Search Results for: technology

Employees want greater ownership in the new world of work

Employees want greater ownership in the new world of work

employeesWorking from home may have been an adjustment at the start of the pandemic lockdown, but according to Cisco’s Workforce of the Future survey, UK employees want to keep hold of many positives that emerged in our new way of working. Increased autonomy (66 percent) and working well as a dispersed team (65 percent) are two main benefits; plus 60 percent want to keep hold of faster decision-making. More →

HR Directors worry about delivering a consistent employee experience

HR Directors worry about delivering a consistent employee experience

employee experienceNew research by Applaud, claims that 45 percent of HR Directors (HRDs) think the biggest challenge of delivering a good employee experience in the next six months will be making sure that all employees are receiving a consistent experience, regardless of whether they’re remote or office based. More →

Younger people most affected by disconnect of remote work

Younger people most affected by disconnect of remote work

remote work and the officeOver a third of younger office workers forced to work from home feel remote, unfocused and less committed to their employers, posing a real threat to businesses in the medium and long term, new research from Oktra claims. Of 1,500 people surveyed, who used to work in an office full time but have been working at home for the last six months, the experience has changed the way that 71 percent of them feel about their employer; 85 percent have struggled with the experience of remote work. More →

Employees want to see a redesign for better hybrid meetings

Employees want to see a redesign for better hybrid meetings

hybridA new global study by Barco ClickShare claims that employees worldwide are desperate to get back to the office and are looking for their employers to invest in a technology-driven hybrid working environment post-COVID-19. The study, which surveyed 1,750 employees around the world through global research panel provider Dynata – claims that only 15 percent of employees want to continue to work from home full-time after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. More →

Half of Brits would resign if forced to return to the office during the pandemic

Half of Brits would resign if forced to return to the office during the pandemic

pandemicWith current government advice encouraging all those who can work from home to do so, it’s no surprise that Britain’s businesses and employees are navigating a new normal. New research from Owl Labs, sheds light on Britain’s attitudes to work during, and after, a Global Pandemic. More →

Majority of U.S. employees fear returning to the workplace amid COVID-19

Majority of U.S. employees fear returning to the workplace amid COVID-19

workplaceEnvoy has released results from its Protecting the Workplace study, which claims that 73 percent of U.S. employees fear a return to the workplace could pose a risk to their personal health and safety. While a majority of employees say they do want to return to the workplace once COVID restrictions are lifted, 75 percent said they would consider quitting their job if they felt their employers’ actions to prevent COVID-19 were inadequate or inappropriate. More →

Uncompetitive companies pose threat to future prosperity

Uncompetitive companies pose threat to future prosperity

uncompetitive companiesA new model of competitiveness devised by academics at Goldsmiths, University of London in partnership with Microsoft scores almost half (46 percent) of UK firms in the lowest quadrant, posing a threat to Britain’s prosperity as organisations rally from the impact of COVID-19, and prepare for Brexit as UK-EU negotiations reach their conclusion that such uncompetitive companies pose a serious threat to the country’s future prosperity . More →

Flexible working is here to stay as organisations recognise effect on productivity

Flexible working is here to stay as organisations recognise effect on productivity

flexible workingTo mark the start of National Work Life Week, work-life balance charity Working Families has launched the results of a survey of employers who have invested in creating family-friendly workplaces with flexible working. Reflecting the views of 26 Working Families employer members, the survey gives a snapshot of employer best practice during the pandemic, showing how organisations have risen to the challenge of supporting their staff. More →

Edinburgh sets out bold new smart city strategy

Edinburgh sets out bold new smart city strategy

The City of Edinburgh Council has adopted a new digital strategy to push forward its ambitions for becoming a sustainable Smart City. The Digital and Smart City strategy – which sets out principles for how the Council’s future technology services should be designed, sourced and delivered over the next three years – was unanimously approved by members of the Policy and Sustainability Committee.

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Home workers in America spend four percent of their week resolving tech issues

Home workers in America spend four percent of their week resolving tech issues

Home workersThere are some good things about working in an office. Constant supplies of tea and coffee (if you’re lucky), gossip with your co-workers, and paper clips in every colour. But one of the best things has to be that when something goes wrong with your computer, the in-house IT helpdesk will have it sorted out quicker than you can say ‘so which buttons do you want me to press?!’ However, home workers don’t have this luxury. More →

New Union Park data centre offers a digital update for Hayes

New Union Park data centre offers a digital update for Hayes

Hayes data centreBruceshaw has been appointed by Ark Data Centres as Project Manager and Cost Manager on its Union Park project, a new data centre campus on the Bull’s Bridge Industrial Estate in Hayes, London. With consumers, businesses and the public sector becoming increasingly reliant on the digital economy, the demand for data centres continues to grow. The project promises to use the latest sustainable technology and invest substantially in ecological improvements to deliver a scheme which responds efficiently to the needs of Hillingdon Council and its residents. More →

The workplace has reached an inflection point as it adjusts to new realities

The workplace has reached an inflection point as it adjusts to new realities

workplaceWe can confidently say this is a new era for the workplace. Covid-19 has forced a radical rethink about the purpose of the office and its role in reaffirming company culture. Enlightened property directors are resisting knee-jerk responses to predictions that Covid spells the demise of the office including the wholesale migration to home-working. Instead, they are challenging plans to dramatically downsize the workplace and corporate real estate. They are also acutely aware that distancing, transmission and sanitisation are here for the long-haul. This will continue to have a profound impact on occupancy levels and the interactions that are necessary for business success. More →