Search Results for: office

Seminar will explore the route to a great workplace culture

Seminar will explore the route to a great workplace culture

The events of the past 16 months have focussed attention on how we best bring people together to work, collaborate and learn from each other. That is why workplace occupancy and collaboration technology specialist Jooxter has curated a new webinar to help firms understand the challenges and opportunities they have in the new era of dispersed collaborative work. The webinar will explore how they can best bring people together, offer them a world class workplace experience and achieve great results. A panel of experts will discuss the evolution of hybrid working and how to create a team culture for better collaboration.

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Women’s working hours fall a third less than men’s

Women’s working hours fall a third less than men’s

working hoursWomen’s average working hours have taken a far smaller hit during the pandemic than men’s, with women who do not have children now working longer hours than ever before – in marked contrast to predictions of a ‘shecession’ at the start of the pandemic, according to new research by the Resolution Foundation. More →

UK workforce determined to keep hybrid working

UK workforce determined to keep hybrid working

hybridWhile we remain eager to safely leave coronavirus restrictions behind us and return to normal, there are several changes brought about by the pandemic which UK employees hope will stick around. The most important one being hybrid working, according to new research from Slack. More →

Never mind the agile workplace, here is something you already know

Never mind the agile workplace, here is something you already know

The myth has it that John Lydon’s audition for the Sex Pistols consisted largely of wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt with the words I HATE scrawled above the prog rock group’s name. It appealed to the new band’s managers and its existing members at a time when they needed a singer with the right attitude as much as the right chops. Before Lydon’s involvement, bass guitarist Glen Matlock had taken to approaching anybody he saw of his age group with short hair to ask them if they could sing. This was a time when everybody had long hair.

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Hybrid working will impact younger people in very specific ways

Hybrid working will impact younger people in very specific ways

When considering a hybrid working method for your organisation, it’s far too easy to try think of what will work for all employees as a whole, rather than breaking this down and thinking about the different needs from certain groups of people. One example of this is age and experience. Employees from different age groups and at different levels of experience within in an organisation may have very different needs when it comes to hybrid working. Those who have been with the business, or in a similar work environment, for some time may be perfectly comfortable to work from home the majority of the week, with little help or supervision. However, this probably isn’t going to work as well for younger employees with less experience. More →

Wellbeing should be part of business strategy after lockdown, claims new report

Wellbeing should be part of business strategy after lockdown, claims new report

wellbeingA new report from the RSA and Vitality warns of the potentially serious impact on the long-term physical and mental health of employees. The authors claim that the ‘long lockdown effect’ should lead employers to see health and wellbeing as important strategic issues and place them on the company’s risk registers. With the shift to more flexible working cultures now set to continue, Healthy Hybrid, a Blueprint for Business, claims to shine a light on the health impact of successive lockdowns on homeworkers. More →

Many employees lack workplace friendships

Many employees lack workplace friendships

friendshipsA new study conducted by Wildgoose, into friendship in the workplace claims the impact of working from home on personal connections in the office. One in 20 employees starting a new job while working from home have found it hard to make colleague friendships. This is equivalent to over 300,000 employees struggling to integrate and make friends in a new role. More →

UK organisations risk losing talent if lacking in empathetic leadership

UK organisations risk losing talent if lacking in empathetic leadership

empatheticNew research commissioned by Workplace from Facebook claims there is a growing demand from UK employees for more empathetic leaders since the pandemic. More →

Workers more likely to challenge unethical behaviour if their boss is ethical too

Workers more likely to challenge unethical behaviour if their boss is ethical too

ethicalWorkers are much more likely to challenge unethical behaviour in their organisation if their manager is seen as an ethical leader, according to new research from Durham University Business School. More →

Tarkett and Note Design Studio interpret circular economy in Tarkett’s new showroom in Stockholm

Tarkett and Note Design Studio interpret circular economy in Tarkett’s new showroom in Stockholm

Recently launched is Tarkett Ateljé, the new Stockholm-based showroom designed in collaboration with Note Design Studio. The space is created as a forum for sustainability and design talks, in a setting that showcases circular economy being put into practice. More →

The hybrid working era will introduce a range of new team building activities

The hybrid working era will introduce a range of new team building activities

The future of work is neither here (at home) nor there (at the office). The hybrid post-pandemic model for the workplace is quickly coming into play, whereby employees work in the office for part of the week and log in from home for the rest, with staff rotating in and out, connecting virtually and in real life, all from various spots on the globe.  Even as restrictions ease, it’s clear that work as we know it may never be the same. Full-time 9-5 commuting schedules are a thing of the past, but the practice of having the entire team conference together on Zoom from their couches is quickly ending as well. More →

Bisley presents Quarters: A place to call your own

Bisley presents Quarters: A place to call your own

Bisley, working in conjunction with Anglepoise, presents Quarters, a new collection of booth seating with integral secure locker space and lighting, perfectly placed to meet the needs of the post-Covid workplace. More →