Search Results for: generation z

The link between wellbeing and green design is driving material innovation

The link between wellbeing and green design is driving material innovation

wellbeing and green building designOne of the most interesting developments in the way we talk about the design of buildings in recent years is how the issue of wellbeing has found an overlap with environmental concerns. We know instinctively that these are natural partners. What is good for the environment almost always has a direct beneficial effect on people’s physical and mental health, as well as their productivity. More →

Quarter of Brits addicted to checking work emails when on their phones

Quarter of Brits addicted to checking work emails when on their phones

emailsAlmost one year on and a third lockdown in, it seems the pandemic has Brits re-assessing and taking more control of their work-life balance, however not everyone seems to be so successful. A 2021 survey conducted by, claims 25 percent of the UK workforce still can’t keep themselves from checking work emails regularly when they’re on their phones. More →

Employment intentions at their strongest in a year

Employment intentions at their strongest in a year

employmentUK employers are reporting their strongest employment intentions in a year, the latest CIPD/Adecco Labour Market Outlook claims. The survey’s net employment intentions figure, which measures the difference between the proportion of employers expecting to add jobs and those planning to cut positions, rose to +11 this quarter – its highest in a year. This compares to -1 in the previous quarter. More →

Nearly half of young people put their career plans on hold due to pandemic

Nearly half of young people put their career plans on hold due to pandemic

careerMore than 40 percent of young people aged 16-24 surveyed in the UK say they are putting their career or education plans on hold until the pandemic is over. The research, commissioned by BAE Systems to mark National Apprenticeship Week (8-12 February), looks at the impact the pandemic has had on the ‘lost generation’ and their career aspirations. More →

Workplace things we have missed, and those we hope to regain

Workplace things we have missed, and those we hope to regain

return to the workplaceLet’s be honest, work life pre 2020 had its flaws, whilst the longing for variety of scenery, change of pace and even a train journey (somewhere…ANYWHERE) would be welcomed by many of us right now, many of us had become a bit ‘hamster wheel’ in our approach. Commuting was stressful, expensive and time hungry; our natural and individual rhythms squeezed into a set 9-5 schedule and workplace design had become a bit ‘quantity over quality’ – desks have been reducing in size year upon year in order that capacity could be increased. We had reached a point at which everything was ripe for change but there was largely a resistance to both flexible working requests and embracing much of the technological advancements that were already at our fingertips. More →

Remote working affects both ends of the career ladder

Remote working affects both ends of the career ladder

remote workingWorking together in person has far-ranging benefits on everything from mental health to economic growth according to a new report by Landsec and written by IC&CO and Honeycomb Analytics. The report, In Person: why coming together for work matters, includes interviews with business leaders and analysis of recent data to delve into topics including the ability for leaders to lead and the younger generation’s capacity to learn whilst remote working. More →

Older executives are coping with WFH challenges better than younger leaders

Older executives are coping with WFH challenges better than younger leaders

executivesSenior executives aged 55+ have fared better than ‘millennial’ leaders (aged under 35) during the global pandemic. ABBYY’s COVID-19 Technology and Business Process Report claims that since the pandemic, executives of all ages have experienced huge challenges – in the UK alone, 81 percent of senior decision-makers struggled, particularly with collaborating with colleagues remotely (37 percent), motivation to work (29 percent) and productivity (26 percent). More →

GoSpace AI teams up with JLL to deliver a revolutionary occupancy management solution

GoSpace AI teams up with JLL to deliver a revolutionary occupancy management solution

GoSpace AI and JLL, a services firm specialising in real estate and investment management, are joining forces to transform how occupancy is supported in the post-pandemic, hybrid workplace. More →

Working from home spells trouble for the careers of younger workers

Working from home spells trouble for the careers of younger workers

working from homeLockdown meant that the choice to work from home was made for us. However, for many the decision to continue to do so post-lockdown will be a personal choice. The question we should all ask ourselves is, whether when we are outside of any lockdown restrictions, is working from home really a workplace revolution or simply an act of selfishness? For thousands of workers who’ve spent years of their lives commuting to offices that feel more like soul-less factories than inspiring and engaging workplaces, it’s no wonder that enforced work from home has proven popular. More →

Philanthrocapitalism: a century-old concept for the modern age

Philanthrocapitalism: a century-old concept for the modern age

philanthrocapitalismPhilanthrocapitalism is a term that’s only 15 years old. A modern concept for the modern age. Or is it? In the late 1800s, George Cadbury bought a plot of land five miles south of Birmingham to relocate his factory and expand his chocolate empire. But greater levels of chocolate production weren’t his only concern; he also built an entire village to accommodate the new factory’s workforce. The plan was for this village – called Bournville, which now shares its name with the brand’s famous dark chocolate – to “alleviate the evils of modern, more cramped living conditions”. Port Sunlight, built on the Wirral Peninsula by the Lever Brothers, whose manufacturing company is now part of Unilever, offers up a similar story. More →

Homeworkers “at risk” unless employers recognise duty of care

Homeworkers “at risk” unless employers recognise duty of care

homeworkersA new generation of long-term homeworkers created by COVID-19 is at risk physically and mentally through inadequate employer support, claims research by EIZO. Employees are already feeling the negative effects of a home environment, often ill-equipped for the working day and EIZO warns there may be a rise in ‘Homeworking LOSERS’, or ‘Laptops On Sofas and Employment Rights Shelved’. More →

First platinum certified smart building awarded to EDGE Olympic Amsterdam

First platinum certified smart building awarded to EDGE Olympic Amsterdam

Smart Building Certification, the organisation behind the smart accreditation, awarded its first platinum building. The founders of Smart Building Certification handed the first official platinum certification over to Coen van Oostrom, Founder and CEO of EDGE. More →