Search Results for: risk

Data breaches caused by phishing is a problem for most organisations now

Data breaches caused by phishing is a problem for most organisations now

phishing and data breachesEgress’ 2021 Insider Data Breach Survey claims that almost three-quarters (73 percent) of organisations have suffered data breaches caused by phishing attacks in the last year. Remote work has increased the risk, with over half (53 percent) of IT leaders reporting an increase in incidents caused by phishing. More →

No rush to get back to the office despite easing of restrictions

No rush to get back to the office despite easing of restrictions

Why rush back to the office?Restrictions may have been lifted but there is no major rush for everyone to head back to the office. Many firms are being cautious about bringing employees back and the official government guidance is for employers to plan a gradual, safe return to places of work. Official guidelines aside, this doesn’t even start to factor in employees’ own attitudes to being back in the office. Certainly, there are plenty of people itching to be in and amongst the buzz of an office, popping out somewhere different each day for lunch and having that commute to distance work and home life. More →

Indoor air quality guide published by BESA

Indoor air quality guide published by BESA

indoor air qualityThe removal of most Covid restrictions in the UK has increased calls for clearer practical guidance and the setting of specific indoor air quality (IAQ) contaminant targets to support the health and wellbeing of building occupants. The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) has, therefore, produced a concise guide to good practice: ‘Indoor Air Quality for Health & Well-Being’, which is designed to help building owners, managers and engineers interpret IAQ data and turn it into useful strategies for improving the indoor environment. More →

Differing global vaccine programmes create challenges for employers with overseas staff

Differing global vaccine programmes create challenges for employers with overseas staff

overseasThe situation across the world is at hugely differing stages with regards to the Covid pandemic. Many employees have been abroad throughout the pandemic and more will now be going overseas as lockdown in the UK eases.
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Plans for a new single status for workers don’t cover everyone, says lobby group

Plans for a new single status for workers don’t cover everyone, says lobby group

IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) has responded to the UK Labour Party’s proposal for a single worker status saying that although it is welcome the party is attempting to clear the confusion around worker rights, the party’s proposals fail to grasp the nettle of employment status. The comment comes after Labour announced it would create a single worker status to “replace the three existing employment categories” of employee, worker and dependent contractor. Labour said the category would encompass “all but the genuinely self-employed”. More →

British Safety Council launches updated Five Star Audit specifications for 2021

British Safety Council launches updated Five Star Audit specifications for 2021

British Safety CouncilThe British Safety Council has revised and updated their Five Star Occupational Health and Safety Audit. It now places greater emphasis on assessing how effectively an organisation manages the combined risks to workers’ health and wellbeing, as well as business resilience and recovery. More →

A digital presence saw some small businesses through Covid, but support now needed

A digital presence saw some small businesses through Covid, but support now needed

digitalNew research commissioned by Cisco claims the digital priorities and growth opportunities for small businesses in the UK, as they navigate a new hybrid world. More →

Time to get real on what companies need from their real estate

Time to get real on what companies need from their real estate

A new era for real estateAs businesses return to their offices they are faced with a challenge – how do they reappraise their space requirements post-Covid? Social and technological advancements are changing real estate from being a fixed physical product, into flexible, employee-centric spaces that enable new models of hybrid working and business operations. These have a significant impact on the ways that businesses work and the options available to them. More →

A fifth of staff do not know how their employer supports them in ill-health

A fifth of staff do not know how their employer supports them in ill-health

employerA fifth (19 percent) of employees do not know how their employer would support them if they were absent through ill-health or injury, 16 percent think that their employer provides no support and nine percent said they would only receive Statutory Sick Pay of £96.35 per week. This is according to new research from GRiD, the industry body for the group risk protection sector. More →

Almost all organisations have suffered insider data breaches

Almost all organisations have suffered insider data breaches

data breachesEgress’ Insider Data Breach Survey 2021 claims that 94 percent of organisations have experienced insider data breaches in the last year. Human error was the top cause of serious incidents, according to 84 percent of IT leaders surveyed. More →

Four in five employees feel colleagues aren’t heard equally

Four in five employees feel colleagues aren’t heard equally


As organisations increasingly struggle to retain their current workforce as well as hire fast enough to keep up with consumer demand, new research from The Workforce Institute at UKG exposes a troublesome gap between employee voice and employer action that — if left unresolved — can disengage workers, fuel turnover, and hinder business performance. More →

Indoor air quality needs to be talked about far more than it is

Indoor air quality needs to be talked about far more than it is

An open window indoor air qualityOne of the unintended consequences of the pandemic has been to focus attention on the issue of indoor air quality. But as Sarah Zhang points out in a recent piece in The Atlantic, this is an issue that we have long understood, and not just as a way to reduce the risks of infection. It is essential for our wellbeing. More →