Search Results for: workplace

Seven ways to make your office work for different workstyles

Seven ways to make your office work for different workstyles 0

Tripadviser2The conversation around office space is shifting. Baby Boomers brought us cubicles, and as millennials joined the workforce, so did the trend of a collaborative, open office. Now, as Generation Z begins to make its way into the workforce, it’s more important than ever to make sure that your office appeals to all generations, and more importantly, all work styles. This trend is taking off in companies of all sizes and types. To begin, study the culture, brand, demographics and interactions of employees and you’ll find that people want to move throughout the day and change their work setting based on tasks. This can be applied to all organizations on different scales. Providing the right environment for unique tasks has the power to energize teams, reinforce the culture and allow for serendipitous interactions all at once.

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Small businesses vital for cities, but London SMEs struggle with property costs

Small businesses vital for cities, but London SMEs struggle with property costs 0

London Technology WeekTwo new surveys demonstrate that while small firms in creative sectors are essential for the economic success of the UK’s cities, many small businesses are struggling to find appropriate and well-priced office space in London and are now calling on the incoming new Mayor of London to address the issue as a matter of  urgency. While a report  from the Centre for Cities shows how small businesses in the creative, professional and digital sectors drive job growth, productivity and average wages in ten key UK cities, the study by the Federation of Small Businesses claims that the cost of commercial property remains one of the most pressing concerns for many SMEs based in London. The FSB study also found that the cost of living in London was also a concern for small employers in the capital, with many claiming it makes it incredibly hard to attract and retain employees.

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Far fewer working women than men receive an annual bonus

Far fewer working women than men receive an annual bonus 0

Bonus pay for women

Nearly three quarters of the UK’s working women don’t receive any form of annual bonus. Glassdoor’s latest UK Employment Confidence Survey  found that only 29 percent of women at work receive a bonus, compared to 44 percent of men, which presumably is one reason why 44 percent of men remain positive about the outlook for their employer as opposed to just one in three women. The survey, which is carried out twice a year, also found that over the last six months, nearly half of all businesses in the UK that had made negative changes in the workplace (49 percent) had made employees redundant/and or communicated plans to implement further redundancies. The result is that nearly a third of employees (32 percent) are concerned that they will be made redundant over the next six months, up from 21 percent from the beginning of last year.

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Majority of US workers keep relationship with boss strictly professional

Majority of US workers keep relationship with boss strictly professional 0

Majority of US workers keep relationship with boss strictly professionalNearly three-fourths (74 percent) of US employees consider their relationship with their boss to be excellent or good. However, for many employees, that relationship does not extend out of the office. According to staffing company Spherion’s “WorkSphere” survey, American workers who have a boss are split on whether they consider him or her a friend — 49 percent say yes, while 51 percent say no. And, while 82 percent of employees who have a boss report socializing with him or her during work hours or at work-related events, fewer than half of these workers (46 percent) ever see their boss outside of the office, and 41 percent consider their relationship exclusively professional. However, nearly one in five (18 percent) are connected on their personal social media channels; with nearly twice as many workers ages 18-44 (23 percent) engaging with their bosses in this manner than workers ages 45-54 (12 percent).

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Insight briefing + Changing face of office design + Global cities

Insight briefing + Changing face of office design + Global cities 0

Insight_twitter_logo_2This week’s newsletter features our first Insight Briefing, produced in partnership with Connection, which looks at agile working in the public sector. Adrian Campbell says office design needs the direct contribution of its most important influencer, the end user; and Mark Eltringham welcomes a new report that debunks the belief that ‘sitting is the new smoking’. Demand for flexible co-working space looks set to soar; investment in commercial property is at its highest level worldwide since 2008, and businesses continue to find the creation of a productive workplace challenging. Sydney leads the world in Activity Based Working according to the Global Cities report; and working parents in the US are reluctant to let employers know how stressed they really are. Visit our new events page, subscribe for free quarterly issues of Work&Place and weekly news here. And follow us on Twitter and join our LinkedIn Group to discuss these and other stories.

Sydney leads the way in activity-based working finds global cities report

Sydney leads the way in activity-based working finds global cities report 0

hub-city-sydneyIf employers want to attract the best, they need to create spaces where their staff want to work, because providing an inspiring and enjoyable office is now the most critical, cost-effective way to successfully attract the world’s most talented employees. Knight Frank’s Global Cities: The 2016 Report highlights a shift in thinking by the newest generation of workers who expect the same kind of environment which historically, was the preserve of technology and media firms. This new office combines collaborative spaces with individual work areas, as well as providing amenities that encourage people to think of work as an extension of home. Sydney is leading the way with just under a third (28 percent) of all offices already offering activity-based working (ABW) for employees, where the workspace is specifically designed to suit the whole range of activities which will be accommodated.

