Search Results for: remote work

Flexible working valued at equivalent of £4,000 a year, say workers

Flexible working valued at equivalent of £4,000 a year, say workers

attitudes to flexible workingUK office workers would need a £4,000 salary bump to tempt them back to the office full-time. This is according to new research released today by Locatee – a workspace occupancy and analytics provider. Commissioned by YouGov, the Locatee research explores more than 1,000 UK office workers’ attitudes towards remote and flexible working, and the effects on job satisfaction, productivity, and security.  More →

European workers positive about post pandemic partial move back to the office

European workers positive about post pandemic partial move back to the office

europeanWith much of Europe having worked remotely for over a year and many continuing to do so for the foreseeable future, new insights from Sharp, claims that there is a significant appetite among European workers to return to the office for some of the working week. More →

UK workers hesitant to return to the office

UK workers hesitant to return to the office

workersNew research commissioned by Kadence claims that despite restrictions being lifted, office workers in the UK are resistant to a full-time office return. The survey of 1,500 UK and US office workers claims that over half of British workers (55 percent) still expect to spend fewer days in the office per week, with more than a third wanting to come and go as they please (35 percent). More →

Majority of organisations are still developing a workplace strategy

Majority of organisations are still developing a workplace strategy

organisationsAccording to a new survey from XpertHR, 70 percent of organisations are still actively planning or considering permanent changes to where employees carry out their work as lockdown restrictions are lifted. Fewer than one in 20 (4 percent) are not contemplating any changes. More →

Over two thirds of office workers dread speaking to their IT department

Over two thirds of office workers dread speaking to their IT department

ITResearch by Velocity Smart Technology, investigating how IT departments are coping with a move to remote working, claims that almost half (45 percent) of office workers have had to wait longer for an issue to be resolved whilst working from home – with 73 percent going on to say they have had to wait up to an extra five hours for an issue to be fixed. More →

British workers have picked up at least two new career driven rituals during lockdown

British workers have picked up at least two new career driven rituals during lockdown

BritishAdditional time on people’s hands as a result of the pandemic has prompted the average British worker to pick up a range of good habits for their careers, according to a new study by Hitachi Capital Business Finance. More →

Working from home during pandemic has taken toll on mental health

Working from home during pandemic has taken toll on mental health

working from home

New research by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) claims there are links between working from home during the pandemic and increased levels of loneliness and mental distress. NatCen analysed data from interviews carried out with 8,675 people before the pandemic and in May, July and November 2020 for the Understanding Society COVID-19 survey. More →

If you’re certain about the changing world of work, you’re certainly wrong

If you’re certain about the changing world of work, you’re certainly wrong

world of workIf you click on the first link in any article on Wikipedia and keep repeating the process, eventually you will land on the Philosophy page. Or you will 97 percent of the time, according to Wikipedia itself. There’s a dry explanation for this involving the site’s classification system, as explained by the mathematician Hannah Fry here. But there’s a more poetic explanation that I prefer. That every subject leads back to a consideration of ourselves, our lives and our place in the world. Anthropocentric maybe, but then again, the proper study of mankind is man. More →

Employers must do more to address flexible working inequality

Employers must do more to address flexible working inequality

flexible workingThe CIPD is warning of the risks of potentially creating a two-tier workforce after its analysis of official data claims the use of different flexible working arrangements is unequal across the UK – with some areas exposed as ‘flexible working notspots’. More →

The new era of flexible working and knowing when to lie flat

The new era of flexible working and knowing when to lie flat

flexible working and knowing when to lie flatWhen people first started working from home in large numbers for the first time in the Spring of 2020, one of the most talked about issues was how the productivity of most stayed the same or improved. This shouldn’t have been that surprising given all that we have learned about remote and flexible working over the years, but it certainly drove the debate for a while. More →

Gen Z reject ‘right to work from home’ proposal

Gen Z reject ‘right to work from home’ proposal

Gen ZAmid news that the UK government is mulling plans to grant Brits the right to work from home permanently, a new Clockwise survey claims that a majority of Gen Z workers would in fact prefer to work from an office. More →

UK employees working £4.2 billion unpaid overtime every week

UK employees working £4.2 billion unpaid overtime every week

unpaid overtimeThe amount of unpaid overtime that workers around the world are doing has soared in the past year; unpaid overtime in the UK has steadily risen from six hours in 2019 to seven hours in 2020 in the advent of COVID-19, to almost eight hours in 2021, claims a new study by the ADP Research Institute, People at Work 2021: A Global Workforce View. More →