Search Results for: pandemic

It`s not just businesses that need to wake up to changes in the way we work. Governments do too

It`s not just businesses that need to wake up to changes in the way we work. Governments do too

We have come a long way since the government began encouraging home working in March, ahead of the national lockdown. It seems wildly naïve now to assume that we would all be back in the office two or three weeks later as if nothing had ever happened. After many months of mixed messages regarding ‘stay at home’ versus ‘go back to work’, many business owners and employees quite rightly feel that the whole process seems like one step forward, two steps back. And yet, one thing that has become clear for all office-based businesses is that working life has changed forever. More →

COVID-19 driving top talent migration to rural parts of UK

COVID-19 driving top talent migration to rural parts of UK

migrationOver half (52 percent) of UK workers think we will see a “reverse brain drain” of talent migration away from big cities like London and Manchester towards regional areas as a result of COVID-19, according to latest research from the Adecco Group UK and Ireland. More →

Millions of workers experience low levels of job satisfaction at work

Millions of workers experience low levels of job satisfaction at work

job satisfactionA new survey conducted by Just Eat for Business, asked workers about their workplace behaviour, stress levels, mental health and job satisfaction, to get an idea of what Brits’ working lives look like and how they can be improved through a focus on employee wellbeing. The survey claims almost one in ten (8.2 percent) UK employees admit to experiencing quite or very low levels of happiness while at work. More →

Businesses feel more vulnerable to cyber-attack due to the increase in remote working

Businesses feel more vulnerable to cyber-attack due to the increase in remote working

cyber-attackResearch conducted by NFU Mutual, a commercial insurer, claims that 47 percent of businesses feel more vulnerable to cyber-attack since the increase of remote working. Despite increased concerns, 45 percent of businesses have not taken any action to protect themselves from cyber-crime. Of those who have not taken action, 79 percent think that because their business is small, the threat of cyber-attack is low. The remaining 21 percent were not aware of, or did not understand, the protection measures available to them. More →

Remote working is changing the attitudes of people towards their jobs

Remote working is changing the attitudes of people towards their jobs

remoteOwl Labs has released their fourth annual State of Remote Work report. This year’s report offers new insights aimed at helping management and leadership teams better understand their employees’ expectations about remote work in a post-Covid-19 world. More →

Worker burnout has increased by a third, research claims

Worker burnout has increased by a third, research claims

BurnoutAccording to new data from people success platform Glint, employee burnout is reaching new highs — with no signs of abating. People worldwide have been coping with a range of hardships this year, including a pandemic, social isolation, enforced working from home, school disruptions and major layoffs. More →

Office design should embrace the new digital workplace

Office design should embrace the new digital workplace

A new era of office designIt almost goes without saying that how we work and interact with each other has changed dramatically over the past few months. We have come to rely on technology to replace in-person interactions, be it for a meeting, birthday party, or dinner with friends. Thankfully, most people are able to stay digitally connected through the “three screens of our lives”—a mobile device, a tablet, and a desktop or laptop computer. This would not have been possible in the very recent past and it has profound implications for office design. More →

A quarter of UK workers do not feel valued by their organisation

A quarter of UK workers do not feel valued by their organisation

ValuedWith the British workforce being asked to return to working from home amid fears of a second spike in COVID-19 cases, new research from employee experience professionals Qualtrics, claims that a quarter (24 percent) of UK workers do not feel valued by their organisation.

The research, which surveyed 2,000 UK workers, also claims that 15 percent of people feel less valued by their employer since the outbreak began and a further fifth (19 percent) do not feel proud to work for their organisation. More →

The enduring appeal of the office to global employees

The enduring appeal of the office to global employees

OfficeTarkett, a provider of innovative flooring and sports surface solutions, has released the findings of the first of three Rethinking Workplace Surveys, which it is undertaking in collaboration with WKSpace. Questioning global office workers on their perceptions and experience of work and the office, the Rethinking Workplace Surveys will provide valuable insights into how best practice workplace design must adapt to the dramatic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. More →

Workplace furniture specialists Sketch launch homeworking portal

Workplace furniture specialists Sketch launch homeworking portal

homeworkingSketch, the independent workplace furniture specialist, has launched Home-Work by Sketch – a homeworking furniture specification service, with an ordering website for the employees of corporate enterprise in the UK. Even before the Coronavirus pandemic, flexible and homeworking were becoming increasingly popular helping organisations to attract top talent and improving employee well-being, as well as supporting business continuity, and allowing an agile response to unexpected challenges. More →

Future of work has arrived sooner than expected, WEF report claims

Future of work has arrived sooner than expected, WEF report claims

future of workThe Future of Jobs 2020 report from the World Economic Forum claims that COVID-19 has caused the labour market to change faster than expected. The research suggests that what was recently considered the future of work has now arrived. By 2025, automation and a new division of labour between humans and machines will disrupt 85 million jobs globally in medium and large businesses across 15 industries and 26 economies. More →

Young people suffer most from lack of motivation at work

Young people suffer most from lack of motivation at work

MotivationNew research by management consultancy Lane4, claims 44 percent of employees under 35 years old say that a lack of motivation has been hindering their performance at work since the start of the coronavirus outbreak in March.

The study of over 1000 UK employees, carried out by YouGov, suggests that the performance of younger workers (under 35 years old) is twice as likely to be impacted by a lack of motivation than that of 45-54-year olds (22 percent), and significantly more likely to be impacted by a lack of motivation than the average for all age groups (28 percent). More →