Search Results for: employee experience

The new era of elemental change for the workplace

The new era of elemental change for the workplace

Neil Usher Elemental ChangeIn the latest issue of IN Magazine, Chris Kane talks about his new book Where is My Office? and how this is possibly the best time to publish a book about workplace transformation, in spite of the upheavals of the last year. Another author and world-famous workplace expert to publish on a related theme is Neil Usher. His new book, Elemental Change, is also timely as many organisations look to a post-pandemic era in which they must challenge many of their previous assumptions about their structure and how, where and when they work. More →

Generation BETA is the latest demographic grouping you need to acknowledge, claims report

Generation BETA is the latest demographic grouping you need to acknowledge, claims report

generation betaGlobalWebIndex (GWI), together with LinkedIn’s B2B Institute, has launched “Work in BETA: The Rising B2B Decision Maker”. The new report sets out to examine the ‘changing behaviours and attitudes of “the BETAs” – the first cohort of digital natives (21 to 40 year-olds) to assume positions of seniority in business, at a time of dislocation’. More →

Employers should take bullying and harassment at work more seriously

Employers should take bullying and harassment at work more seriously

bullyingA recent report from Culture Shift, claims that almost all (91 percent) of employees across the UK say that knowing their employer takes bullying and harassment complaints seriously is an important factor to their overall happiness at work. One-quarter (25 percent) say their employer could improve its culture and be more inclusive by providing a platform to speak out about bullying and harassment. More →

Most students don’t expect a ‘clear career path’ after graduation

Most students don’t expect a ‘clear career path’ after graduation

career pathThe majority of students don’t expect they will be able to find a clear career path after graduating and almost one in 10 believes their prospects are ‘bleak’, a new survey claims. A poll of 1723 poll students conducted by UNiDAYS and insurance company Urban Jungle in October 2020 claims that just 37 percent of students believe they will find a career easily after leaving university. More →

UK office design should look to Europe for inspiration

UK office design should look to Europe for inspiration

The word ‘office’, based on the Latin term officium, wasn’t originally used to describing a building, or a space: instead it was used primarily as a term for a position: a role that was occupied by a person. So it seems only right with this etymology to take inspiration from Europe. And when considering office design, use that inspiration to build workspaces that reflect the needs of the people working within them. More →

November lockdown reignites concerns about mental health and productivity

November lockdown reignites concerns about mental health and productivity

ProductivityA vast majority of managers (75 percent) faced challenges with employees when working remotely, causing concerns within businesses preparing for the second UK lockdown. More →

Working from home could energise some of our overlooked cities

Working from home could energise some of our overlooked cities

working from homeFor years, we have been promised a work-from-home revolution, and it seems that the pandemic has finally brought it to pass. In April this year, at the height of the first wave of coronavirus, 47 percent of people in the UK were working from home, the vast majority of them doing so because of the pandemic. In a sense this is overdue: the work-from-home potential for UK employees is 32 percent; in France, Germany and Italy between 24 percent and 28 percent. More →

Now is the time for employers to think differently about who they hire

Now is the time for employers to think differently about who they hire

EmployersAs COVID-19 has forced businesses to change where and how they work this year, the learning disability charity Mencap is now calling on employers to think differently about WHO they employ. The pandemic has highlighted the invaluable contribution people with a learning disability and/ or autism can make as hardworking and valued employees. More →

Furlough schemes are leaving isolated staff down in the dumps

Furlough schemes are leaving isolated staff down in the dumps

furlough isolationSince March, Glint has been creating a dataset which now consists of 7 million survey responses from employees around the world and across a broad range of industries. Our aim is to take the pulse of the global workforce to see how it’s faring with our ongoing global health crisis and to understand its effects on work. The recent August report shows that pandemic-related layoffs and furloughs have hit employees hard. 56 percent of respondents report feeling less happy at work after seeing co-workers furloughed or laid off. Half of respondents say their organisation’s layoffs or furlough plans have had a negative impact on their workload (50 percent) and their sense of belonging or community at work (47 percent). More →

IT decision-makers back transition to hybrid workforce

IT decision-makers back transition to hybrid workforce

Hybrid workforceNew research conducted on behalf of eFax by independent research organisation Vanson Bourne, claims that the majority, more than three quarters (76 percent) of UK IT decision-makers believe their organisations could have made the transition to a hybrid workforce sooner, if they were aware of the pros and cons of moving to a hybrid working model, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic began. More →

It`s not just businesses that need to wake up to changes in the way we work. Governments do too

It`s not just businesses that need to wake up to changes in the way we work. Governments do too

We have come a long way since the government began encouraging home working in March, ahead of the national lockdown. It seems wildly naïve now to assume that we would all be back in the office two or three weeks later as if nothing had ever happened. After many months of mixed messages regarding ‘stay at home’ versus ‘go back to work’, many business owners and employees quite rightly feel that the whole process seems like one step forward, two steps back. And yet, one thing that has become clear for all office-based businesses is that working life has changed forever. More →

COVID-19 driving top talent migration to rural parts of UK

COVID-19 driving top talent migration to rural parts of UK

migrationOver half (52 percent) of UK workers think we will see a “reverse brain drain” of talent migration away from big cities like London and Manchester towards regional areas as a result of COVID-19, according to latest research from the Adecco Group UK and Ireland. More →