Search Results for: technology

HR managers most concerned about AI job threat

HR managers most concerned about AI job threat

artificial intelligenceA new study suggests that more than 7 in 10 Britons working in production are concerned that their jobs may be made obsolete thanks to developments in Artificial Intelligence in the coming years. What’s more, over two fifths of respondents believe AI could rebel against humans. As technology develops and more money and time is invested into AI, the public’s opinion has been explored, with those working in production, HR and construction uncovered to be the most worried that AI could take their jobs away from them. More →

Bisley modular storage system awarded Design Guild Mark

Bisley modular storage system awarded Design Guild Mark

UK based storage firm Bisley has been awarded its second Design Guild mark for BOB, a hand-crafted modular storage and display system developed in collaboration with award winning British designer Paul Kelley. BOB’s configurations can be adapted for any use and environment, whether at home or in the workplace. The collaboration unifies Kelley’s design innovations with the craftsmanship and manufacturing expertise of Bisley. More →

The far reaching impact of empathy in the workplace

The far reaching impact of empathy in the workplace

The average career length is 50 years, and according to Gallup’s State of The Global Workplace report, during this time only 1 in 10 people are actively engaged. This illustrates that within the current landscape there is a need for companies to actively pursue strategies to better engage their employees. Embedding empathy in working culture is one way of achieving actively-engaged workers but it also has the added benefit of increasing productivity and business growth. This was revealed by a piece in the Harvard Business Review, which highlighted the top ten most empathetic companies outperformed the bottom ten by at least 50 percent in productivity, earnings and growth. More →

Tech workers making plans to leave UK

Although London still ranks as the most attractive city in the world for people working in the global tech industry, three out of four UK tech workers (75 percent) are willing to leave for the UK for better opportunities elsewhere. Digital experts are among the most in-demand workers but due to their talent and transferable nature of tech skills, they are also among those most prepared to relocate, compared to only 61 percent of non-tech workers who would be willing to make the move overseas. More →

A sophisticated eye on workplace design

A sophisticated eye on workplace design

Does Douglas Adams really have anything to tell us about workplace design ?Each day you can generally find somebody or other sharing their thoughts on ‘the office of the future’ or ‘the death of the office’. My view is that you should steer clear of taking most of this sort of stuff head-on, on the basis that hardcore deskheads have heard most of it before and already concluded that there are more important things to worry about in a fit-out than what a pool table and a second hand armchair tells us about workplace design.

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The workplace revolution is already here

The workplace revolution is already here

We should all count ourselves privileged to witness first-hand the most dramatic changes in working practices in over two hundred years. This workplace revolution has been brought about mainly by technology which has allowed freedom of movement through Wi-Fi and cloud technology. This freedom has been embraced by the smart companies, allowing their people to thrive by creating workspaces that take advantage of this opportunity to unshackle themselves from fixed desk positions. They have given them great spaces in which to work, to go out and enjoy their environment and to have the ideal place in which to perform each task they are working on throughout their day. More →

Wellbeing, a pile of turtles, office culture and some other stuff

Wellbeing, a pile of turtles, office culture and some other stuff

acoustics and wellbeingThis week is Clerkenwell Design Week amongst other things, and as part of it I chaired a discussion on Tuesday about acoustics at work in the showroom of Flokk and their effect on wellbeing. We were fortunate to have a panel that involved the likes of Nigel Oseland, Michelle Wilkie of tp bennett, Joachim Schubert of Offecct and Lee Jones of Wellworking as well as an informed audience, if for no other reason than everybody’s ability to talk about the subject as complex and multi-faceted and, to some extent, hardwired. More →

Young people increasingly sceptical about work and institutions

Young people increasingly sceptical about work and institutions

Younger people across the world are increasingly disillusioned with traditional institutions, sceptical of business’ motives and pessimistic about economic and social progress, according to the 2019 Deloitte Millennial Survey. The survey claims that despite global economic growth, expansion and opportunity, younger generations are wary about the world and their place in it. But they remain hopeful and lean on their values as both consumers and employees. More →

The new normal of flexible work transforming workplaces

The new normal of flexible work transforming workplaces

Digital innovations, and in particular, cloud computing is enabling increasing numbers of employees to work remotely and flexibly. This means the central company workspace is rapidly becoming an administrative hub, rather than a traditional central focus where everyone gathers during set hours. This is according to Condeco’s new research paper, The Modern Workplace 2019: People, places & technology (registration) which claims that 41 per cent of employers already offer remote working, while 60 per cent now allow employees to set their own flexible hours. More →

New guidance on making meetings more accessible

New guidance on making meetings more accessible

To mark the launch of its new guide, Meetings Matter, Business Disability Forum is offering advice to all businesses on how to make meetings and events more accessible for disabled employees and clients. The 10-point meeting checklist is adapted from the not-for-profit membership organisation’s new 24-page guide. The practical and up-to-date resource provides advice on arranging meetings which meet the needs of all colleague and attendees. More →

London office building at post Brexit high

London office building at post Brexit high

London officeNew office building in central London is at a three-year high, with 13.2 million square feet of space under construction, up 12 percent on the figure six months ago, according to the Deloitte Real Estate’s London Office Crane Survey. Some 55 percent of the office space under construction was already let and for larger schemes of over 100,000 square feet, more than three quarters was already committed to, Deloitte said. The survey covers seven major central London office markets – The City, West End, Docklands, King’s Cross, Midtown, Paddington, Southbank – as well as three emerging submarkets – Vauxhall-Nine Elms-Battersea, White City and Stratford. More →

Firms do not know how to measure productivity

Firms do not know how to measure productivity

A new report claims to reveal fresh insights into how firms assess workplace productivity. The report, published by Jabra,  argues that many businesses cannot decide how to tackle the problem of measuring productivity – or who is ultimately responsible for doing so. The report is based on interviews with 688 CEOs and board level executives in the US, UK, France, Germany, Sweden and Denmark.

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