Search Results for: covid-19

IT decision-makers back transition to hybrid workforce

IT decision-makers back transition to hybrid workforce

Hybrid workforceNew research conducted on behalf of eFax by independent research organisation Vanson Bourne, claims that the majority, more than three quarters (76 percent) of UK IT decision-makers believe their organisations could have made the transition to a hybrid workforce sooner, if they were aware of the pros and cons of moving to a hybrid working model, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic began. More →

Human error has posed cybersecurity challenges during the pandemic

Human error has posed cybersecurity challenges during the pandemic

cybersecurity80 percent of companies say that an increased cybersecurity risk caused by human factors has posed a challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in times of heightened stress. This is according to Cyberchology: The Human Element, a new report that explores the role employees and their personality play in keeping organisations safe from cyber threats. More →

Leadership in a new age of virtuality

Leadership in a new age of virtuality

workplace leadershipWe are living through a fundamental transformation in the way we work. The pandemic has forced organisations to go virtual. New government guidelines, including a tiered alert system, suggest that this will be the norm for the foreseeable future. But step back from the noise and it is easy to see how the current crisis is simply accelerating the inevitable. A confluence of forces, including advancements in technology and infrastructure, increasing globalisation, shifting demographics and COVID-19, has enabled greater connectivity and mobility, making obvious to organisations, their leadership and individuals the wisdom of adopting flexible work models. More →

Pick Everard reveals new bespoke HQ office space

Pick Everard reveals new bespoke HQ office space

Independent property, construction and infrastructure consultancy Pick Everard has unveiled its new-look head office following an extensive refurbishment led by its recently established in-house interior design team. More →

Presenteeism pressure endures, despite rise in flexible working

Presenteeism pressure endures, despite rise in flexible working

PresenteeismWorkers are feeling compelled to demonstrate presenteeism and availability to employers in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, claims a new global study from the ADP Research Institute. This is despite a rise in flexible working, with the percentage of organisations who have official flexible working policies nearly doubling compared to before the pandemic. More →

Fear of job loss is making workers less open about mental health

Fear of job loss is making workers less open about mental health

mental healthWorkers have become less open about their mental health struggles since the coronavirus outbreak because of fears they could lose their jobs if they speak up, claims new research from the Enterprise Research Centre. More →

UK tech skills gap set to narrow as half of UK workers consider a career change

UK tech skills gap set to narrow as half of UK workers consider a career change

Tech skillsNew research from CWJobs claims the UK tech skills gap is set to narrow. Surveying over 2,000 professionals, comprising of 1,120 tech workers and 1,026 non-tech workers, the report suggests that over half (55 percent) of non-tech workers contemplating a career change have considered or have begun the process of moving into a tech-based role, with almost one in 10 (8 percent) having already made the move. More →

New Framework to drive a healthier and more equitable built environment

New Framework to drive a healthier and more equitable built environment

FrameworkAfter a multi-year global consultation, the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) launches the Health & Wellbeing Framework — a comprehensive educational tool for a healthy and equitable built environment. With the COVID-19 pandemic bringing the link between the built environment and human health into focus, the Framework’s six principles span indoor air quality, human rights in the supply chain, climate change resilience and more. More →

Government urged to give regions greater power over skills and employment

Government urged to give regions greater power over skills and employment

The Government must give UK regional economies greater autonomy over skills and employment to develop grassroot recovery strategies – or risk levelling down the chances of millions, according to a new report published by City & Guilds Group. More →

Employees are twice as motivated and productive if they’re resilient

Employees are twice as motivated and productive if they’re resilient

ResilientAon plc, has released new research that highlights the impact on employee motivation and productivity if they are resilient. The data, gained across five European countries, including the UK, claims that employees are nearly twice as likely to be motivated and therefore productive, if they are resilient. More →

Organisations shift attitudes on meeting costs of home office setup

Organisations shift attitudes on meeting costs of home office setup

home officeEighty-two percent of US based employers now believe the organisation should absorb the cost of a home office setup for employees that work from home full-time. This is a dramatic increase over those who did so before COVID-19. These and other findings from The Future of Home Office Cost Sharing survey from Global Workplace Analytics and Design Public Group, will lead to profound changes in how companies procure and distribute technology and furniture, budget for workplaces, attract and retain talent, and manage safety risk, according to the report’s authors. More →

Oslo tops list of cities with the best work-life balance

Oslo tops list of cities with the best work-life balance

work-life balanceCloud-based access control company Kisi has released their 2020 work-life balance city index, highlighting how major cities from the 2019 edition have since been impacted by the global pandemic. While every city in the index suffered economic, social and structural consequences, the results of this year’s edition claim that having a safety net in place for workers made a large difference in how a city navigated the crisis. More →