Search Results for: working hours

More than half of female professionals have never negotiated a pay rise

More than half of female professionals have never negotiated a pay rise

More than half of all female professionals – 57 percent – have never attempted to negotiate a pay rise, according to a new report from professional recruitment firm Robert Walters. Its findings suggest that men are 23 percent more likely to negotiate a pay rise across all stages of their career, even though the amount that negotiators pitch for is not far removed from their female counterparts. More →

One in twenty workers not receiving paid holiday

One in twenty workers not receiving paid holiday

Around one in twenty workers report not receiving any holiday entitlement, while around one in ten do not receive a payslip ­– highlighting the scale of labour market violations across the UK – according to new analysis published by the Resolution Foundation. More →

The open plan debate should never be seen as a zero sum game

The open plan debate should never be seen as a zero sum game

Personalisation of space is one of the defining features of the open plan debateThe debate on open plan versus enclosed offices rages on, but workplace design is not a such a simple dichotomy. Furthermore, office occupants clearly have different workplace preferences depending on factors like personality, personalisation, flexibility and sense of belonging etc. Herman Miller and Workplace Trends sponsored Workplace Unlimited to conduct a short on-line survey to help unravel some of the more personal factors underlying preferences in the modern office that are often forgotten or ignored. More →

Work-life integration is the new goal for workers

Work-life integration is the new goal for workers

work-life integration is the last piece in the jigsawThe modern world of work is a stressful one, and the goal to progress in our careers brings on even more pressure. Tight deadlines and demanding workloads are the typical order of the day, but just as important is to have the time to wind down and recharge the batteries. Historically, this has been known as work-life balance.

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Two-thirds of people say work damages their mental health

Two-thirds of people say work damages their mental health

mental healthA new survey from CV-Library suggests that the UK’s professionals have a problematic relationship with work, with three-quarters  (74.2 percent) claiming that their job is damaging their mental health. The research, which surveyed over 2,000 professionals, claims that four in ten (43.9 percent) workers even consider resigning from their job because of this, with a further 52.6 percent stating that their workplace doesn’t do enough to support employees. More →

Mental health concerns mean two thirds of men consider quitting job

Mental health concerns mean two thirds of men consider quitting job

A depiction of poor mental health and depressionA new study from job board CV-Library claims that men across the UK have reached breaking point in their careers, with nearly two thirds (61 percent) wanting to quit their job because it’s affecting their mental health. The survey explored the views of 2,000 UK workers and found that although more women (35.4 percent) say they suffer with mental health problems than men (21.2 percent), men are more likely to feel the effects of poor mental health in the workplace. Around 82 percent of men claim that it affects their working life, compared to 68 percent of women.  More →

Friday, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with staring out of the window

Friday, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with staring out of the window

There is or was a running joke within IBM that their buildings don’t have windows, they have outside awareness ports. It’s an idea that not only reflects the culture of long hours spent staring at computer screens – something you don’t have to work for Big Blue to be aware of – but also one that acknowledges our need to be aware of the wider world when we are at work. Our gut instinct tells us that we are better off either outdoors or looking at it. More →

School holidays signal stress for home-workers

School holidays signal stress for home-workers

For many working parents the summer school holidays can be a cause of stress instead of a time for rest and relaxation.With children no longer occupied at school, many parents choose to work from home to juggle both work and childcare, but productivity can suffer with family, pets and noisy household appliances found to be the main distractions for home workers. The 2019 Global Workspace Survey, conducted by IWG on 2000 UK respondents, claims that interruptions from children or other family members is the number one obstacle being faced by professionals who take advantage of home working. More →

Stress most prevalent among health and social workers

Stress most prevalent among health and social workers

A woman stares out of the window, illustrating the issue of stressHealth and social care are the most stressful industries to work in, according to an analysis by The Office Group (TOG), which claims that health and social workers tend to work longer hours and report more cases of work-related stress, depression and anxiety than staff in other sectors. TOG calculated an overall stress score for 12 industries across the UK, using public data on the number of self-reported cases; average full-time hours; number of days lost to self-reported cases; and the likelihood of future automation. A recent report from the CIPD also highlighted how stress is now a fact of life for most workers. More →

Work is no more insecure than it was twenty years ago, claims report

Work is no more insecure than it was twenty years ago, claims report

Queuing for workEmployment insecurity affects many people but, overall, work in the UK is as secure as it was 20 years ago, with limited evidence of growing casualisation, new research from the CIPD claims. The report Megatrends: Is work really becoming more insecure? finds that at 20 percent, the share of non-permanent employment in the UK – which includes the self-employed and temporary workers (including temporary zero hours contract workers) – has not increased since 1998.

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CIPD offers new guidance on non-traditional work roles

CIPD offers new guidance on non-traditional work roles

Following the recent government consultation on improving the rights of variable hours workers, the CIPD has published new employer guidance to help ensure that ‘atypical working arrangements’ benefit both the organisation and individuals. The guidance, Atypical Working: A guide to successfully implementing atypical work in your organisation, defines atypical working as practices which include the self-employed, temporary workers, agency staff and people on zero hours contracts.

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Toxic workplace environments plague accountancy profession

Toxic workplace environments plague accountancy profession

The toxic workplace illustrated by a bottle of poisonToxic workplace environments plague the accountancy profession, according to new research from CABA, a wellbeing charity for chartered accountants. The survey of over 250 accountants suggests that over half of chartered accountants think their workplace is toxic. Communication issues, working unrealistic hours and cliquey colleagues are also cited in the study.  The survey found that 55 percent of respondents believe their workplace to be toxic.

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