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M25 office sector has fastest rate of rental growth in fifteen years

M25 office sector has fastest rate of rental growth in fifteen years 0

London M25The Outer London/M25 Office sector, known as the ‘doughnut’ has recorded the highest rental growth since 2000 according to the latest CBRE Monthly index. Rental values for offices in the ‘doughnut’ grew by 1.0 percent in the last month, the fastest monthly rate since July 2000 (1.4 percent) and growth of 4.2 percent since January. Central London offices also recorded rental value growth of 1.0 percent however, which is the fourth time growth in the capital has reached this mark in this calendar year. Central London rental values have risen by 7.1 percent in 2015 with offices in the West End and City having the biggest impact. The rest of UK slowed marginally from 0.5 percent in August to 0.4% in September, but due to London’s strength, UK wide office rents are now growing at a 7.4 percent, their fastest annual rate since March 2008, and a post recessionary high for the sector.

New research uncovers hours lost due to bad tech, meetings and distractions

New research uncovers hours lost due to bad tech, meetings and distractions 0

CaptureAccording to the Productivity at the Office report published this week by comms firm Jabra, UK businesses are continuing to find the creation of a productive workplace challenging.  According to the study, although businesses are investing proactively in time and tools for skilled professional office-based staff to effectively collaborate and concentrate with each other, employees continue to face up to 17 different distractions throughout each working day, attend unproductive meetings and struggle to use technology that was originally intended to improve productivity. Amongst the key findings of the report are that 36 percent of respondents think office meetings diminish productivity, 46 percent think noise levels are the most distracting issue in the office and 28 percent are annoyed by too many emails, though 78 percent would rather send an email than make a call to resolve an issue.

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SMEs appreciate flexibility and freedom of running their own business

SMEs appreciate flexibility and freedom of running their own business 0

RICS launches guidance for small businesses on managing propertyThe latest ONS employment figures indicate that the boom in self-employment appears to have ended, as the number of self-employed people has fallen for the first time since before the recession. Yet those who’ve successfully started their own businesses have something to celebrate. According to a report from AXA PPP, SME owners appreciate the greater flexibility (58 percent) and the greater freedom (37 percent) that owning a business gives them. Seventy per cent of owners also said they are proud, inspired, content or fortunate to own their own business, highlighting the positive effects that having control over your working life can bring. More than a third (35 percent) admitted they could delegate more to improve the way they manage their business – with nearly half (47 percent) of business owners reporting that the pressure of work spills over into their home life.

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Sitting down is no worse than standing for long periods, claims new study

Sitting down is no worse than standing for long periods, claims new study 0

Outstanding Landscape of Affordances 3As we’ve always argued, the now commonly parroted idea that ‘sitting is the new smoking’ is extremely dubious and has led to a degree of hysteria about the effects of sedentary work and the substitution of one harmful extreme for another. Now a new peer reviewed study from researchers in the UK and Australia confirms earlier findings that suggest that what is important is not posture or position, but movement. The study of 5,000 civil servants over a 16 year period was carried out by researchers from the University of Exeter, University College London, and the University of Sydney (Australia) and funded by organisations, such as the British Heart Foundation, Stroke Association, the National Heart and Lung Institute, and the National Institute on Aging. It concludes that ‘no associations were observed between any of the five sitting indicators and mortality risk’.

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Workspace shortage as office to residential rights made permanent

Workspace shortage as office to residential rights made permanent 0

workplace designThe British Council for Offices (BCO) has warned that the UK needs to avoid a free-for-all following the government’s announcement it is to make permanent the relaxation of planning rules on the conversion of office to residential properties. According to recent BCO research, changes to the Permitted Development Right for office to residential conversion led to over 6 million sq ft of office space in England being converted to residential use in 2014. Some of the most concentrated commercial property markets have been significantly affected by this. In London, office to residential conversions are now occurring at a faster pace than ever before with 2.7 million sq feet of office space lost to residential conversions since May 2013. London Assembly Member Nicky Gavron questioned the decision to extend the scheme saying that it will reduce the availability of affordable workspace required by start-ups and small businesses in the capital.

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Small business demand for coworking space ‘set to soar’ in the UK

Small business demand for coworking space ‘set to soar’ in the UK 0

Edinburgh coworkingNew research from the UK solicitors network QualitySolicitors claims that demand for flexible coworking space is set to soar, with 71 percent of SMEs predicting this to be a priority for them in the short and medium term. According to the study of 250 small business decision makers, over two fifths (42 percent) believe that having a flexible and adaptable space where they can grow is ‘more important’, almost a fifth (18 percent) say it’s important to be able to interact and collaborate on ideas with other businesses in their premises and a further 39 percent are looking for a workspace with networking opportunities. It’s not just the space that needs to be flexible however; over half (54 percent) claim they want flexible, short term lets when negotiating their lease and 53 percent would demand a break clause to prevent them from being tied down if the space is no longer practical for their business.

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