed (94 percent) said that they consider psychological safety to be “important”, but just 10 percent of businesses are seen to treat it as a priority. In part this seems down to confusion over accountability; almost half (43 percent) of senior management expect HR to deal with the psychological safety of employees at work, while the majority of employees (56 percent), believe line managers and senior management should take the lead.

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Bruntwood launches design now, pay later service for occupiers

Bruntwood launches design now, pay later service for occupiers

Property and flexible office firm Bruntwood has launched ‘Made & Managed’ which it claims is a service enabling occupiers to benefit from a ‘design now, pay later’ approach to designing and creating bespoke offices. The service is based around the idea that tenants absorb design and fit-out costs into a monthly bill, meaning no upfront costs.

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Decline in new UK commercial property construction work within private sector

Decline in new UK commercial property construction work within private sector

The results of the EU referendum have been detrimental to the commercial property sector with the number of constructions continually decreasing, according to an analysis of the figures by Savoy Stewart. With figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) showing a monthly decline in the number of new UK commercial construction work undertaken by the private sector since December 2017, the property firm analysed the number of commercial properties available to let in 20 of the biggest cities in the UK.

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Flexible working should not mean employers ask people to work all the time

Talking about the role of technology within the flexible working arena is hardly ground-breaking. For decades, technological advancements have been hailed as pivotal to developments within the employment landscape. But this year, conversation appears to have reached another level. In an article for Open Access Government in June 2018, for instance, Richard Morris, UK CEO of International Workplace Group (IWG), explained the extent to which technology-driven shifts have caused significant social change. And in September, HR headlines homed in on a study by Capita and Citrix, which stressed that an inability to quickly introduce new IT services is restricting organisations’ flexibility proposition, and consequently their competitiveness.

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European property sector predicted to grow next year, despite economic challenges

European property sector predicted to grow next year, despite economic challenges

European property sector predicted to grow next year, despite economic challengesThe European property sector is predicted to grow next year, according to CBRE’s 2019 EMEA Market Outlook report. Although recent indicators suggest some slowing of momentum economic growth in Europe will remain above-trend rate in 2019 and 2020, with Spain, Ireland and the central European countries expected to see the fastest economic growth. France’s growth is expected to accelerate as recent economic reforms begin to pay off; however, UK growth is expected to remain below-trend, but with better long-term potential once the current uncertainty around Brexit passes. Office markets around the region are expected to see positive growth in leasing levels in 2019. However, major European cities, including Paris, Berlin, Stockholm and London, are expected to see lower levels of employment growth in office-using sectors. More →

People are great: a conversation with James Woudhuysen on the future of work

People are great: a conversation with James Woudhuysen on the future of work 0

At a conference at the WWF’s Living Planet Centre in Woking staged by the office furniture firm Kinnarps, I had an off the cuff chat with James Woudhuysen who had just delivered one of his typically entertaining, erudite and challenging talks on the future of work alongside equally renowned speakers such as Philip Tidd and Namrata Krishna from architecture firm Gensler. James is an academic, writer, commentator and (dread word) futurologist. More →

Survey claims increased levels of productivity amongst flexible workers

Survey claims increased levels of productivity amongst flexible workers

Survey finds increased levels of productivity amongst flexible workersFlexible workers claim to work more effectively than those working a traditional ‘nine-to-five’, with a quarter of respondents (27 percent) in a recent poll saying they work longer hours in their new flexible working routine than they did when they worked normal office hours. The research, which was commissioned by the AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) found that flexible workers think they put in almost seven hours more each week on average than they did previously. The research, which looked at the productivity of a group of workers who set their own hours or working location against a group of those who are not doing so, found that the former benefit from feeling happier and less stressed. More →

Generations differ on what makes them happy at work but agree on flexibility

Generations differ on what makes them happy at work but agree on flexibility

Generations differ on what makes them happy at work but all want more flexibilityA new survey into happiness at work suggests it is viewed differently according to age. Baby boomers: aspire to have job security and think careers are defined by employers. Gen X: aspire to have a work-life balance and although are loyal to a profession will not necessarily stick with the same employer. Millennials or Gen Y aspire to have freedom and flexibility and are digital entrepreneurs while Gen Z aspire to have security and stability. The report by Instant Offices’ considered what is important to each age group, and how employers approach the age gap. It found that eight in 10 millennials look for a manager to act as a mentor or coach; Baby boomers want a boss to be ethical, fair and consistent, while 61 percent of Generation X, and 55 percent of millennials, think team consensus is important. More →