Search Results for: flex

Artificial Intelligence is critical enabler of the energy transition

Artificial Intelligence is critical enabler of the energy transition

artificial intelligenceThe World Economic Forum has published a new study on how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to accelerate a more equitable energy transition and build trust for the technology throughout the industry. As the impacts of climate change become more visible worldwide, governments and industry face the urgent challenge of transitioning to a low-carbon global energy system. More →

Growing health concerns and preference for hybrid work among US employees

Growing health concerns and preference for hybrid work among US employees

employeesEnvoy has released the results from its latest Return to Work report that gauges sentiment among 1,000 US employees who have returned to the workplace within the past year. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, many companies are wrestling with the decision to postpone reopenings, even as scores of office workers are already back in the workplace. More →

Working from home: how far we’ve come and where we might be headed

Working from home: how far we’ve come and where we might be headed

working from home furnitureWe’ve all learnt a great deal about working from home over the past eighteen months. We’ve seen how for some, it can be incredibly beneficial to employees, enabling them to better balance their work and personal lives and can also benefit the company, enabling business as usual during the Covid-19 pandemic, even improving efficiency. It’s also prompted some important conversations about mental health that simply hadn’t been had, normalising the challenges that we all face, especially during lockdowns. More →

Working from home could help older workers stay in work longer

Working from home could help older workers stay in work longer

working from home setupOlder workers might choose to delay their retirement if offered the option of continuing to do their jobs working from home after the pandemic, according to new research from the UK’s Office for National Statistics. The ONS study found those in their 50s and 60s who worked from home during the coronavirus crisis said they were planning to retire later than those who were still travelling to their workplace. More →

Over half of UK employers say their staff work additional unpaid hours every day

Over half of UK employers say their staff work additional unpaid hours every day

unpaid hoursIn its latest whitepaper, Cendex, part of XpertHR, claims that staff at over half (53 percent) of UK organisations are working additional unpaid hours every day. A quarter (24 percent) of employers put this down to the pandemic and its resultant uptick in remote working, as they believe working from home blurs the line between work life and home life. More →

Hybrid is most popular working set-up, but most would rather be full-time in workplace

Hybrid is most popular working set-up, but most would rather be full-time in workplace

hybrid‘Hybrid’ is the ideal working environment among Brits today, but twice as many workers would like to be 100 percent office-based than work permanently from home, according to the latest research from LifeSearch. More →

Nearly half of British business leaders fear losing the UK’s best talent abroad

Nearly half of British business leaders fear losing the UK’s best talent abroad

businessMovePlan in partnership with Hanson Search, claims that 40 percent of business leaders fear that the combination of the pandemic and Brexit will see their best talent disappear abroad, making hiring more challenging, just as the country begins to return to the ‘new normal’. More →

Workplace technology helped meet short term lockdown challenges, but its real impact is yet to come

Workplace technology helped meet short term lockdown challenges, but its real impact is yet to come

the future of workplace technologyThinking back to the fast pace of life 18 months ago, the working day looked very different. COVID-19 forced a significant adjustment in how many workforces operate, including the enforced use of multiple workplace technology tools to collaborate. How will our use of collaboration tools change as we go through pandemic recovery? How can businesses ensure they continue to transform their workflows in a way that gives them maximum efficiency and productivity? More →

Security careers come in many forms, but all are rewarding and challenging

Security careers come in many forms, but all are rewarding and challenging

security careersAre you considering a change in career paths? One sector that you may wish to strongly consider is the security industry. Whether a retail store, office block, or nightlife venue, most businesses will usually require security personnel. Therefore, this is an industry where there is always demand for new staff. Working in security careers can be thrilling, challenging and rewarding. There should be no doubting the fact that every day offers something completely different. Choosing a job that suits you is no simple decision with several different security career paths that you can go down.
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Right to disconnect should be enshrined in law, says report

Right to disconnect should be enshrined in law, says report

right to disconnectAn overtime “epidemic” driven by the rise in home working during the pandemic must be curtailed with new right to disconnect laws, according to a report from think-tank Autonomy. The authors claim that unpaid labour is a growing problem in the UK, exacerbated by home working during the pandemic. They say employees are frequently contacted by their employers after the working day has finished officially to complete tasks, which impacts their mental health. The report proposes draft legislation to implement a ‘right to disconnect’ based on French law, which ensures respect for employee rest periods and allows them to ignore work calls and emails outside of working hours. More →

Working culture for half of employees has deteriorated during the pandemic

Working culture for half of employees has deteriorated during the pandemic

working cultureNearly half (42 percent) of employees think the working culture of their organisation has deteriorated during the pandemic. That’s according to research by StaffCircle, which surveyed employees and HR leaders to determine the impact of the pandemic on company culture, engagement and communication. The survey identified the three Cs of COVID – culture, communication and churn – as the key challenges for businesses, with 42 percent of HR leaders saying that churn has increased since the ease of restrictions, and 30 percent of employees more likely to leave jobs post-pandemic. More →

Castaway workers have forgotten the art of small talk, getting dressed and colleagues’ names

Castaway workers have forgotten the art of small talk, getting dressed and colleagues’ names

castaway workersA third of UK workers admit they’ve forgotten the password to their computer, office entrance or locker, one in five workers have forgotten a colleague’s name or called them by the wrong name and say their small talk skills have been impacted by working from home. Those are some of the findings of a new report from Michael Page into the effects of a year and a half of lockdown and workplace disruption. More →