Search Results for: working from home

Organisations are finally getting their heads around what the office is really good at

Organisations are finally getting their heads around what the office is really good at

Modern office design by BDGAs 2020 came to a close, there was a palpable sense of hope that 2021 would bring with it a fresh slate with the horrors of COVID behind us. Alas, that has not happened and it seems we have more of the same, certainly for the next few months and with that the speculation about the ‘future of the office’ will no doubt continue. More →

Societal change is driving businesses to focus on purpose

Societal change is driving businesses to focus on purpose

focusIncreasing pressure from investors, customers and employees are causing CEOs to focus their businesses on purpose, resilience and long-term sustainability, according to a new report from the Reward & Employee Benefits Association (REBA) and Mercer Marsh Benefits (MMB). The report, ‘People risk – why the need for change is urgent‘ claims a shift in business focus away from short term gains in favour of emphasising long term value creation as one way of managing people risk. More →

Mental health is not a cultural priority for half of organisations

Mental health is not a cultural priority for half of organisations

An illustration depicting the mental health of individuals Koa Health, has released a new report titled Wellbeing at Work, exposing the impact of COVID-19 on mental health in businesses across the UK and organisations’ response to the crisis. Social listening research conducted by Pulsar on behalf of Koa Health claims that as COVID took told in the UK, content shared online about people’s declining mental wellbeing increased by 400 percent in the period from the last week of February 2020 to the final week of May 2020. More →

The future of work will see profound changes in the way firms engage with customers

The future of work will see profound changes in the way firms engage with customers

Businesses are managing a new work dynamic that’s made up of three parts, or three ‘types’ of employee. Some are keen to go back to the office, some want to stay working from home, and some want an entirely flexible arrangement so they can fit work around important personal commitments. More →

UK businesses improve their work culture to focus on wellbeing and flexibility

UK businesses improve their work culture to focus on wellbeing and flexibility

flexibilitySlack, a messaging app for business, has released new research looking into how UK businesses can change their approach to employee experience as lockdown eases, in order to help uphold culture, create flexibility, and maintain productivity. More →

Majority of employees feel optimistic about returning to the office as UK opens up

Majority of employees feel optimistic about returning to the office as UK opens up

employeesAs pubs, shops and other workplaces re-open this week, the success of the vaccine rollout has helped employees feel much more optimistic about their return to work than they were following November’s lockdown, according to Aviva’s research of more than 2,000 employed adults across the UK. More →

What are the limits of an employer’s duty of care to employees?

What are the limits of an employer’s duty of care to employees?

Earlier this month the ONS (Office for National Statistics) released a rather dismal map of the UK charting our population’s soaring levels of loneliness. Perhaps surprisingly, it is young people and those living in urban areas reporting the highest levels of aloneness. It really does go to show that the ‘social’ in social media doesn’t mean very much, and that you can indeed be surrounded by others and still feel lonely. So what does this new study mean for employers, if anything? More →

Email fatigue is causing rising dissatisfaction with remote work

Email fatigue is causing rising dissatisfaction with remote work

Superhuman, have released the results of a new survey that examines how the pandemic and shift to remote work are impacting employee satisfaction with their jobs. More →

Majority of UK workers don’t want to go back to the office until everyone is vaccinated

Majority of UK workers don’t want to go back to the office until everyone is vaccinated

vaccinatedAs lockdown starts to lift, more people are having to think about going back to work as normal. That means commutes, offices, cafeterias, and face to face meetings. CPD Online College, surveyed over 1,000 UK employees to find out how they feel about returning to the office prior to everyone being vaccinated. More →

European office workers are not prepared for ‘work from anywhere’ model

European office workers are not prepared for ‘work from anywhere’ model

workersNew research by Targus claims that European office workers are to generally unprepared to adopt a new ‘work from anywhere’ model. The representative survey in France, Germany and the UK, claims people are willing to set foot in offices again but expect greater flexibility and trust to work from other locations. More →

Almost half of organisations won’t track employee COVID-19 vaccination status

Almost half of organisations won’t track employee COVID-19 vaccination status

vaccinationA Gartner, Inc. survey of 227 HR leaders on claims that nearly half (48 percent) of large global organisations will not track the vaccination status of their employees. Only eight percent of survey respondents reported that they will require employees to show proof of vaccination. More →

Women in tech more likely to have career progression impacted by pandemic

Women in tech more likely to have career progression impacted by pandemic

womenA survey by Talent Works claims that the pandemic has negatively impacted the career progression for more women (33 percent) than men (21 percent). The research, which surveyed UK developers, also claims that 23 percent of women have seen their potential to earn negatively affected compared to 11 percent of men, with under 35s (21 percent) also having more pay cuts than over 35s (11 percent). More →