Search Results for: management

Flexible working boosts applications for senior positions from women

Flexible working boosts applications for senior positions from women

flexible workingA new study by Zurich UK, claims employers who embrace the flexible working revolution post Covid-19 could boost applications for senior positions from women by 20 percent. The data, which is part of a wider study carried out by the government-backed Behavioural Insights Team, claims that applications from women for management roles surged by a fifth after it promoted its own flexible working hours. More →

Missing that spark? The new hybrid working world

Missing that spark? The new hybrid working world

hybridA new survey by Actus, has uncovered a number of prevailing concerns for employees. These centre around lack of opportunities to collaborate, connect and learn as informal face-to-face interactions are restricted due to Covid-19 enforced hybrid working. More →

Top priority for HR leaders in 2021: building critical skills

Top priority for HR leaders in 2021: building critical skills

priorityGartner, Inc.’s 2021 HR Priorities Survey of more than 750 HR leaders claims that 68 percent of respondents cited building critical skills and competencies as their number one priority in 2021. The survey, conducted from June through August 2020, claims the other top HR priorities for 2021 are: organisational design and change management (46 percent), current and future leadership bench (44 percent), the future of work (32 percent) and employee experience (28 percent). More →

How to manage workplace capacity in 2020

How to manage workplace capacity in 2020

The pandemic has totally shattered workplace norms, so it’s going to take a while before we see organizations returning to work at full capacity. When it does happen, it will require extensive planning and constantly evolving styles of people management. In addition to the logistics of phasing people back into the office and staggering shifts, you’ll need to work with your team to address their anxieties and make sure they feel comfortable in their environment. More →

Designing your employee financial wellness program

Designing your employee financial wellness program

For a lot of employers, the idea of an employee financial wellness program can be something of an afterthought. That is, beyond providing fair pay and a clear policy regarding taxation and benefits, it can seem unnecessary to take any other action regarding employee finances. What’s becoming more and more apparent, however, is that employers do need to take a more active approach toward implementing employee financial wellness programs. More →

Self-confidence vs resilience: What makes entrepreneurs thrive?

Self-confidence vs resilience: What makes entrepreneurs thrive?

entrepreneursIn times of economic stability, entrepreneurs who exude self-confidence are the most likely to thrive. However, when faced with unstable and adverse economic conditions, those entrepreneurs who possess greater resilience are most likely to come out on top, according to new research from Durham University Business School. More →

What Carl Sagan could teach us about knowledge and information

What Carl Sagan could teach us about knowledge and information

Unbelievably for those of us who saw him as a personal hero, yesterday marked the 24th anniversary of the death of Carl Sagan. At the time of his death in 1996, the Internet was very much in its infancy but Sagan could see what was coming, including how we need to filter what is valuable from the deluge of information we now bob around in. Sagan put it like this: “all of the books in the world contain no more information than is broadcast as video in a single large American city in a single year. Not all bits have equal value.” More →

November lockdown reignites concerns about mental health and productivity

November lockdown reignites concerns about mental health and productivity

ProductivityA vast majority of managers (75 percent) faced challenges with employees when working remotely, causing concerns within businesses preparing for the second UK lockdown. More →

Leadership in a new age of virtuality

Leadership in a new age of virtuality

workplace leadershipWe are living through a fundamental transformation in the way we work. The pandemic has forced organisations to go virtual. New government guidelines, including a tiered alert system, suggest that this will be the norm for the foreseeable future. But step back from the noise and it is easy to see how the current crisis is simply accelerating the inevitable. A confluence of forces, including advancements in technology and infrastructure, increasing globalisation, shifting demographics and COVID-19, has enabled greater connectivity and mobility, making obvious to organisations, their leadership and individuals the wisdom of adopting flexible work models. More →

Presenteeism pressure endures, despite rise in flexible working

Presenteeism pressure endures, despite rise in flexible working

PresenteeismWorkers are feeling compelled to demonstrate presenteeism and availability to employers in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, claims a new global study from the ADP Research Institute. This is despite a rise in flexible working, with the percentage of organisations who have official flexible working policies nearly doubling compared to before the pandemic. More →

Upskilling opportunities during lockdown: UK employers miss the mark

Upskilling opportunities during lockdown: UK employers miss the mark

UpskillingAccording to new research from Pluralsight, Inc. (NASDAQ: PS), the technology skills and engineering management platform, 43 percent of UK office workers are worried they will be left behind as companies seek new skills to cope with the rapid pace of change. Yet, despite these upskilling concerns, 47 percent have neglected learning any new skills since the lockdown began in the UK on March 23rd. More →

Should employers require people to use the NHS COVID-19 App when at work?

Should employers require people to use the NHS COVID-19 App when at work?

The NHS COVID-19 App was introduced on 24 September. Many welcome its arrival as another step to contain the spread of COVID-19. Others are concerned about using the app for data and privacy reasons. Employers face a dilemma. It is not mandatory for staff to use the app. Employers can do nothing and leave the choice to download to the employee or express a view about whether the app should or should not be used in the workplace. This is particularly relevant for those businesses who provide work devices. More →