Search Results for: productivity

Lockdown loneliness strikes remote workers

Lockdown loneliness strikes remote workers

LonelinessA new survey by UK job board Totaljobs, claims that despite increased appetite in the UK for remote working practices to continue into the future, the disconnection from the day-to-day social interactions of the workplace and the encroachment of work on our home lives has seen feelings of loneliness and isolation take hold, in a workforce already struggling to adapt to the challenge of the ‘new normal’. More →

Working from home may be more productive, but at the cost of wellbeing

Working from home may be more productive, but at the cost of wellbeing

working from homeNew research by the CIPD claims the shift to home working over the pandemic has been a positive experience for most employers, who report people’s improved work-life balance (cited by 61 percent of employers), enhanced employee collaboration (43 percent) and improved focus (38 percent). Overall, 28 percent of employers report that the increase in home workers has boosted productivity, while 37 percent say it has not impacted productivity levels, with 28 percent of employers reporting a decrease. More →

Almost a third of UK workers have cancelled annual leave in 2020

Almost a third of UK workers have cancelled annual leave in 2020

Annual leaveA report by HR software and employment law advice service BrightHR claims that 28 percent of UK workers have cancelled annual leave in 2020. The report, which uses data from over 300,000 BrightHR users, also claims that, predictably, the two highest months for cancelled leave were while the UK was in full lockdown. April had the highest number of leave cancellations, with 31,762 users withdrawing holiday requests. It was followed by May, which saw 25,083 users cancel their leave. More →

We are still overlooking the importance of air quality

We are still overlooking the importance of air quality

The impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on commercial buildings was immediate – offices emptied overnight as people made the sudden shift to home working. Several months later, and although restrictions are being lifted, an unease about the possibility of localised lockdowns and an uncertainty about the potential health implications of being indoors with larger groups, means fewer people than expected are choosing to go back to office-based working. Something that might help reassure them that the office is a safe place is knowing that the air they’ll be breathing is clean. More →

Is music at work a privilege for the powerful?

Is music at work a privilege for the powerful?

Music at workSeniority in the workplace could be directly correlated to how often you listen to music whilst you work, claims a poll of 1,000 UK office workers. The research, which was carried out by London office developer CO—RE, suggests that business owners and C-suite executives were the most likely to listen to music in their working environment. More →

Ditching the 9 to 5 has enlightening implications for the design of offices

Ditching the 9 to 5 has enlightening implications for the design of offices

What can we learn from 2020? Maybe one of the most important lessons is that we had got to accustomed to functioning, working and thinking like machines rather than humans? The deadly Covid-19 virus reminded all of us that the mortal human can never relax and believe all is ‘’OK’’. More →

Homeworkers supporting local economies through Covid-19

Homeworkers supporting local economies through Covid-19

HomeworkersWhile city centres are taking time to recover, there’s better news elsewhere, suggests Vodafone research into small business employees. Local economies are benefitting from the rise in homeworking, with 25 percent of homeworkers spending at least once a day at their local coffee shop or café. The research, which surveyed 1,003 small business employees, also claims that working from home has not hindered Brits’ productivity, with 40 percent of workers putting in an average of 642 additional hours, equal to 26 extra days, since lockdown began back in March. More →

No, flexible working won`t mean the death of the office and the city

No, flexible working won`t mean the death of the office and the city

flexible workingWhen coronavirus lockdowns were introduced, the shift to flexible working and remote work was sudden and sweeping. Now the British government is hoping the return to the office will be just as swift – to help the economy “get back to normal”. But pushing everyone back to the office full time fails to recognise the many benefits that working from home has brought. It also fails to capitalise on this moment of change. More →

UK firms optimistic about COVID-19 recovery prospects

UK firms optimistic about COVID-19 recovery prospects

RecoveryWhat impact is COVID-19 having on business confidence? And what recovery strategies are companies prioritising in response to the pandemic? Recruitment company Robert Half recently surveyed more than 1,500 executives to understand how they are responding to this ongoing period of unprecedented economic change. More →

Remote work and the coming race to the bottom

Remote work and the coming race to the bottom

One of the most significant consequences of the 2008 economic crash was a remarkable shift in the nature of employment. The recession led to a surge in the number of people categorised as self-employed. The numbers have been increasing ever since, albeit at a more stable rate. By the end of 2019, the number of self-employed people in the UK exceeded five million people for the first time. That’s fifteen percent of the workforce. More →

Stress and burnout threaten the benefits of working from home

Stress and burnout threaten the benefits of working from home

Working from homeA new study by Adaptavist, suggests the threats to long-term productivity and employee wellbeing posed by improvised solutions during the transition to remote work. Overall, 82 percent of people report they are equally (47 percent) if not more productive (35 percent) working from home, and company-wide communications have improved during the pandemic. However, the lack of a shared understanding of which tool to use and how to communicate with it, combined with the ‘always on’ nature of working from home, brings added stress and motivational challenges for remote workers. More →

Large majority of people want to continue some form of flexible working

Large majority of people want to continue some form of flexible working

Companies are in danger of losing top talent due to lack of flexible workingNine out of ten employees who have worked at home during lockdown would like to continue doing so in some capacity, research suggests. The report, by academics at Cardiff University and the University of Southampton, presents the first analysis of employee survey data focusing on homeworking, which was gathered for the Understanding Society Covid-19 Study. More →