March 15, 2016
Many firms only hold on to paper documents for their signatures 0
While many people find it convenient to use paper as a medium for note taking and idea generation, the only reason many firms hold on to paper documents is to preserve the signatures on them. That is the key finding of a new survey from knowledge management trade association AIIM. The study found that 56 percent of executives retain signed contracts and order forms and 31 percent agree their paper documents are around only for the signatures. Consumption of paper remains high in many firms, but less and less of it is actually retained. The research is published ahead of new regulations which come into force in the EU later this year which are designed to standardise and codify the practice of retaining e-signatures on business critical documents. However, AIIM remains sceptical that the eIDAS regulations which come into force this Summer will quickly create a standard trust based form of e-signature.
March 8, 2016
Eight in ten women believe gender discrimination still prevalent at work 0
by Sara Bean • Comment, Flexible working, Workplace
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