July 16, 2019
Impostor syndrome may have serious impact on mental health
According to a new study from researchers at the University of Houston, impostor syndrome can have serious consequences for mental wellbeing and can affect people’s personal relationships and home life. Those affected by impostor syndrome – the persistent feeling somebody has that they are not qualified or able to be in a work role – are more likely to report problems in their home lives, experience burnout and to have conflict between work and family roles. Additionally, although work-life balance problems weren’t necessarily linked to lower job satisfaction, emotional exhaustion was. More →
July 15, 2019
The importance of self care for mental health
by Christine Husbands • Comment, Wellbeing
Nobody can fail to notice that mental health is high on the agenda for companies, employers have increasing expectations of their employers as well as increasing momentum from organisations such as the Health & Safety Executive to treat mental health risks in the same way as physical health risks. There are many excellent solutions available for employers such as mental health first aid training, employee assistance programs (EAPs), mental health nurses and increasing range of mobile technology tools. However rather than ‘locking the stable door after the horse has bolted’, it makes sense to look at how employers can support their employees to stay mentally well in the first place. More →